Incredible and fun facts to explore

Super Saiyan facts

While investigating facts about Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan 4, I found out little known, but curios details like:

An 11 year old boy survived 400 bee stings by channeling adrenaline through his favourite anime Dragon Ball Z. He pretended to be Goku becoming a Super Saiyan.

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Reason for Super Saiyan golden hair transformation was because Akira Toriyama saved himself time by eliminating the need to color the Saiyan's hair black.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what super saiyan are you. Here are 13 of the best facts about Super Saiyan Blue and Super Saiyan Levels I managed to collect.

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  1. Sean Schemmel, the English voice actor for Goku in the Dragon Ball series once screamed so hard during a recording for a Super Saiyan 4 transformation that he passed out.

  2. Akira Toriyama, creator of Dragon Ball Z, never wrote down background notes for characters or for the series. In fact, he actually admitted forgetting there was a Super Saiyan 2, he drew Goku transforming straight from Super Saiyan 1 to 3.

  3. Akira Toriyama created the iconic Super Saiyan form in Dragon Ball Z because he was tired of inking in Goku's black hair

  4. The American voice actor for Dragonball’s Goku, Sean Schemmel, screamed so hard that he fainted in the recording booth. The scene that broke him: the transformation to Super Saiyan Level 4 in Dragonball GT

  5. Sean Schemmel, Goku's voice actor, passed out in the recording booth doing Goku's transformation to Super Saiyan 4.

  6. Akira Toriyama designed Dragon Ball's scenarios being destroyed and super saiyans being blonde in order to put less effort in inking and drawing.

  7. The Dragon Ball Z creators made Super Saiyans blond to save ink

  8. The reason why Super Saiyans in Dragonball Z are blonde because the artist didn't want to fill in their color and left their hair unfilled.

  9. Lions are Super Saiyans in reverse. Their manes lighten when they're weak or malnourished and darken the more powerful and vigorous they become. A dark mane state also taxes their body more due to heat.

  10. The American voice actor for Dragonball’s Goku, Sean Schemmel, screamed so hard that he fainted in the recording booth. The scene that broke him: The transformation to Super Saiyan 4 in Dragon Ball GT.

super saiyan facts
What super saiyan is broly?

Why super saiyan blue?

You can easily fact check why super saiyan rose by examining the linked well-known sources.

In Dragon Ball Z, Goku's fight with Frieza and his first transformation to Super Saiyan took place on Christmas Eve

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Super Saiyan. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Super Saiyan so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor