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Silicone Valley facts

While investigating facts about Silicon Valley and Silicon Valley Series Finale, I found out little known, but curios details like:

There is a statue of Nikola Tesla in Silicon Valley that radiates free wi-fi

silicon valley?

Nikola Tesla's statue in Silicon Valley provides a free wi-fi signal to nearby people.

Silicon valley?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is silicon valley of india. Here are 50 of the best facts about Silicon Valley Comic Con and Silicon Valley Power I managed to collect.

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  1. There's a Nikola Tesla statue that radiates Free Wifi in Silicon Valley.

  2. Finland has a 20-year plan for its country brand. The 365-page government report includes plans to become a silicon valley of social innovations, a land where the lakes are drinkable, and a country that has managed to export its unbeatable education.

  3. Google offered to buy Friendster in 2003 for 30 million dollars. The offer was rejected and is considered to be one of the worst Silicon Valley blunders of all time.

  4. In 2004 Google anonymously posted math equations on billboards in Harvard Square and Silicon Valley that if solved led to a website with another equation, which in turn allowed you to submit your resume.

  5. When USSR premier Nikita Khrushchev visited IBM's Silicon Valley research facility in 1959 he showed indifference to computing technology, but he was so impressed by their buffet style cafeteria that he instructed factories across the Soviet Union to implement the self service dining concept.

  6. In 2017 thieves stole $18k worth of tracking equipment from a Silicon Valley startup business. They were caught within 5 to 6 hours.

  7. Hip hop mogul, Nas is now a venture capitalist in Silicon Valley, on the verge of becoming a billionaire.

  8. The Waldorf School in Silicon Valley—where many Google, Apple, Yahoo and Hewlett-Packard employees send their children—has no computers or screens of any kind

  9. There is a silicon valley research center that is building software to run companies. They say future businesses will soon resemble computer viruses.

  10. Many Silicon Valley millionaires fear an impending societal breakdown, and have started buying houses in New Zealand to prepare for the apocalypse

silicone valley facts
What is silicon valley bank?

Silicone Valley data charts

For your convenience take a look at Silicone Valley figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

silicone valley fact data chart about San Francisco startup descriptions vs. Silicon Valley startu
San Francisco startup descriptions vs. Silicon Valley startup descriptions using Crunchbase data

silicone valley fact data chart about Diversity at Top Silicon Valley Tech Companies
Diversity at Top Silicon Valley Tech Companies

Why silicon valley is ending?

You can easily fact check why silicon valley for startups by examining the linked well-known sources.

A Stanford professor did the calculations for the famous scene in Silicon Valley where they figure out the fastest way to jerk off all the guys in the room, and later published a paper detailing the math behind it

William Shockley, father of silicon valley, was a proponent of eugenics. He proposed that individuals with IQs below 100 be paid to undergo voluntary sterilization. - source

In 2014, highly trained snipers nearly knocked out power to Silicon Valley and were never caught. - source

Dilbert creator Scott Adams once went undercover as a consultant and led a group of Silicon Valley executives to create the most ridiculous mission statement in corporate history

Steve Jobs was adopted and had met his biological father years before discovering they were actually related. His father, Abdulfattah Jandali, was a Syrian immigrant who owned a restaurant in Silicon Valley which Jobs had frequented; they even shook hands once. - source

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A metric for comparing compression algorithms was specifically created for the plot of HBO's Silicon Valley. The "Weissmam Score" is now being used in academia.

How did silicon valley start?

Silicon Valley has the highest density of sites where soil is contaminated with chemicals.

Silicon Valley uses their own cognitive-enhancing drugs called Nootropics said to increase short-term memory

Skateboarding pioneer Rodney Mullen is now a highly sought-after speaker on the Silicon Valley technology conference circuit. He now only skateboards alone at night, and doesn't allow anyone to watch because he doesn't want to spoil his mystique as a perfectionist.

Mike Judge (the voice of Hank Hill & Beavis and Butthead) is the creator of the HBO TV show Silicon Valley based on his experiences as an engineer in the 80's

Silicon Valley and Beavis and Butt-Head creator Mike Judge graduated college with a bachelor's of science in physics, and his first job was being a programmer for the F-18 fighter.

Silicone valley infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Silicone Valley numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

silicone valley fact infographic about A scope of a couple (both 4th year teaching) in Silicon Vall

A scope of a couple (both 4th year teaching) in Silicon Valley.

silicone valley fact infographic about Affordability of housing in Silicon Valley

Affordability of housing in Silicon Valley

When silicon valley?

There is a statue of Tesla in Silicon Valley that radiates free Wi-Fi. It was done as an homage to his vision for wireless communication.

Google has more than 12 autonomous cars on the road in Silicon Valley. Out of the 11 accidents none were the fault of the cars.

The Traitorous Eight, a group of lab employees who disagreed with manager William Shockley (Noble Prize physics laureate) over the continuation of research of silicon-based semiconductors. The group then left the lab and founded the first major successful tech company in Silicon Valley.

A tuition-free coding school in Silicon Valley is rated #1 in the world and accepts 10,000 students every year for free

The Weissman Score, a metric created for the fictional show Silicon Valley to show the efficiency of compression algorithms, has since become the de-facto standard for measuring compression ratios in the real world

How did silicon valley end?

Famous valleys in the United States include Central Valley, California; Death Valley, California; the Grand Canyon, Arizona; Hudson Valley, New York; Las Vegas Valley, Nevada; Little Cottonwood Creek Valley, Utah; Rio Grande Valley, Texas; Silicon Valley, California; and Valley of the Gods.

In 1956, eight PhD graduates were employed by a Nobel prize-winning physicist to develop semiconductors. Due to poor working conditions, the "Traitorous Eight" left and founded the industry-leading company in semiconductors, and pioneered modern Silicon Valley.

The math for 'how to jerk off a room full of men' on HBO's Silicon Valley actually checks out

Eight young Phd graduates, known as Traitorous eight, left their old company and founded Fairchild Semiconductor, which also lead to the birth of some of the biggest companies in Silicon Valley.

Silicon Valley is not ranked first in the country in terms of concentration of IT employment - that honor goes to the Baltimore-Washington region

A sex worker in Silicon Valley says she made nearly $1 million by wearing shirts that said things like "Winter is coming" and "Geeks make better lovers"

Silicon Alley is the New York version of the California's Silicon Valley

After Elon Musk thought the Silicon Valley (HBO) was not a proper representation of software engineers, TJ Miller said "you guys DO have bike meetings, motherfucker." Other engineers agreed the show had a pretty accurate portrayal of them.

MIT alumni have formed or co-founded 25,800 companies, including the likes of Intel and Dropbox, employing 3 million people in the silicone valley.

Silicon Valley companies like Intel hire anthropologists to study and predict how humans will interact with technology in the future.

Mike Judge enlisted a group of Stanford mathematicians to calculate the "mean jerk rate” equation from the Silicon Valley Season 1 finale, and that they published their findings in a paper titled "Optimal Tip-to-Tip Efficiency"

There's a ship that will act as a coworking and co-living space in Silicon Valley's international waters with the purpose of helping startups avoid regulations

A small-town mayor wrote to President Herbert Hoover to decry industrial technology as a "Frankenstein monster" that was "devouring our civilization". That small town, Palo Alto, grew into an economic focal point of Silicon Valley; it's the home of HP, Tesla, Xerox, etc.

Malaysia tried to build its own Silicon Valley in 1997 called Cyberjaya. The city was such a failure that when journalists asked taxi drivers from capital city Kuala Lumpur (only a 30 minute drive away) to take them there, the drivers did not know the city existed and frequently got lost.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Silicone Valley. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Silicone Valley so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor