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Stand Comedian facts

While investigating facts about Stand Comedians and Stand Comedian Up, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A stand up comedian, in a wheelchair, won a treadmill on "The Price is Right"

how to become a stand up comedian?

Robin Williams, as a stand up comedian, would use other comedians material, and it got to the point, that if a comedian saw Williams in the audience of a comedy club, they would stop their act immediately to prevent Williams from writing down their best jokes.

What is a stand up comedian?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what do stand up comedians make. Here are 26 of the best facts about Best Stand Up Comedians and Female Stand Up Comedians I managed to collect.

what makes a good stand up comedian?

  1. Demetri Martin, a stand-up comedian well known for playing instruments during his shows, originally only played to prevent Comedy Central from editing his stand-up special out of order. It was so popular, he continues to do it to this day.

  2. Mark Twain is considered one of the first stand-up comedians and a pioneer in the art of "personal branding"

  3. Most stand up comedians were never paid for their comedy club work until a 1979 comedian strike against the Comedy Store forced clubs to start paying.

  4. Hugh Hefner is credited for breaking the color barrier in stand up comedy when he hired African American comedian Dick Gregory to perform at the Playboy Club in Chicago.

  5. A week prior to his suicide by gunshot, stand up comedian Richard Jeni was heard by his girlfriend talking to himself, saying "Just squeeze the trigger."

  6. As a teen, stand-up comedian Jim Jefferies was a professional opera singer who performed at the Sydney Opera House

  7. Tim allen while working as a stand up comedian, was arrested at 25 years old, in an airport for possessing more than 650 grams of cocaine and spent 2 years in prison

  8. Stand-up Comedian Bert Kreischer was the inspiration for National Lampoon's Van Wilder

  9. To prevent confusion, British comedians Ant & Dec stand in the same positions for every photo, event, program, etc. Ant is always on the left and Dec is always on the right.

  10. The English alternative rock band Radiohead dedicated their 1995 sophomore album 'The Bends' to the late American stand-up comedian Bill Hicks.

stand comedian facts
What is the average salary of a stand up comedian?

What is true about stand comedian?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Kevin Hart once caught fellow stand up comedian Patrice O'neal, masturbating in his home office, using his computer.

Stand Up Comedian Demetri Martin Has Written the Worlds Longest Palindrome. - source

The Joker from Batman, was a failed Stand Up Comedian - source

Patton Oswalt (the voice of Remy in Ratatouille) is a stand up comedian. Close your eyes and you can listen to Remy tell you stories about Dick Cheese and meth addicts blowing each other.

Bobcat Goldthwait had a teenager thrown at him, while opening as a stand-up comedian for the band Nirvana. - source

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Tom Wilson (Biff from BttF) is a stand-up comedian, and wrote a song about all the questions he gets asked all the time.

How to be a stand up comedian?

Van Wilder is based on stand-up comedian, Bert Kreischer when he attended Florida State University.

Tom Wilson (Biff from Back to The Future) was also a stand up comedian.

Sir Roger Moore wanted to be a stand up comedian, but wasn't very good at it.

Black comedians up until the 1930s were not allowed to directly address a white audience as part of a stand-up routine: they had to work in pairs and have their partner receive the performance.

Because he testified in the 2005 Michael Jackson trial, Jay Leno was not allowed to tell jokes about Jackson or the case. However, The Tonight Show's writers used a legal loophole by having Leno briefly step aside while stand-in comedians took the stage and told jokes about the trial.

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Joseph Stalin's grand daughter is a stand up comedian living in Portland, Ore.

Once when Larry David was a stand-up comedian, he once walked on-stage and surveyed the crowd. Sensing no connection with them, he said, "This just isn't going to work," and promptly walked off the stage without performing any jokes.

The character of George Costanza was originally planned to be a fellow stand-up comedian alongside Jerry Seinfeld. Chris Rock was considered for the role.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Stand Comedian. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Stand Comedian so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor