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Sums Money facts

While investigating facts about Sims Money Cheat and Attract Large Sums Money, I found out little known, but curios details like:

When the CEO of discount supermarket chain ALDI was kidnapped, he haggled about his ransom money and claimed the sum as a tax-deductable business expense in court after his release

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Northrop designed a cheap fighter that was so good, its considered one of the best fighters never to enter production. Despite not even entering service, it ended up saving the government huge sums of money because the existing competition dropped their prices to avoid letting it get any sales.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are sums of money that are given out for specific reasons. Here are 32 of the best facts about Word Sums Money and Transfer Large Sums Money I managed to collect.

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  1. The owners of the Titanic demanded huge sums of money at the time to return the bodies of ship's crew to their grieving families.

  2. The American government had a "Conscience Fund" where people could send money if they felt guilty. The largest sum ever received was from 1909 when someone mailed in $18,669 (US$ 490,000 in 2015)

  3. When Robert FitzRoy, whom Charles Darwin travelled with around the world and later vehemently opposed to Darwin's views on evolution, killed himself due to depression and money troubles, Darwin donated a sizable sum to FitzRoy's widowed family to ensure they would not fall on hard times.

  4. In South Korea to rent an apartment you have to pay lump sum up to 80% of the value of it. You then live "rent free" for two years, then get your money back.

  5. After the Great Fire of Rome during the reign of Nero, Lyons sent Rome a large sum of money to help. A year later, Lyons itself suffered a great fire, and Nero send them the same amount of money.

  6. Brooke Shields' father's family paid her mother a sum of money to abort her. Her mother took the money but refused to honor the agreement.

  7. There was a roman emperor who had been reported to be "delighted to be called the mistress, the wife, the queen of Hierocles", regularly wearing makeup and offering a vast sum of money to a physician capable of giving him a sex change

  8. In a case study patients were given an experimental drug to treat their Parkinsons disease, 11 of the patients experienced intense urges to gamble their money despite little interest in gambling before. Even losing large sums of money. All the patients stopped gambling when tapered off the meds.

  9. In 1948, the citizens of Nanking, including the mayor himself, raised a very large sum of money for John Rabe after learning that he was in poverty in occupied Germany, because of his efforts to stop the atrocities during the Nanking Massacre in 1937 within the Safety Zone.

  10. Wealthy Georgians would hire an eccentric hermit to live in caves on their estates. These hermits were often paid huge sums of money at the end of their seven year 'contracts'.

sums money facts
What to invest large sums of money in?

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You can easily fact check why is sumo wrestling important to japanese culture by examining the linked well-known sources.

There is a fetish known as "financial domination" where men transfer large sums of money to women over the internet - source

Of the £8,000 reward money for Ned Kelly's capture, 7 Aboriginal trackers were each awarded £50, but their money was given to state governments for safekeeping, the argument being, "It would not be desirable to place any considerable sum of money in the hands of persons unable to uses it." - source

In 1887 he inherited a large sum of money, which enabled him to spend time working on his writing career when he was older.

The Juilliard School for performing arts wasn't named after an actor or a playwright but a textile merchant. Augustus D. Juilliard donated a large sum of money which allowed the school to be established. - source

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Nicholas Sparks and his wife Cathy have donated large sums of money to charitable causes including The Epiphany School of Global Studies, and the Creative Writing Program at Notre Dame through internships and scholarships.

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When Julius Caesar was a young man, he was captured by pirates and ransomed. Insulted by the low sum of money they offered for him, he decided to crucify them for after being freed. After his friends paid his ransom, Caesar assembled a small army and captured the Pirates, then crucified them.

Roman Emperor Elagabalus was described as having been "delighted to be called the mistress, the wife, the queen of Hierocles" and was reported to have offered vast sums of money to any physician who could equip him with female genitalia.

Konto 5, a Nazi slush fund that bribed officers of the Wehrmacht with large sums of money and other benefits in exchange for loyalty and silence. Many senior officials in the military ended their criticisms of the Nazi's after they were threatened with being cut off from the fund.

Last year Atlanta Falcons QB Matt Ryan made more money than the collective sum of every CFL player.

Tesla said, "It is called organized warfare. When we consider the millions of individuals, often the ablest in mind and body, the flower of humanity, who are compelled to a life of inactivity and unproductiveness, the immense sums of money daily required for the maintenance of armies and war.."

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The UK freed their slaves in 1833, thirty-two years earlier than the US, and paid their slave owners lump sums of money.

The Nigerian prince / FIFA / Microsoft prize scams are types of an old con trick called Advance-Fee Scam where victim is promised a significant share of a large sum of money, in return for a small up-front payment

There are "pay toilets" all over Europe that require you to insert a sum of money to use

A Slovakian extreme right-winger was approached by the police because he donated money to a charity for disabled children. The reason? The sum was 1,488 Euros.

The genocidal violence against Jews during the middle ages was encouraged by Christian authorities so they could avoid repayment of massive debt to Jewish moneylenders. Only Jews were allowed to loan money in large sums and collect interest, often loaning to Catholic Bishops and Kings.

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The Roman emperor Elagabalus married a chariot racer and tried to have him declared Caesar. He was reported to have offered vast sums of money to any physician who could equip him with female genitalia.At the age of 18 he was assassinated by the royal gaurd and replaced with his cousin.

Steve Jobs and Apple would secretly donate huge sums of money to charity, including secretly being the largest donor to help stop AIDS in Africa. His family charity was set up as an LLC to keep the donations a secret from public records.

"Bundlers" raise “hard money” for political campaigns in individual checks that, under federal law, are limited to $2,700 apiece, while Super-PACs are permitted to raise sums from donations in unlimited amounts.

So called 419 scam is a form of advance-fee fraud similar to the Spanish Prisoner scam dating back to the late 18th century. The scam typically involves promising the victim a significant share of a large sum of money, which the fraudster requires a small up-front payment to obtain.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Sums Money. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Sums Money so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor