Studio Albums facts
While investigating facts about Studio Albums Madonna and Studio Albums Beatles, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 1969, The Beatles originally planned to have an album titled Everest. However, the band didn't want to travel all the way to Mount Everest for the album cover photoshoot. This lead album title changing to Abbey Road, which was the street right outside their studio.
how many studio albums did the beatles make?
The opening track to Slipknot’s album “Iowa” titled “515” wasn’t just random screaming. Sid Wilson was having an emotional breakdown in the studio because he wasn’t able to make it home to tell his grandfather goodbye before he died.
What are studio albums?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what band has the most studio albums. Here are 50 of the best facts about Studio Albums Queen and Studio Albums Rolling Stones I managed to collect.
which rush albums were recorded at le studio?
The screaming at Beatles concerts was so loud that no one could hear them play—not even the Beatles themselves. It led them to stop playing live performances entirely, retreat to the studio, and ultimately create albums like Sgt. Pepper with no concern for performing any of the songs live.
Buckethead, the guitar virtuoso, has released TWO HUNDRED AND NINTEY SEVEN full studio albums and 171 under aliases and with other bands. In 2015 after the death of his parents he released an average of 1 studio album every 3 days.
When Freddie Mercury recorded the album Mr. Bad Guy he planned on collaborating with Michael Jackson but cancelled after one song because he felt uncomfortable recording with Jackson's pet llama in the studio.
American rock band Green Day had finished an album in 2003, but it was never released because the master tracks were stolen from the studio. Instead of re-recording the album, the band decided to write and record an entire new album, which turned out to be their hit record American Idiot
Kiss has more greatest hits compilations (21) than studio albums (20)
David Bowie was so messed up on hard drugs especially cocaine that he could not recall making the album "Station to Station." When asked about the studio he recorded in bowie stated "I know it was in LA because I've read it was".
1989’s “Batman” soundtrack album was mainly composed by Prince, and is considered to be his 11th studio album, but since Prince had to agree to sign the publishing rights over to Warner Bros, none of the high-charting “Batman” songs appear on future hits compilations.
Before releasing Nine Inch Nails' debut album Pretty Hate Machine, Trent Reznor took a job as a janitor at a recording studio. Using the recording equipment during his breaks, he near-singlehandedly wrote, played, and edited a demo, and was signed to a record label soon after.
In high school, Chance the Rapper got a 10-day suspension for smoking weed. So he went to the library, which had a recording studio for teens, and started making a rap album. This became the mixtape that launched his career, aptly called "#10day"
Green Day had the master tapes of one of their studio albums stolen, so they decided to abandon their initial work and start over. The resulting album? American Idiot.
Studio Albums data charts
For your convenience take a look at Studio Albums figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about studio albums?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
The first print of Led Zeppelin II had such a high dynamic range that on cheap equipment the needle literally jumped out of the groove, and that after the daughter of the studio exec complained about the issue, the studio went on to "fix" it with inferior album printing
For Black Sabbath's best selling album "Paranoid" the band booked two days in the studio but only used one, recording the entire album in just a few hours. - source
In the 1980s pop juggernauts Michael Jackson and Freddie Mercury were making a highly anticipated album together but had a falling out after finishing only three tracks. Michael objected to Freddie's excessive cocaine use, and Freddie didn't want Michael's pet llama Louie in the studio.
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Black Sabbath's "Paranoid," title track to one of the most influential rock albums of all time, was written in the studio in 30 minutes as a filler track. It is also the Finnish equivalent of Freebird in terms of getting obnoxiously requested at concerts.
How many studio albums did the beatles release?
The classic rock band Boston secretly recorded their debut album in Tom Scholz' basement, while they pulled off an elaborate ruse to make the record label think they were actually recording it in a state-of-the-art west coast studio.
Billy Joel's first studio album was produced with an error that made all of the songs higher and faster than Joel played them. Billy Joel hated the release, and it cost Artie Ripp (the producer) his friendship with Joel.
Although the band existed through several different incarnations (the blue velvets and the golliwogs), Creedance Clearwater Revival was only a band for 5 years, releasing 7 studio albums during that time, 5 of which were released in just 23 months between January of 1969 and December of 1970?
Alice Cooper's 5th studio album, 1972's "School's Out", caused a national stir because the vinyl records were sold and packaged in a pair of panties.
Studio albums infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Studio Albums numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.