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Sense Humor facts

While investigating facts about Sense Humor Meaning and Sense Humor Definition, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Lincoln was famous for his self-deprecating sense of humor. When accused of being two-faced, Lincoln replied, “Honestly, if I were two-faced, would I be showing you this one?”

how to have a sense of humor?

J.R.R.Tolkien had a peculiar sense of humor. Along with his friend C.S. Lewis, he once dressed as a polar bear for a non-costume party and would chase neighbors away dressed as an Anglo-Saxon warrior.

What is sense of humor?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does dry sense of humor mean. Here are 32 of the best facts about Sense Humor Meaning In Hindi and Sense Humor In Tagalog I managed to collect.

what is a dry sense of humor?

  1. Konami had a sense of humor dealing with Nintendo piracy. If Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III senses it isn't an authentic copy the game silently reduces the damage the player deals out, doubles the damage they take, and makes Shredder immortal.

  2. Hitler and Stalin had virtually no senses of humor, and only laughed at others' expense. Abraham Lincoln, on the other hand, despite looking sombre in photographs, had a sunny personality and loved joking around and making fun of himself.

  3. Typographers have a sense of humor. Kerning is the art of spacing letters so they are readable. Keming is when you kern letters incorrectly and they blend together.

  4. When band Bloodhound Gang was trying to find a model for cover art for their album, Hefty Fine, they asked models to send in a picture and a bio. Carlin Langley sent in a photograph of himself performing fellatio on another man. The band was impressed by Langley's sense of humor and hired him.

  5. Actor Wallace Shawn, while playing Vizzini ("Inconceivable!") in The Pricess Bride, didn't understand the movie's sense of humor. Director Rob Reiner gave him line readings, and he merely imitated them.

  6. An executive wanted to change the title of "Back to the Future" to be "Spaceman from Pluto" as he didn't think it would be successful. Director Zemeckis asked help from Spielberg, who wrote a note back telling the executive he had a great sense of humor. The idea was never mentioned again.

  7. The burial of Pompeii perfectly preserved Latin graffiti (some rather vulgar) etched into the walls, showing that humans' sense of humor has remained the same for many, many years.

  8. Matt Stone & Trey Parker had people warn them that there would be Mormon protests surrounding their musical "The Book of Mormon", but the church has had a great sense of humor about it, even advertising in some BOM playbills with phrases like "the book is always better"

  9. The benign violation theory integrates predicts that humor occurs when 3 conditions are satisfied: 1) something threatens one's sense of how the world "ought to be", 2) the threatening situation seems benign, and 3) a person sees both interpretations at the same time

sense humor facts
What does sense of humor mean?

Why is it important to have a sense of humor as a teacher?

You can easily fact check why is a sense of humor important by examining the linked well-known sources.

Serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer had a morbid sense of humor. He would turn prison food into fake limbs covered with ketchup to resemble blood. He then would leave the fake limbs around the prison where other inmates and guards would find them.

Surprised that his album "Aqualung" was called a concept album, Jethro Tull's Ian Anderson decided to "come up with something that really is the mother of all concept albums". "Thick as a Brick" features one 42 minute song that combines complex music with a sense of humor to satirize prog rock. - source

Blonde women who read blonde jokes before taking a test tend to score lower on tests, and that a person with a dry sense of humor are most likely an introvert. - source

Many octopuses show behavior that suggests curiosity, consciousness, and even a sense of humor! #MaintainEyeContact

Animals laugh and some may even have a sense of humor - source

Keep a sense of humor when discussing?

George Gamow has a sense of humor - he adopted Fred Hoyle's ironic use of "the Big Bang", and added his friend Hans Bethe (without his knowledge) as a co-author; the joke being their initials. Alpha Beta Gamma.

How to have a good sense of humor?

NPR CarTalk Tom Magliozzi's grave stone has "It's not hard work that killed him" inscribed in Latin. A sense of humor to the end!

Mozart composed a song whose name translates to "Lick my Ass" and he often performed it for royalty. His sense of humor was truly ahead of his time.

George Brett, former Kansas City Royal, has a great sense of humor.

Stephen Hawking has a fantastic sense of humor. John Oliver interviewing Stephen Hawking.

April fool's doesnt give google a better sense of humor

When you accidentally touch your sense of humor?

Paul Fusco hated the "cat-eating" joke on ALF, not because the sense of humor had puppets pretending to murder animals, but because Fusco claimed "some kid put a cat in the microwave 'cause he heard ALF cooked a cat."

Google has a filthy mouth, but a good sense of humor

Edgar Allen Poe had a wicked sense of humor and published far more comedies than horror stories.

About Prime Minister Winston Churchill's quality sense of humor. Once, while taking a dump, his secretary knocked on the door and said, "Excuse me, but the Lord Privy Seal wishes to speak to you." To which Churchill replied, "I'm sealed in the privy and can only deal with one shit at a time."

In 1556 Pietro Aretino, an Italian playwright and satirist famous for his perverse sense of humor met his demise when someone told him a particularly naughty joke about his sisters working in a brothel. He found it so funny he died from laughter before he hit the ground

How to develop a sense of humor?

Uranus Has The Fastest Winds (Space has a weird sense of humor)

Thanks to a nerdy scientist with a sense of humor, there is a human protein known as Sonic hedgehog with a potential inhibitor called Robotnikinin.

The US Postal Service sued the makers of the video game "Postal" to block them from copyrighting the name. The Postmaster General said, "All of us at the Postal Service have a sense of humor, but there is nothing funny about your game. It is an unfair portrayal of the nation's postal employees."

How important humor is in society. Humor provides a "safety valve" for expression of taboo thought. Arguably, the development of a sense of humor is the core reason humans have been able to learn vital info. from one another and survive this long.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Sense Humor. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Sense Humor so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor