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Southern Ocean facts

While investigating facts about Southern Ocean Lodge and Southern Ocean Medical Center, I found out little known, but curios details like:

When ships pass through Point Nemo in the southern Pacific Ocean, the closest other humans are in the International Space Station 400km up.

how deep is the southern ocean?

Enceladus, Saturn's 6th moon, has a warm ocean at its southern pole with ongoing hydrothermal activity—the first ever discovered outside of Earth. This is the most life-friendly habitat ever discovered outside of Earth.

What is the southern ocean?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what animals live in the southern ocean. Here are 50 of the best facts about Southern Ocean Lodge Kangaroo Island and Southern Ocean Map I managed to collect.

where is the southern ocean located at?

  1. In 2009, a new black spot about the size of the Pacific Ocean appeared in Jupiter's southern hemisphere.

  2. At the point in Antarctica that is the most distant from the Southern Ocean, there is a station covered by snow with a statue of Lenin on the roof, and a golden guest book to sign inside; one of the most challenging and coldest place to reach called the Southern Pole of inaccessibility

  3. Southern California Edison plans to bury 3.6 million pounds of lethal radioactive waste at the closed San Onofre nuclear power plant, about 100 feet from the ocean and just a few feet above the water table.

  4. Cortes Bank, an underwater mountain 100 miles off the southern California coast that rises to within 3 feet of the ocean surface. Currents pushed up by the reef produce breaking waves of 80+ feet.

  5. The average depth of the Southern Ocean is 13,100 to 16,400 feet.

  6. Henry Hudson thought Hudson Bay was the Pacific Ocean and sailed to its southern end, James Bay. Ice again was his enemy as he and his crew was then forced to spend the winter there. They were plagued by hunger, cold and illness.

  7. Icebergs can be found throughout the entire year in some of the southern regions of the Indian Ocean.

  8. The world's largest penguin species the emperor penguin lives on the ice of the Southern Ocean and on the Antarctica continent.

  9. There are many sub-divisions in the Southern Ocean, including seas, sounds, straits, and passages.

  10. The sea water under the surface of the ice if Antarctica only reaches -2 degrees Celsius.

southern ocean facts
What did the southern ocean used to be called?

Southern Ocean data charts

For your convenience take a look at Southern Ocean figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

southern ocean fact data chart about Trajectories of 30,000 virtual drifters in the Southern Ocea
Trajectories of 30,000 virtual drifters in the Southern Ocean

southern ocean fact data chart about Carbon Dioxide flux in the Southern Ocean. Red=outgassing, B
Carbon Dioxide flux in the Southern Ocean. Red=outgassing, Blue=ingassing

Why is the southern ocean so dangerous?

You can easily fact check why is the southern ocean so rough by examining the linked well-known sources.

Marine life in the Southern Ocean includes blue whales, orcas, fur seals, penguins, colossal squids, leopard seals, and albatrosses among several other species.

In the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of southern Africa, diamonds can be found in the sea bed.

In 2000 the International Hydrographic Organization again included the Southern Ocean as its own ocean.

It is believed that if the ice sheets in the Southern Ocean were to melt the oceans around the world would rise by as much as 65 meters.

Antarctica is home to 90% of the world's ice. This continent contained within the Southern Ocean's boundaries is the windiest, driest and coldest continent in the world.

When southern ocean was added to the oceans?

The Southern Ocean was originally explored because of a belief in a continent that balanced the northern continents, called a Terra Australis.

How big is the southern ocean?

There are 215 species (different types) of birds on the Great Barrier Reef. 29 of these are sea-birds that dive for fish in the ocean such as the White-breasted sea eagle, Southern Shearwater, Yellow-footed Booby and Pacific Tern.

Antarctica is considered to be a desert due to the fact that very little moisture falls on its surface. The Sahara desert gets more rain than Antarctica. Most of its moisture falls in the form of snow.

The icebergs that form in the Southern Ocean can pose risks to ships as the drafts sometimes reach hundreds of meters.

Nicknames given to Rhode Island over the years include the Ocean State, Little Rhody, the Plantation State, the Smallest State, the Land of Roger Williams, and the Southern Gateway of New England.

The South Pole was not reached by man until 1911. Temperatures there can drop even lower than -100 degrees Fahrenheit. The coldest temperature recorded on earth was recorded in Antarctica. It was -128.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

Southern ocean infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Southern Ocean numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

southern ocean fact infographic about Southern Ocean Surface Circulation GIF (as sea surface heigh

Southern Ocean Surface Circulation GIF (as sea surface height anomaly).

When southern ocean named?

It is believed that there may be large deposits of oil and gas in the Southern Ocean, as well as manganese nodules.

The first baby born on the continent Antarctica was Emilio Marcos de Palma, on January 7th, 1978. He was also the first in history to be born as far south as he was.

Since 1770, when Captain James Cook determined that water encompassed the earth's southern latitudes, geographers have been debating the boundaries of the Southern Ocean.

In 1953 the Southern Ocean was removed from the Limits of Oceans and Seas, a publication that designated the boundaries of the world's major waters. Debate still continues as to its existence as its own ocean, and to its boundaries if it does exist.

There are two gyres (large systems of circulating oceanic currents) in the Southern Ocean. One is the Weddell Gyre, located in the Weddell Sea.

How cold is the southern ocean?

Trinity Church in Antarctica is the southernmost continuously staffed church in the world. In 2007 a Chilean and a Russian were married there, probably the first church wedding ever in Antarctica. You can also be baptized in the icy waters of the Southern Ocean.

The Southern Ocean encompasses the South Pole.

The summer season in the Southern Ocean runs from October to February while the winter season runs from March to September.

The Antarctic Circumpolar Current transports water rapidly around Antarctica, which differentiates the water of the Southern Ocean from the water of the other oceans.

There is no landmass between the latitudes of the southern tip of Argentina and the northernmost point of Antarctica, consequently the oceans in that range are able to be the roughest in the world.

During winter half of the Southern Ocean is covered in icebergs and ice. Some of the ice and icebergs break off of the Antarctic ice sheet and float in the waters of the Southern Ocean.

The deepest part of the Southern Ocean is the southern end of the South Sandwich Trench that is 23,737 feet deep.

The typical depth of the Southern Ocean is between 13,000 and 16,000 feet.

Military activity in the Southern Ocean is restricted, by treaty, to scientific research.

There is a 5th ocean called Southern Ocean

The deepest spot in the Southern Ocean is the South Sandwich Trench's southern end, which reaches 23,074 feet.

In 1940, while stopped at a French island in the southern Indian Ocean, German sailor Bernhard Herrmann fell from his ship while painting the funnel. He is buried in what is referred to as "the most southerly German war grave" of World War II.

There are hundreds of seals mapping the Southern Ocean for us!

Wandering albatrosses also make the Southern Ocean their home.

The Southern Ocean wasn't officially recognized as an ocean from 1953 to 2002

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Southern Ocean. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Southern Ocean so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor