Simpsons Episode facts
While investigating facts about Simpsons Episodes and Simpsons Episode Predictions, I found out little known, but curios details like:
There is a specific clause in The Simpsons' contract that the network can't give notes, make cuts or exert creative control over episodes, meaning the producers have free rein to poke fun of FOX itself.
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A movement seeks to rename the Australian dollar to the "dollarydoo", based on a classic 'The Simpsons' episode. Doing so would increase demand for the currency and strengthen the Australian economy, organizers claim.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what simpsons episode is steamed hams. Here are 50 of the best facts about Simpsons Episode Justice For George and Simpsons Episode List I managed to collect.
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In an episode of the Simpsons that aired in 2003, Homer gave his email address as The episode's writer, Matt Selman, signed up for the ChunkyLover53 email address beforehand and within minutes of the show's airing found his inbox packed to its 999-message limit.
There was a campaign to rename the Australian Dollar to 'Dollarydoo' after an episode of The Simpsons. Supporters claimed it would increase demand for the currency.
The Simpsons' "Bart Gets an Elephant" is based on an episode of "The Price is Right". An elephant was offered as a "bonus prize" as a joke. The real prize was $4,000 but the contestant wanted the elephant . The contestant got his wish & a live elephant from Kenya was delivered to him.
When South Park parodied Family Guy in the 2010 two-part episode 'Cartoon Wars', The Simpsons writing staff sent them flowers
Simpsons Director David Mirkin tried to leak fake endings for the Two Part Episode Who killed Mr. Burns, but to his surprise all news outlets rejected him, stating it would be immoral to air spoilers
Paul McCartney's condition for guest starring in The Simpsons episode "Lisa the Vegetarian" was that Lisa, who becomes a vegetarian in the episode, remain one for the rest of the series. The staff promised, resulting in one of the few permanent character changes made in the show.
The Chewbacca Defense, a legal tactic that confuses the jury rather than factually refuting the opponent's case. The term originated in an episode of "South Park" that satirized the closing argument of the O.J Simpson trial, and is now widely used.
The Simpsons episode 'Homer at Bat' is credited with saving at least two choking victims because their saviors had learned the Heimlich maneuver from a poster visible in the episode
The Albuquerque Isotopes (a minor league affiliate of the Colorado Rockies) named themselves after an episode of The Simpsons in which Homer finds out the Springfield Isotopes were moving to Albuquerque.
George Takei refused to appear in the Simpsons episode 'Marge vs. the Monorail' because he did not want to make fun of public transportation as he was a member of the board of directors of the Southern California Rapid Transit District. The role was instead offered to Leonard Nimoy who accepted.
Simpsons Episode data charts
For your convenience take a look at Simpsons Episode figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about simpsons episode?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
The Simpsons is NOT the longest running cartoon series of all time. The Guinness World record is held by Sazae-san, with more than 7000 episodes, which has been running since 1969 in Japan.
A 10-year-old boy's life was saved from choking after his friend performed the Heimlich maneuver that he learned from The Simpsons episode "Homer at the Bat". - source
The Simpsons episode guest starring Rob Halford, 'Steal This Episode,' mistakenly referred to Judas Priest as death metal. After fans complained, a following episode had Bart chalking "Judas Priest is not death metal" in the introduction. - source
The original idea behind Marge Simpson's hair was to conceal large rabbit ears. The gag was intended to be revealed in the final episode of the series, but was scrapped early on due to inconsistencies.
Al Jean (a writer and producer of The Simpsons) said if the series ever ends, he would like the final episode to end with the arrival of the Christmas pageant from the first scene of the pilot episode "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire," making the whole series a continuous loop. - source
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Matt Groening hated the Simpson's/The Critic crossover episode "A Star is Burns", believing that it "violates the Simpson's universe", and was an advertisement for The Critic. He even tried to get the episode pulled from the air, and removed his name from the credits when he failed to do so.
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Paul McCartney's one condition for appearing in the "Lisa the Vegetarian" episode of the Simpsons was that Lisa remain a vegetarian for the rest of the series.
The Simpsons' episode guest starring Lady Gaga is the lowest rated episode in the show's history
When “South Park” aired its anti-“Family Guy” episode, they received flowers from the crew of The Simpsons.
The producers of The Simpsons considered aborting the series if the second episode's animation turned out as bad as the first, which was so appalling that after seeing it for the first time, they had to redo 70% of before it could go to air.
Simpsons episode infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Simpsons Episode numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Best (and Worst). Episodes. Ever. (Simpsons Episode Ratings)