Incredible and fun facts to explore

Smoking Cannabis facts

While investigating facts about Smoking Cannabis, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Bob Dylan introduced the Beatles to cannabis. He rolled a joint and passed it to Ringo, who didn't realize he was supposed to pass the joint and smoked the whole joint to himself

The Hindu god Shiva has long been linked to cannabis. Shiva came and drank the poison created by the cosmic ocean, but over time it made him so hot he needed to be cooled down. Marijuana is supposed to be a coolant – so it is said that Shiva smokes weed to keep his body temperature down.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 35 of the best facts about Smoking Cannabis I managed to collect.

  1. The Scythians were the first people to adopt smoking cannabis (though they mixed it with opium) en masse, and the elite even had solid gold bongs to smoke out of, 2400 years ago.

  2. Bob Marley, against popular belief, didn't believe in smoking marijuana for recreation. He thought cannabis should be used for religious and medicinal purposes.

  3. Adolescents who smoke marijuana as early as 14 do worse by 20 on some cognitive tests and drop out of school at a higher rate than non-smokers. But if they hold off until age 17, they're less at risk, and performed equally well as adolescents who did not use cannabis.

  4. Iceland as a country smokes the most cannabis per capita than anywhere else, with 20% of the population considering themselves regular smokers.

  5. Adolescents who smoke marijuana as early as 14 do worse by 20 on some cognitive tests and drop out of school at a higher rate than non-smokers. But if they hold off until age 17, they're less at risk, and performed equally well as adolescents who did not use cannabis.

  6. Kevin Smith quit smoking cigarettes in 2008 after taking up smoking cannabis after working with Seth Rogen on Zack and Miri Make a Porno.

  7. Excavations of a burial mound in Russia found that Scythian tribal chiefs used gold bongs 2,400 years ago to smoke cannabis and opium.

  8. The world record for the largest hotbox is held by New Zealand who smoked out a converted school bus, The Cannabus, with 84 people inside. They beat the previous record holder which was themselves. The organizer of the group is currently serving time in prison for cannabis charges.

  9. It is estimated that 43% of the people in the United States have tried smoking marijuana at least once in their lives.

  10. The word 'Assassin' is thought to come from a group of fanatical muslims during the crusades, who smoked hashish (cannabis) and murdered the leaders of opposing sides. They started going by the word 'hashishiyyin' meaning hashish-users in Arabic.

smoking cannabis facts
What are the best facts about Smoking Cannabis?

What is true about smoking cannabis?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Scythians had shamans who would smoke cannabis to induce a trance. They were called Kapnobatai which means "those who walk on/in clouds"

Smoking Cannabis Can Shrink the Size and Shape of Sperms - source

David Cameron was found smoking cannabis while at Eton college. He was fined and given a 'Georgic' (a punishment of copying 500 lines of Latin text). - source

Teens who smoke cannabis is more likely to have schizophrenia, although its not clear if this is correlation or causation.

Until the early 1900s, most pharmacies carried cannabis and farmers were required to grow hemp (which was used as legal tender in Virginia, Pennsylvania and Maryland). Cannabis was made illegal after rumors that Mexican immigrants were going crazy from smoking marijuana and were killing people. - source

A lethal dose of Cannabis would require 680Kg to be smoked within 15 minutes.

Chinese tombs yield the earliest evidence of cannabis use for its psychoactive properties. Cannabis was cultivated in East Asia for their seeds and fibre from at least 4000 BC. This study suggests weed was being smoked at least 2500 years ago and was identified in wooden burners from burials.

The same day an anti-gay "Religious Freedom" Act was passed in Indiana, the First Church of Cannabis was formed. The founder realized a loophole in the bill which legally allows its members to smoke marijuana.

Smoking cannabis does not have a correlation to lung cancer, in fact, THC in marijuana has anti-tumoral effects

Australians smoke more cannabis than tobacco and smoke more bongs (per capita) than any other nation

In Pineapple Express, James Franco and Seth Rogen used mild herbal cigarettes, instead of cannabis, and only wafted the light smoke over the caterpillar for a moment - the caterpillar was then immediately removed.

Interesting facts about smoking cannabis

The Hindu god Shiva has long been linked to cannabis. He once drank a deadly poison named Halahala to protect the Earth, and had to use cannabis to alleviate the pain. That’s why Shiva is often represented smoking cannabis and referred to as “Lord of the Bhang” (the indian term for cannabis).

It is possible to OD on Cannabis if you smoke 1,500lb in 15 minutes.

The earliest evidence for cannabis smoking has been discovered in ancient tombs. Traces of potent pot were identified in 2,500-year-old wooden artifacts buried with people who lived along the Silk Road in China.


Is it cool for Nate Diaz to smoke a joint at a UFC workout? Smokes CANNABIS OIL days before ufc

Cannabis does not necessarily cause schizophrenia. Rather people who were originally predisposed to those conditions tend to smoke weed to ease their symptoms before diagnosis.

Harry Anslinger renamed cannabis as marijuana to make it sound more Mexican. He did this to bolster his campaign to ban marijuana, in which he claimed one reason for the band was that there was an invasion of marijuana-smoking Mexican men assaulting white women.

George Michael once said in an interview that he had cut back on cannabis. "I now smoke only seven or eight spliffs per day instead of the 25 I used to smoke."

Damian Marley's "Jamrock" doesnt start with 'out in the street they call it murder', the word they use is 'MERTHER', the "trance you experience when smoking cannabis and listening to reggae"

George Washington was a hemp farmer and may have smoked cannabis from his crops

You will NOT get high by the smoke of burning marijuana if you are near a cannabis field on fire.

Cottonmouth doesnt come from the high temperature of the cannabis smoke; But ingesting cannabis in any form (vaporising, js, cake, etc) because our sub mandibular glan (the glan the produces saliva and amylase) have CB1&2(Cannibanoids) receptors which inhibits saliva production.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Smoking Cannabis. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Smoking Cannabis so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor