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Swam Shore facts

While investigating facts about Has Anyone Swam From Alcatraz To Shore and Football Player Swam To Shore, I found out little known, but curios details like:

John Capes. In WWII when his submarine sank he swam 170 ft to the surface and swam 5 miles to shore. He then hid from Italians for 18 months before escaping to Turkey.

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In 1919, a dog named Tang saved 92 people after their boat capsized in stormy seas. The dog jumped into the stormy seas with the boat's tow rope in his mouth and swam to shore where the rope was used to tow the boat in.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 15 of the best facts about Nfl Player Swam To Shore and She Swam To The Shore I managed to collect.

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  1. In 1951 a 21 year old Clint Eastwood was a passenger aboard a Douglas AD-1 bomber that ran out of fuel and ditched off the coast of California. He escaped serious injury and swam 3 miles to shore.

  2. Former Miami Dolphins Fullback Robert Konrad fell overboard from his 38-foot boat and swam for over 16 miles to shore overnight. Suffering from hypothermia once reaching shore, he said it was "bittersweet" because he had no strength to walk.

  3. Olympic wrestler Rulon Gardner survived when his plane crashed into Lake Powell. He swam an hour in 7 °C water to reach shore, and then spent the night without shelter.

  4. Clint Eastwood's plane crashed off the coast of San Francisco when he was returning from a tryst with a girlfriend in Seattle. He and the pilot swam two miles to shore.

  5. That, according to Plutarch, during the evacuation of Athens, dogs and cats were left behind. Pericles' father's dog, however, swam after the departing ships to Salamis, followed his owner on to shore, and then fainted and died.

  6. Clint Eastwood survived a plane crash, avoided jellyfish, and swam to shore before he became an actor.

  7. Rob Konrad, a former NFL linebacker who fell off his boat while fishing alone in the Atlantic Ocean and swam 9 miles to shore. It took him 16 hours.

  8. In 1951 Clint Eastwood survived a plane crash, then swam miles to shore using luminescent kelp as a guide.

  9. Clint Eastwood survived a plane crash, escaped sinking wreckage, then swam 2+ miles through Great White Shark Breeding Grounds to shore.

  10. Two survivors of a Soviet submarine disaster swam to shore, were they were arrested by military police.

swam shore facts
What are the best facts about Swam Shore?

Why can snakes swallow large prey?

You can easily fact check why do snakes swallow their prey whole by examining the linked well-known sources.

Rifleman Khan. During WW2, the boat Khan was in capsized during an assault. He swam to shore, then 200 yards back for another soldier who couldnt swim, dragging him back to solid ground before collapsing.

Traffic reporter Jane Dornacker's helicopter crashed into the Hackensack River and she and her pilot swam to shore unharmed. Six months later, she was killed in a second crash when her helicopter went into the Hudson during a live broadcast. - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Swam Shore. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Swam Shore so important!

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