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Silent Hill facts

While investigating facts about Silent Hill Revelation and Silent Hill Movie, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In the original Silent Hill video game, the fog covering the town was put in the game because of hardware limitations. Covering the town in fog meant that only the area surrounding the player at any given moment needed to be rendered

how silent hill 2?

The school from Kindergarten Cop was used as the setting of the game Silent Hill, including posters on the walls that are in the movie.

What's silent hill about?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what silent hill games are on pc. Here are 17 of the best facts about Silent Hill 2 and Silent Hill Game I managed to collect.

what's silent hill based on?

  1. The setting of the Silent Hill movie took inspiration from real world Centralia, Pennsylvania. Centralia has been largely abandoned since 1962 due to an underground mine fire.

  2. Silent Hill was based on a real town: Centralia, PA

  3. Centralia, PA was abandoned in 1962 due to an underground coal fire started at the city dump. The fire still burns today and is expected to continue for another 250 years. Centralia was the basis for Silent Hill, and is still uninhabitable due to sinkholes and carbon monoxide vapor.

  4. The school in silent hill 1 was based off of the school from the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie kindergarten cop.

  5. Konami formed partnerships with restaurants across Japan to serve "Silent Hill ramen"

  6. The Stephen King novel The Mist was an influence for Half-Life and Silent Hill games.

  7. Harry Mason's voice actor from Silent Hill also voiced as Ridge Racer's announcer and Dracula from Castlevania

  8. The original development team of “Silent Hill”, was called “Team Silent” because they did poorly on previous projects, lumped together in a group by the executives, and largely ignored and told to be “silent” with their new ideas — “Team Silent”.

  9. There's a PC version of the Silent Hill playable teaser made in Unity, a 69 mb download.

  10. The abandoned Matsuo Mine, which is blanketed in an incredibly thick fog that rivals Silent Hill.

silent hill facts
What silent hill game is the scariest?

Why silent hill pt was cancelled?

You can easily fact check why silent hill is the scariest game by examining the linked well-known sources.

The all but abandoned town of Centralia, PA and the tragedy of a coal mining disaster that continues to burn underground to this day since 1962, inspiring Silent Hill.

In Silent Hill 2, the text on Mary's letter to Laura is actually lyrics to the Bon Jovi song "Blaze Of Glory". - source

Familicide, the act of killing one's own family, which serves as the backdrop of Silent Hills Playable Teaser - source

Junji Ito was going to work on a Silent Hill game, but then it got cancelled

The Silent Hill game was based on the town of Centralia, Pensylvania - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Silent Hill. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Silent Hill so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor