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String Instruments facts

While investigating facts about String Instruments, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Cuban orchestras tune their string instruments to A = 336hz, substantially lower than the conventional A = 440hz, as looser strings are less prone to breaking and requiring expensive replacements.

of Hurdy-Gurdy, a medieval stringed instrument that produces sound by a hand crank-turned, rosined wheel rubbing against the strings.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about String Instruments I managed to collect.

  1. String instruments often have a "wolf tone" where the resonance of a certain note creates a conflict between the vibrating string and and the body of the instrument.

  2. Even though the piano creates sound using strings, it is usually classified as a percussion instrument because the strings are hit by hammers to generate the sound, rather than plucked or bowed.

  3. The Octobass, an enormous bowed string instrument that plays notes so low you can see the strings vibrating

  4. The three main parts of a harp include the neck, the sound box, and the strings.

  5. Some castanets are mounted on wooden handles, freeing up the musicians hands from the strings. Instead of strings they clappers are attached by elastic cords. This makes it easy for the musician to pick up the wooden handle and clap the castanets and set them back down quickly when not being played.

  6. The large bridge of the sitar is for the main strings and the small bridge is for the sympathetic strings.

  7. Mandolins are made of a wood body and they have a variety of other parts including the fingerboard, tuners, headstock, posts, nuts, frets, the neck, bridge, tailpiece, sound holes, binding, and strings.

  8. A lyre believed to be 2300 years old was discovered in Scotland in 2010. This makes it the oldest surviving stringed musical instrument in Europe.

  9. The guitar pic (or plectrum) is commonly used when playing the electric guitar or acoustic guitars fitted with steel strings. Many classical guitar players only use their fingers. Pics are often made of plastic but some are also made of wood, bone, or even steel.

  10. The bars of the marimba are made of wood and are ordered on the frame according to size. The wood bars have holes drilled in one end to allow for string to be threaded through in order to hold the bars in place.

string instruments facts
What are the best facts about String Instruments?

What is true about string instruments?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

The five string banjo is the most popular. Some musicians play with fingerpicks and a resonator but many prefer to use just their fingers.

The first lyres in Ancient Greece were made of tortoise shells. They had two fixed upright arms and a cross bar. There were tuning pegs often made of bone, ivory, wood or even bronze. Strings were usually made of sheep gut.

The name 'sitar" is derived from the Persian words 'seh" and "tar; which mean "three strings" when translated to English.

The musician plays the washtub by planting their foot on the washtub bottom rim, and applies or releases tension on the string while strumming to create sound.

When playing the castanets the musician rests one clapper of the set in the palm of the hand, and links the string around their thumb. They use their fingertips to strike the other clapper of the set against the clapper resting in the palm to create sound.

Guitar strings are made of either steel or nylon.

When taiko is played in a group, there are also often vocalists and other musicians playing woodwind and/or string instruments accompanying the taiko players.

Traditional fiddle strings were made of pig, goat, horse, or sheep intestine. Today they are made from steel or aluminum over a nylon core.

Playing the ukulele involves plucking at the strings.

One of the most famous sitar players Ravi Shankar was a follower of the Maihar gharana which used seven playable strings.

Four string banjos include the plectrum banjo, tenor banjo, cello banjo, and the bass and contraband banjos.

Interesting facts about string instruments

Guitar types include acoustic, renaissance, baroque, classical, flat top, resonator, Dobro, twelve string, acoustic bass, electric (hollow body, semi-hollow, solid body), seven string and eight string electric, and electric bass.

There are different sitar groups (gharanas) including the Kharaj-pancham (seven strings), Gandhaar-pancham (six strings), Bishnupur (seven strings), and others.

The strings of early ukuleles were made of sheep gut or cat gut. Today they are usually made of nylon, although gut strings can still be found in some places.

Most pianos have between 220 and 230 strings made of steel. There is roughly 168 pounds of pressure on each string. The total tension of the average piano is about 20 tons but can be as high as 30 tons.

Banjos are traditionally made with a frame, neck, and a head made of animal skin although plastic is more common now. Early banjos were made of a gourd shell, wood stick neck, and strings.

The vibraphone is made so that the aluminum bars are all on one level, but with two rows similar to a piano. The bars have a hole drilled and they are attached to the frame with string. Bars are separated by isolating plates which make it possible for the bars to vibrate freely.

Boxwood has strong wood that can be used for carving and manufacture of chess pieces, decorative boxes, wooden spoons and various pieces (tailpieces, tuning pegs...) for the stringed instruments.

Lyres have had a variety of numbers of strings throughout history. The most common configurations have included lyres with 4, 7, and 10 strings.

The lyre in Ancient Greece was one of the most popular string instruments of its time.

The string is attached to the bottom center of the washtub either by being strung through a hole in the center or attached with a bolt. It is also attached to the neck (stick).

Six string banjos were invented by William Temlet in Britain who sold banjos with as many as seven strings in 1846.

Sitars today can have as many as 21 strings. It is played by plucking. The pic used to play the sitar is called the mezrab.

A fiddle has many parts including the neck, fingerboard, tuning pegs, scroll, peg box, bridge, sound hole, strings, fine tuners, tailpiece, bass bar, soundboard, chinrest, button, back plate, and bow.

Harps are usually between two feet and six feet in height. They usually have between 1 and 90 strings.

Mexican music is rooted in indigenous influences. Instruments commonly used in traditional music include flutes, rattles, conches, trumpets, drums, and voice. Mariachi music is very popular with its instrument the Mexican vihuela - a five stringed instrument similar to a guitar.

Catgut (sheep, goat intestinal lining) is still used to make the highest quality strings for double bass (upright), cello and many other stringed instruments, with single strings going for as much as $100 each.

A framed laser harp is designed to look like a stringed harp. This style of laser harp produces rays considered safe for public use as they are only 5 mW.

The triangle can be played in many ways according to the needs of the musician or musical piece. While the traditional method is to hold it suspended from string or fishing line, others hook it over the hand to allow them to use their fingers to alter the tone. If the string or line is too thick the sound produced is not optimal.

The sarangi, an Indian stringed instrument, is said to most resemble the sound of the human voice.

The word lyre is derived from an Ancient Greek word "lura" which means a 'stringed instrument with sounding board made of a tortoise shell".

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about String Instruments. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is String Instruments so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor