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Sexually Explicit facts

While investigating facts about Sexually Explicit, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 2012, the advertising campaign for a UK energy drink called "Pussy" was banned as sexually explicit and offensive. Pussy energy drink ad slogan was: "The drink's pure, it's your mind that's the problem."

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NBC's To Catch a Predator conducted a sting operation that resulted in the suicide of a pedophile who was having sexually explicit chats with a decoy posing as a minor.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what do guys find sexually attractive. Here are 31 of the best facts about Sexually Explicit I managed to collect.

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  1. In 2009, a researcher at the University of Montreal launched a study into how pornography affects 20-30 year old men but had to stop research because he could not find a single person who had never watched a sexually explicit video

  2. About Lucille Bogan, a 1930s 'dirty blues' singer known for her extremely sexually explicit lyrics

  3. Many Viking nicknames were based on physical appearance, including those that were sexually explicit (Kolbeinn Butter Penis) or “potty humor nicknames” (Eystein Foul-Fart)

  4. Carmen 16' is a poem written by Gaius Valerius Catullus (c. 84 BC – c. 54 BC) that is considered so sexually explicit it wasn't published in English until the late 20th century. It is considered one of the filthiest expressions ever written in Latin, or any language, for that matter.

  5. Pornography is legal in the US even though prostitution is not, because it is illegal to pay one explicitly for sex, but the participants in a film/photo are paid to act and are protected under the first amendment to take part in sexual acts as part of the act.

  6. Although it is legal to serve alcohol in theaters in Utah, it is illegal to serve it while showing a sexually explicit movie.

  7. 9 Songs is the most sexually explicit mainstream film to date, largely because it includes several scenes of real sex between the two lead actors.

  8. YouTube Banned Giraffe Giving Birth Video For Nudity and Being Too Sexually Explicit

  9. And Australian man was convicted of possessing child pornography for having sexually explicit images of The Simpsons on his computer

  10. The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals found that a state law against using sexually explicit speech with children online to be unconstitutional.

sexually explicit facts
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You can easily fact check why am i not sexually attractive by examining the linked well-known sources.

Australia's Naughtiest Home Videos, a one-off special spin-off of Australia's Funniest Home Video Show, depicting videos of sexual situations and other sexually explicit content. It was taken off part-way through its first and only episode at the demand of the network's owner Kerry Packer

Michel Foucault wrote a four-volume study to uncover the why and truths of sexuality in the western world. The fourth volume, Confessions of the Flesh was published posthumously in 2018 despite Foucault explicitly disallowing posthumous publication of his works - source

Mormon leaders must have 2 adult males present to count and process tithes & offerings, but only 1 adult male to ask children sexually explicit questions alone, behind closed doors. They’re more afraid of money being stolen than children being abused! - source hosted sexually explicit content until Hasbro sued Internet Entertainment Group in 1996 for trademark dilution, irreparable injury, and showed public interest favored a preliminary injunction against Internet Entertainment. had to remove all content from the site.

Cyprian Ekwensi's 1961 novel "Jagua Nana" about a Nigerian prostitute, was attacked by the Catholic and Anglican churches for its sexually explicit language and was banned in several schools. An application to film the book by an Italian movie company was also rejected by the Nigerian parliament - source

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Greg Olsen tight end for the Carolina Panthers was in a rap group called "7th Floor Crew". They earned national notoriety for their sexually explicit and vulgar lyrics.

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the Mormon church encourages explicit invasive sexual questioning of youth when the Catholic church just fired a priest for just that.

Samiun dan Dasima, a film known for explicit sexuality, garnered an award for best child actor

In different iterations of South Park’s theme song, Kenny’s mumbling is actually comprised of explicit lines detailing various sexual acts. Lyrics include "I have got a ten inch penis, use your mouth if you wanna clean it" and "I like girls with big fat titties, I like girls with deep vaginas."

There is a movement in the Mormon church to stop the practice of asking children as young as 12 sexually explicit questions in "worthiness interviews" by their bishops. The leader of the movement, Sam Young, is being excommunicated for speaking out.

Academy award winner, Helen Mirren appeared in a VERY sexually explicit scene in the movie Caligula.

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Popular TV show personality Stephen Fry once wrote a play called "Latin! Or Tobacco and Boys" about a Latin Teacher in a sexually explicit homosexual relationship with a 13 year old boy.

The Mormon church excommunicated Sam Young, a former bishop who has been protesting sexually explicit one-on-one interviews between clergy and youths.

A parody comic drawn in 1971 by cartoonist Dan O’Neill in which Mickey and Minnie Mouse engaged in explicit sexual behavior and in the consumption of drugs. Disney sued for copyright infringement and O’Neill had to pay $1.9M.

Author Shel Silverstein played his comedy album for David Allan Coe and encouraged him to record and release the sexually explicit "Nothing Sacred" and follow up "Underground Album".

In 2008 a Circuit Judge of the US posted very sexually explicit photos of naked women on all fours painted to look like cows and a video of a half-dressed man cavorting with a sexually aroused farm animal. Inspite of the shocking revelations, he remained in office until his retirement in 2017

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Watching a sexually explicit film temporarily increases testosterone levels in men by 35%

In Virginia there is a bill for schools to notify parents of "sexually explicit" material in reading. While also allowing their child to opt out of reading said books at the parents choice .

In Charles Perrault’s original of Little Red Riding Hood, there is no happy ending. And the wolf represents a sexual predator. In those days, a girl who lost her virginity was said to have “seen the wolf” and Perrault makes his moral explicit at the end.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Sexually Explicit. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Sexually Explicit so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor