Summer Winter facts
While investigating facts about Summer Winter Autumn Spring and Summer Winter Lyrics, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Finland is the strictest country in the world in terms of driving lessons. There are lessons required regarding car maintenance and driving in icy conditions, with learners requiring a test in the summer and another one in the winter.
how long do winter tires last in summer?
That, since Romans used daylight and darkness to determine time, an hour was 45 minutes in the winter and 75 in the summer
What wears more clothing in summer than in winter?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what causes summer and winter. Here are 50 of the best facts about Summer Winter Scene and Summer Winter Autumn Spring Lyrics I managed to collect.
what lives in winter and dies in summer?
Ancient Romans didn't measure time in 60-minute hours. An hour was about 45 minutes in winter and 75 minutes in summer.
If Michael Phelps were a country he would be tied for 48th all time for Gold medals (13) and 64th all time for total medals (22). That includes summer and winter games.
By 400 BC Persians had developed a type of building that produces ice in winter and stores it throughout the summer in a hot desert climate
There is an island in Norway that lies at 68° north - well within the Arctic circle - that has an extreme temperature anomaly. Summers are warm and winter temperatures rarely pass below the freezing point.
The direction a ceiling fan spins matters: counterclockwise should be used in the summer to push air from the ceiling down to create a draft and clockwise should be used in the winter to push air up and to the walls to avoid a draft underneath the fan.
Disney's 'A Bug's Life' was inspired by the Aesop fable 'The Ant and the Grasshopper' were the Grasshopper (who has spent all summer singing) begs the Ant for food (who has spent all summer storing it) when winter arrives, but he is refused
The reason traditional Asian roofs curve out at the corners is to allow more light to enter the windows in winter and give more shade in summer.
Only five (5) athletes--three women and two men--have ever won a medal at both the Winter AND Summer Olympic Games. Eddie Eagan, the first to do it, is still the only athlete to win gold in both.
Besides winter hibernation, there are also species of animals that go into a state of dormancy during the dry and hot summer months. This is called aestivation.
Reindeer eyes change to a blue color in winter to help gather light during the dark arctic months and return to a golden color during the spring and summer.
Summer Winter data charts
For your convenience take a look at Summer Winter figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why summer winter time?
You can easily fact check why is summer better than winter by examining the linked well-known sources.
The idea that suicide is more common during the winter months is actually a myth, rates peak during the spring and summer. Considering depression rates are highest during winter, it's theorized that the relative cheerfulness of spring/summer finally gives people the motivation to commit suicide.
Some dog breeds experience "snow nose," a phenomenon that causes dogs to lose pigmentation in their nose during winter due to lack of sunlight. It usually returns to black during summer. - source
The Eiffel Tower is 6 inches taller in the summer because steel expands in the heat - so climb it in the winter
Oregon state has a lake that drains every winter into a lava tube, turns into a meadow during the spring, and then turns back in to a lake in time for summer - source
When to use a dehumidifier winter or summer?
Edward Eagan from Denver, Colorado is the only Olympian to receive gold in both the winter and summer Olympics for bobsled and boxing
How to wear a summer dress in winter?
In Sweden and Finland, meteorologists use a non-calendar based definition for the seasons based on the temperature. Spring: temperature permanently rises above 0 °C. Summer: above +10 °C. Fall: below +10 °C. Winter: below 0 °C.
A reindeer's eyes change color through the seasons. They’re gold during the summer and blue in the winter.
The Persians would collect ice in the winter and store them in "large insulated underground chambers topped by dome structures" to save them for sweets in the summer.
Because of Uranus’ axial tilt, it “rolls” around the sun like a marble. It’s poles each experience 42 years of light and 42 years of darkness during the summer and winter solstices.
The Romans divided the day into 24 hours. Unlike us, there were always 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness. A daylight hour in summer was considerably longer than one in winter.
Summer winter infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Summer Winter numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Difference in Average Highest Summer Temp and Average Lowest Winter Temp for 1,385 US Cities