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Soldiers Stationed facts

While investigating facts about Soldiers Stationed At Gates and Soldiers Stationed At Gates Crossword, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In World War I, deep fried potato batons were popular among American soldiers stationed in Belgian after they were served to the British for their love of chips. As, the language locally and of the Belgian Army at the time was French, they thought they were in France naming them ‘French fries’.

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In WW1, American soldiers who were skilled at trap shooting were armed with shotguns and stationed where they could fire at enemy hand grenades in midair.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 40 of the best facts about Soldiers Stationed In Germany and Soldiers Stationed In Afghanistan I managed to collect.

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  1. The Columbian army had a pop singer record a song with Morse Code hidden in the chorus so their soldiers in FARC rebel camps would know to expect a rescue attempt. They knew the rebels listened to a particular radio station and they had the DJ play it repeatedly

  2. There were widespread homosexual relationships among Australian and American soldiers stationed in New Guinea during World War II

  3. About the Battle of Saragarhi, in which 21 Sikh soldiers of the 36th Sikh Regiment were stationed at an army post and were attacked by 10,000 to 12,000 Afghans. The Sikhs chose to fight to the death, in what is considered by some military historians as one of history's greatest last stands.

  4. 97% of French Cognac is exported to the USA, where the majority of consumers are African-American. WWII soldiers stationed in France returned to America with a taste for it - and by the 50s, Cognac companies marketed directly to the Black middle and upper classes through Jet and Ebony magazine.

  5. Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper was used for target practice by Napoleon's soldiers stationed in Milan, with Jesus’s face as the bullseye. The soldiers hit the mark at least a couple of times, but the mural has since been restored.

  6. American soldiers stationed in New Zealand tried to prevent Māori soldiers from entering a building. Kiwi Soldiers (Māori & Caucasian) were having none of this and a 2 hour long brawl involving over 1000 men broke out

  7. A Japanese soldier stationed in the Philippines during WW2 bunkered down in the jungle for nearly 3 decades after the war finished and refused to believe the war was over

  8. Léon Rom, a Belgian soldier and officer in the Congo, who was known to keep severed heads of Africans in his flower bed, and kept a gallows permanently in place at his station. Some speculate that he was the inspiration for Kurtz in "Heart of Darkness".

  9. About "comfort women" who were women and girls forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese army in occupied territories before and during World War II. Thousands of women have been abducted or lured with false promises and placed in "comfort stations" as sex slaves for the Japanese soldiers.

  10. A Nigerian tribe, after hearing Jimmie Rodgers’ music from soldiers stationed in Africa during WWII, were convinced that he was a "faun" and created a legend around him, calling it "Chemirocha," their pronunciation of "Jimmy Rodgers."

soldiers stationed facts
What are the best facts about Soldiers Stationed?

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You can easily fact check why do soldiers get stationed by examining the linked well-known sources.

Tribal pop art", soldiers stationed in Papua New Guinea during WWII shared the Phantom comics. The character's image is often painted on ceremonial shields or alongside other tribal art.

The name for the drink Americano came about during WWII when American soldiers stationed in Italy asked to have water added to their espresso because it was to strong. - source

Eddie Leonski, an American soldier who strangled 3 women while stationed in Melbourne, is the only person ever to have commit murder in Au. and not be tried by an Australian court. His execution papers were signed by General MacArthur himself after being found guilty at a general court-martial. - source

Allen Abshier, an American soldier stationed in South Korea, defected to North Korea in 1962 to avoid court martial for smoking weed.

The "Utah Prisoner of War Massacre"- a US soldier from New Orleans, C. Bertucci, stationed at a POW camp in Salinas, Utah, murdered 9 German POWs and injured 20 others when at midnight, he unloaded 250 rounds from the guard tower into sleeping POWs. He was never found guilty of his crime. - source

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The Last Samurai is based on the actions of a french soldier stationed in Japan who resigned and fought with the remnants of the Shogunate.

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During WWII, the Japanese captured an estimated 200,000 women from neighboring countries and placed them in more than a hundred different "comfort stations" throughout East Asia, where they were forced to sexually service Japanese soldiers.

Canadian football started as a game played by British soldiers stationed in Montreal, which was then brought to McGill University, then to the US through a game between McGill and Harvard.

Notorious Nazi propagandist Lord Haw-Haw (William Joyce) was captured in 1945 by British soldiers stationed in Germany. Noticing an odd disheveled man in the street, they asked him directly if he was Joyce. As he attempted to draw his false passport to identify himself, they shot him in the ass

A racially motivated firefight broke out between American soldiers stationed in England in 1943

Elvis Presley was an actual Sergeant in the Army, chose to be a regular soldier though he had other options given to him, was stationed in West Germany and got addicted to amphetamines while there.

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During the Russo-Japanese war, the amount of Russian defeats caused massive discontent in Poland. More soldiers had to be stationed there than were actually fighting the Japanese. Polish representatives were even sent to Japan to discuss acts of sabotage against Russia.

About the Battle of Saragarhi, in which 21 Sikh soldiers of the 36th Sikh Regiment were stationed at an army post and were attacked by 10,000 to 12,000 Afghans. The Sikhs chose to fight to the death, in what is considered by some military historians as one of history's greatest last stands.

After two white civilians were shot in Brownsville, Texas in 1906, President Theodore Roosevelt ordered the dishonorable discharge of 167 black soldiers stationed at nearby Fort Brown, costing them their pensions and preventing them from getting civil jobs.

The soldier at the end of Saving Private Ryan Corporal Upham shoots is the same one he tried so hard to save at the radar station where Wade was killed

How many soldiers were stationed at pearl harbor?

NYC's Grand Central Station once had an underground secret basement that ran 200+ miles of railway during WW2. Hitler even tried to blow it up due to its importance of weapons and soldier transfers.

Marion Sparg, an apartheid-era South African journalist who left her career, trained as a soldier in Angola, joined the military wing of the ANC, and planted bombs in toilets at Lesotho police stations, faced a harsher sentence at trial because she “espoused the cause of revolution” while white.

Dr. Seuss and Frank Capra collaborated on an anti-German post-WW2 propaganda film for soldiers stationed in Germany

The word "bistro" does not mean "café" in French, but was actually the word used by 19th Century Russian soldiers stationed in Paris to mean "quickly".

The Fall of Mosul in June 2014, the Iraqi army had 30,000 soldiers stationed in the city, facing a 1,500-member attacking ISIS force. After six days of fighting the city was under ISIS control.

In 2000 2 Israeli soldiers accidentally came to a Palestinian checkpoint. They were detained and brought to a police station. A rumor spread that they were undercover Israeli agents so a mob broke into the police station, beat, stabbed, gouged the eyes out of, and disemboweled the soldiers.

American soldiers stationed in New Zealand in WW2 started a riot over the fact that a New Zealand club was not segregated and Maori servicemen were allowed to enter.

Former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone served as lieutenant in the Imperial Army in WWII, and created the first "Comfort Station". These brothels consisted primarily of women from the surrounding occupied area, forced to "comfort" occupying Japanese soldiers.

Lincoln reportedly had a dream not long before his death: "Before me was a....corpse wrapped in funeral vestments. Around it were stationed soldiers....‘Who is dead in the White House?’ I demanded of one of the soldiers, ‘The President,’ was his answer; ‘he was killed by an assassin.’"

Lithuania developed a national air freshener called the "Scent of Lithuania" to improve Lithuania's image abroad, and gave free samples to every foreign ambassador in the country & soldiers stationed in Afghanistan

British citizens fought against racist white American troops to treat black American soldiers stationed in the UK as deserving of equal treatment

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Soldiers Stationed. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Soldiers Stationed so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor