Speaks Languages facts
While investigating facts about Pete Buttigieg Speaks Languages and Kobe Bryant Speaks Languages, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Enligsh is the universal "language of the skies". All pilots must learn and speak English, regardless of their origin.
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People who speak 2 or more Languages often have separate “Assigned” Personalities for those Languages.
What is the average number of languages a person speaks?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what person speaks the most languages. Here are 50 of the best facts about Boris Johnson Speaks Languages and Buttigieg Speaks Languages I managed to collect.
what country speaks the most languages?
A professinal linguist in Native American languages was asked to invent Klingon for Star Trek. He speaks Klingon, but notes that others have attained greater fluency
Hebrew became extinct as a spoken native language around 200 CE. It was revived in Paris on 13 October 1881 when a man called Eliezer Ben-Yehuda and his friends agreed to exclusively speak Hebrew in their conversations.
The night before the Miracle on Ice, American goalie Jim Craig and Soviet star forward Sergei Markov played the arcade game "Centipede" at the Olympic Village. The two could barely speak in each other's language, so they communicated with nods and laughs.
There is a man (Ioannis Ikonomou) in the European Commission who works as a translator and can speak 47 languages, including 21 of the 24 EU official languages. He can also speak dead languages like Old Church Slavic
There exists a dying Mexican language called Ayapenaco. The only two people left in the world that can speak it are a pair of elderly men who refused to talk to each other until 2014 when they decided to make amends to try to prevent the language from going extinct.
Canada's new Governor General-designate is an astronaut, spent time on the ISS, speaks 6 languages, did research at the IBM lab in Zurich, played piano and sang with several orchestras, and has helped make space robots.
In a remote valley in Sweden, people still speak an ancient dialect of Old Norse, the language of the Vikings. It's called Elfdalian and they still used runes up until the 1900s.
In Guatemala an estimated 40-60% of the population still speaks a Mayan language
The Czech language was saved from extinction by puppet shows. In the 17th century, the Catholic Ferdinand II forced the Protestant Czech people to speak in German and banned the Czech language. Puppets were the only remaining entities that had the right to speak Czech in public places.
A Norwegian comedian wanted to prove that songs could become club hits without making any sense, so he collected randoms words and names in Spanish (a language he did not speak) as lyrics and added cliché saxophones and accordion mixes. The song charted across Europe, reaching #1 in some places.
Speaks Languages data charts
For your convenience take a look at Speaks Languages figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
There are only six people left on the planet who can still ‘speak’ the whistled language known as sfyria
Multilinguals who speak two or more languages change their personality when they change language. - source
Zdeno Chára, the 6' 9" tall captain of the Boston Bruins, speaks seven different languages, has a financial planning diploma from Algonquin College, and holds a license allowing him to sell real estate in the State of Massachusetts. - source
We say "pardon my French" after swearing because in the 19th century, English-speaking people would drop French phrases into conversation to display class, apologizing because many of their listeners wouldn't know the language. Then people hid swear words under the pretense of them being French.
Drinking alcohol DOES improve your ability to speak a foreign language. - source
What is it called when someone speaks 4 languages?
Shakira speaks 7 languages, founded Fundación Pies Descalzos (which aims to take education to children in a situation of risk all over Colombia and Latin America) when she was 18 and partnered with UNICEF's work for children
How many languages the pope speaks?
Tesla could speak eight languages : Serbo-Croatian, Czech, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, and even Latin.
The Chief Translator for the European Parliament can speak 32 different languages fluently
The last two speakers of a dying Mexican language, Ayapaneco, refused to speak to each other because they didn't like each other
The language you grow up speaking determines how quickly you will learn to count. Chinese speaking children learn to count to 100 an entire year earlier than their English speaking counterparts.
The normal intelligible outdoor range of the male human voice in still air is 180 m (590 ft 6.6 in). The silbo, the whistled language of the Spanish-speaking inhabitants of the Canary Island of La Gomera, is intelligible under ideal conditions at 8 km (5 miles).
Speaks languages infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Speaks Languages numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.