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Swat Fly facts

While investigating facts about Swat Fly, I found out little known, but curios details like:

One of Hitler's personal aides, Fritz Darges was fired and sent to the eastern front for refusing to swat a fly for Hitler, instead suggesting as it was airborne it was the Luftwaffe's job. He later became a car salesman.

A South Korean man committed a mass murder when his girlfriend woke him up trying to swat a fly on his chest while he was asleep

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 18 of the best facts about Swat Fly I managed to collect.

  1. Mad after being woken from having a fly swat on him, Woo Bum-kon began a massive killing spree. Woo went village to village shooting/grenading people (outside and in their houses) & took 3 hostages. At one point he killed a family of 12 after being invited for dinner. 56 killed & 35 injured.

  2. An elephant's penis is not only 6 feet long, but prehensile. A male elephant can use his penis to swat flies, scratch his belly, to balance like a third leg, and even to grasp onto things. It even does all the work during intercourse.

  3. If you swat a fly and there's a red smear, it's not blood, but actually the pigment from its eyes.

  4. It is so hard to swat a fly because they piece together images sent from their eyes to the brain, 250 times faster than humans.

  5. Flies avoid getting swatted the same way Keanu Reaves dodges bullets in The Matrix: by watching time pass slowly. "Animals smaller than us see the world in slo-mo. It seems to be almost a fact of life."

  6. House flies have superior eyesight compared to similar creatures, and are able to see everything in slow motion. This is why swatting them is so difficult compared to other insects.

  7. Small animals sense time slower than humans which is why flies are so adept at avoiding being swatted. Small-bodied animals with fast metabolic rates perceive more information in a unit of time meaning they experience action more slowly than large-bodied animals with slower metabolism

  8. The reason flies are so hard to swat is because they see the world in "slo-mo"!

swat fly facts
What are the best facts about Swat Fly?

What is true about swat fly?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

One of the Main Reasons Flies Are So Difficult to Swat is Because They Perceive Reality at Roughly 1/4 of the Speed of Humans. Meaning Flies See the World in Slow Motion. - source

It's hard to swat a fly because they see in slow motion.

Flies see things in slow motion, which is why it is so difficult to swat the little buggers. - source

The elephant penis, when erect, can weigh 66 pounds and be more than 3 feet long. It’s also prehensile, which means the elephant can move it around and even use it to scratch hard to reach places or even swat flies.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Swat Fly. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Swat Fly so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor