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Stranded Australian facts

While investigating facts about Stranded Australian Punk and Stranded Australian Movie, I found out little known, but curios details like:

An Air Canada flight was asked by Australian authorities to investigate an emergency beacon. The plane, with 270 people, flew at 4000 feet as crew and passengers used binoculars to locate a stranded sailor, who was later rescued by police. The flight landed safely in Sydney, 90 minutes delayed.

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An Air Canada passenger flight took a detour and dropped from 37,000 feet to 4,000 feet to help find a stranded yacht off the Australian coast. It took the passengers 25 minutes after the emergency beacon was activated to locate the yacht.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 12 of the best facts about Stranded Australian In India and Australian Stranded In Philippines I managed to collect.

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  1. In the mid-1960s, Australian athlete Reg Spiers found himself stranded in London with no money to buy a plane ticket home. Desperate to get back to Australia in time for his daughter's birthday, he decided to post himself in a wooden crate.

  2. An Air Canada passenger flight took a detour and dropped from 37,000 feet to 4,000 feet to help find a stranded yacht off the Australian coast. It took the passengers 25 minutes after the emergency beacon was activated to locate the yacht.

  3. In 1964 an Australian athlete named Reg Spiers found himself stranded in London with no money to buy a plane ticket home. Desperate to get back to Adelaide in time for his daughter's birthday, he decided to build a crate and post it back to Australia, with him hiding in it.

  4. An Air Canada flight took a detour to find a stranded Australian yacht. The passengers of the Boeing 777 found the yacht only 25 minutes after the distress beacon was activated.

  5. In 1964, Australian athlete Reg Spiers was stranded in London with no money, SO, he mailed himself home in a wooden box.

  6. An Air Canada flight took a detour to find a stranded Australian yacht. The passengers of the Boeing 777 found the yacht only 25 minutes after the distress beacon was activated.

  7. An Air Canada flight took a detour to find a stranded Australian yacht. The passengers of the Boeing 777 found the yacht only 25 minutes after the distress beacon was activated.

  8. An Air Canada flight took a detour to find a stranded Australian yacht. The passengers of the Boeing 777 found the yacht only 25 minutes after the distress beacon was activated.

  9. An Air Canada flight took a detour to find a stranded Australian yacht. The passengers of the Boeing 777 found the yacht only 25 minutes after the distress beacon was activated.

stranded australian facts
What are the best facts about Stranded Australian?

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Stranded Australian. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Stranded Australian so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor