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Smelling Odor facts

While investigating facts about Smelling Odors That Are Not There and Smelling Odors That Aren't There, I found out little known, but curios details like:

To combat the theft of trees around Christmas time, University of Nebraska-Lincoln used to spray their trees with fox urine. It freezes and has no odor outside, but thaws if taken indoors. The resultant smell is so rancid it is “eye-watering”.

how to keep body odor smelling fresh?

Baking soda and dish soap (hydrogen peroxide) can be used to remove the smell of skunk spray. The oxygen molecules from the hydrogen peroxide bond with the thiols compounds present in the skunk spray, completely neutralizing the odor.

What causes onion smelling body odor?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering smelling odors are symptoms of what. Here are 50 of the best facts about Smelling Odors Are Symptoms Of What and Smelling Odors That Are Not Present I managed to collect.

what causes a sweet smelling body odor?

  1. An Apple laptop stinks. One 2001 iBook model used a glue that, after 12-18 months, may begin to smell like human body odor. It is so strong that repairs are difficult, because the smell makes people nauseous.

  2. 'Old Person Smell' is a real part of the aging process called Nonenal Odor.

  3. If a persons body odor smells good to you that means that they have an immune system basically opposite to yours. This happens so the chances of finding a mate with the opposite immune system is greater and the chances of any offspring you produce together will have a stringer immune system

  4. The metallic smell of money is actually your body oils breaking down in the presence of iron or copper. You can see this by using a paper towel to pick up a penny smelling it - no odor. Then rub your sweaty/oily fingers on it and notice the strong metallic odor. Money doesn't smell, you do.

  5. The Great Stink of London, where the smell of human shit in the River Thames was so bad that it halted parliament. 250 tons of limes were used to mask the odor.

  6. There is a guy who smells everything before it goes into space with the astronauts to protect them from toxic and obnoxious odors

  7. The “Aroma of Tacoma”, a putrid and terrible smelling odor akin to rotten eggs, associated with the city of Tacoma, Washington since the 1940’s.

  8. The English vocabulary makes it very difficult to describe smells - we can only describe odors by comparing the smell to other things

  9. "Generational Curses" may be a real thing. There was a study where mice were given a small shock to the foot at the same time as the smell of acetophenone. After 10 days, they mated. The children mice inherited a fear of the odor even though they had never been exposed to it before.

smelling odor facts
What does sweet smelling body odor mean?

Why do i keep smelling bad odors?

You can easily fact check why do i keep smelling body odor by examining the linked well-known sources.

Due to altitude, your tastebud sensitivity to salts and sweets are reduced 30%. And because 80% of what people think is taste is actually smell, the 12% humidity in a pressurized airplane cabin causes odor receptors not to function, food tastes twice as bland than on the ground.

A “normal” vagina will have a “slightly sweet, slightly pungent,” odor like the lactic acid smell of yogurt - source

The metallic "coin smell" is not from the coins themselves, but that it is actually a body odor produced when you touch the coins - source

Skunk, an odor based crowd control weapon, didn't work on Indians because they were used to bad smells

Men and women have different odors of sweat. Women have more sulfur in their sweat in comparison to men and where female sweat smells more onion-y, male sweat smells more like old cheese. - source

Bad smelling farts when pregnant?

Tapinoma sessile, the odorous house ant, smells like blue cheese and coconut when crushed. And they're becoming a dominant urban pest.

How is diffusion related to smelling the odor of a skunk?

"old-person smell’ is a real thing — Researchers at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia confirmed that elderly people really do have a distinct scent, so recognizable in fact that people can identify them by body odor alone.

The Asian bearcat Binturong emits an odor that smells like popcorn.

Thioacetone, one of the worst smelling compounds known to man, can make people vomit and pass out within a mile range due to its extremely unpleasant odor

The urine of the maned wolf, largest South American canid, has a very distinctive odor likened to hops or cannabis. At the Rotterdam Zoo, this smell once set the police on a hunt for cannabis smokers. The substance likely responsible is pyrazine, which occurs in both plants.

Crushed and decomposing leaves of dog's mercury emit foul odor that resembles the smell of rotten fish.

Bad smelling farts when sick?

Your nose has special receptors that are sensitive to odor molecules travelling through the air. These receptors are very tiny, and there are about 10 million of them in your nose! There are hundreds of different receptors, and each one can sense certain odors. These signals are then sent to the brain, which puts the signals together and tells you what you are smelling. The brain, working with the nose, can recognize over 10,000 different smells!

Name “minthe” originates from Greek mythology. According to the legend, Hades’s wife Persephone turned river's nymph Minthe into herbaceous plant after she discovered that Hades is in love with her. Since Hades couldn"t reverse the spell, he added beautiful smell to a newly created plant. That way, thanks to Hades, mint spreads magnificent odor when people walk across her.

Members of the colony can recognize each other by smell. They wallow in the feces stored in collective "toilet" and have the same body odor.

The right-handed version of the molecule 'carvone' smells like caraway seeds, but the left-handed one has a peppermint odor.

Water molecules have an odor (...just not smell-able by us)

How to stop smelling like body odor?

Only 40% of people can smell the nasty odor in pee after eating asparagus, with a higher proportion of men

The bacteria that cause foot and body odor are the main additive in Blue Cheese and responsible for its distinct taste and smell

Only 40% of people can smell the nasty odor in urine after eating asaragus, which scientists determined by having 7000 volunteers smell pee

The compound Indole is simultaneously responsible for the smell of jasmine and orange blossoms, while at high concentrations is responsible for the odor of feces.

Dog-faced water snake has glands which eliminate excess salt from the body and glands that produce foul smell that is used in self-defense (captured snakes release unpleasant odor to repel predators).

"Chamomile blue oil," derived from wild chamomile, is an essential oil so unique in color and odor that the scent is referred to as a "blue" note. So, apparently, you can smell a color.

Kakapo has excellent sense of smell. It is one of the rare species of birds that can be recognized by musty-sweet odor.

Cows have an excellent sense of smell and can detect odors up to six miles away.

Paris has a problem with public urination and the unpleasant smell that comes along with it. To fight this, “sidewalk urinals” filled with odor fighting sawdust are being installed along the streets.

There is a rare human condition called Trimethylaminuria, also known as Fish Odor Syndrome, that causes a person's sweat, urine, and breath to smell like rotting fish. It is caused by a defect in the production of a particular enzyme.

Around 2% of the UK doesn't have smelly body odor. "Two percent of people carry an unusual form of a specific gene (ABCC11) that means their armpits never smell."

The bacterium Brevibacterium linens is responsible for the smell of many blue cheeses, as well as foot odor and other human body odors.

A chiral pair of molecules have the same components but are mirror images in terms of geometry, making them smell different to the human nose. For example, spearmint and caraway are the same molecules in composition, but their shapes create different odors.

The brown marmorated stink bug is an invasive species in the U.S., introduced from Asian countries in the late 1990's. The bug's odor is also compared to the smell of coriander (cilantro).

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Smelling Odor. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Smelling Odor so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor