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Severed Limbs facts

While investigating facts about Severed Limbs, I found out little known, but curios details like:

For the brutal Omaha Beach scene in ‘Saving Private Ryan’ Spielberg hired several dozen army amputees with prosthetic limbs so that he could have their arms and legs blown off in a more realistic fashion. More than $11 million was spent and 1,000 extras used for the infamous scene.

Chris Scarver, the man who killed Jeffrey Dahmer in prison, believed Dahmer was unrepentant for his crimes and claimed Dahmer would taunt fellow inmates by shaping his prison food into severed limbs, drizzling packets of ketchup on them to simulate blood.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 22 of the best facts about Severed Limbs I managed to collect.

  1. Scottish fold cats are banned by the UK's pedigree cat registry because a genetic mutation that make their ears folded and their faces so cute also causes distortion of their limb bone shapes and severe painful arthritis.

  2. Severing the limb of a Bloodwood tree triggers the same type of response you'd see if you severed a human limb. The damage causes the release of a deep crimson sap that looks alarmingly like human blood; its sole purpose is to coagulate and seal wounds, but has many other medical uses as well.

  3. Deadpool had a fan that collected his severed limbs a used them to make her own

  4. Jeffrey Dahmer would taunt prison employees by shaping his food into severed limbs, complete with ketchup to simulate blood

  5. There is a disorder called Body Integrity Identity Disorder where sufferers are at war with their bodies and they seek to sever limbs. Sometimes it has led people to injure themselves with guns or chain saws in desperate efforts to force surgical amputations.

  6. Daniel Inouye. A Japanese-American Medal of Honor recipient from WWII who singlehandedly destroyed a Machine gun nest with an off handed throw after his throwing arm was blown off. He pried the grenade out of his severed limb's hand to complete the act.

  7. High pressure steam is invisible and can sever limbs

  8. Macadamias Nuts are toxic to dogs. If eaten the symptoms can be: muscle tremors, joint pain, severe abdominal pain and hind limb paralysis.

  9. Elm is shaped like a vase: its trunk consists of several limbs arched to the outwards. It has light or dark grey, furrowed bark.

  10. "Keelhauling", a Naval punishment where sailors would tie ropes to the limbs of the victim and drag him across the bottom of the ship, resulting in severe lacerations and infection from barnacle growth on the hull - if they didn't drown first

severed limbs facts
What are the best facts about Severed Limbs?

What is true about severed limbs?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Pigeons have a national holiday on June 13, Which honors Cher Ami, a carrier pigeon that valiantly completed its World War I mission to deliver military intelligence to the U.S. Army in France, even after being shot and suffering a partially severed limb.

The term "Basket Case" originates from WW1 where an injured person having lost all or several of their limbs would have to be taken away in a basket. - source

Cannibal Jeffrey Dahmer was killed by another inmate because he'd "fashion severed limbs out of prison food to taunt the other inmates and drizzle on packets of ketchup as blood" - source

The army tested the lethality of the AK47, the AR 15 and the M14 in 1962 secret study by firing bullets at severed human limbs and heads imported from India.

Infamous murderer and cannibal, Jeffery Dahmer's killer, Christopher Scarver, stated that he killed Dahmer because, "Dahmer had taunted other inmates by constructing "severed limbs" out of food and ketchup." - source

Wet concrete can cause chemical burns. In severe cases, it can go down to the bone, leaving disfiguring scars or disability, and may require limb amputation

Keelhauling is an old method of punishment where an unfortunate sailor was tied to the boat and dragged underneath it often resulting in severe lacerations, loss of limb, decapitation, and sometimes drowning.

A few species of Starfish can grow an entirely new sea star just from a portion of a severed limb

Healthy woman who rejects her limbs and demands surgeons sever her spine to make her paraplegic

American Cockroach detects threats by sensing changes in air currents, and it can respond to that in 8.2 milliseconds. Also, its survivability reaches the degree of regrowing severed limbs.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Severed Limbs. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Severed Limbs so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor