Senate Committee facts
While investigating facts about Senate Committees and Senate Committee On Foreign Relations, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The reason Harry Truman was selected to be the Vice President under Roosevelt was because when he ran the Senate "Truman Committee", it found so much corruption and waste, he saved the government $10-15 billion. Several times the cost of the entire $2 billion Manhattan project.
how many committees are in the senate?
On May 1, 1969, Fred Rogers appeared before the U.S Senate Commerce Committee requesting funds to help support the growth of a new concept. National Public Television.
What is the senate judiciary committee?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the senate committees. Here are 30 of the best facts about Senate Committee On Finance and Senate Appropriations Subcommittee I managed to collect.
what senate committee deals with gun control?
A letter was sent to Martin Luther King, sounding as if coming from a disappointed admirer, urging King to kill himself or risk evidence of adultery being leaked. King believed it was from the FBI. The Senate’s Church Committee on intelligence overreach confirmed King’s suspicion.
In 1998, a group of hackers -- identified only by their "hacker names", including "Kingpin", "Mudge", and "Space Rogue" -- testified before a U.S. Senate committee. They described how they could take make the internet "unusable for the entire nation" with "just a few packets".
Nothing has happened at all in the five months since the CIA lied about and then admitted to hacking the computers of the U.S. Senate committee that was trying to provide oversight of them.
Republican Senator Karl Mundt of South Dakota chaired the committee during the hearings.
The Compromise never made it past the "Committee of Thirteen" in the Senate, which meant that the entire Senate never voted on the bill.
Bernie Sanders served on the Senate Committee on Veteran's Affairs as chairman from 2013 to 2015.
During the 1993 U.S. Senate committee hearings, Nintendo stated that Night Trap would never appear on a Nintendo system. This was due to the lack of a CD-ROM drive, but Nintendo made it sound as if the game was unworthy of their moral standards to make Sega look unfavorable.
In May of 1973 hearings opened into the Watergate affair by the Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities. The hearings were nationally broadcast on television.
While being investigated by the Senate Finance Committe, Kenneth Copeland Ministries "was not responsive to the Committee's request for information" and "employ[ed] guerilla tactics to keep their employees silent," including but not limited to threatening to sue the former employees.
The CIA hacked into the computers of the Senate Intelligence sub committee tasked with overseeing their agency
Senate Committee data charts
For your convenience take a look at Senate Committee figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why doesn't the senate have a rules committee?
You can easily fact check why are committees more important in the house than in the senate by examining the linked well-known sources.
In an 1988 speech to a Senate Committee Alan Greenspan said "if I turn out to be particularly clear, you've probably misunderstood what I said."
Comedian Amy Schumer and Senate Rules Committee Chairman Chuck Schumer are cousins - source
Although the HUAC experienced the peak of its power during the era known as "McCarthyism," Senator Joseph McCarthy was never a member as he was in the Senate and the HUAC was a House committee.
While Senate members are required to disclose employment negotiations, the Senate Ethics Committee has defined negotiations as employment discussions that occur after a job offer has been made.
FDR's financial advisor, James Warburg, told the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations that "We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest" - source
This committee is set up when the house and senate?
When John Denver testified before the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee one member openly smoked a pipe while decrying the dangers of music
How many standing committees are in the senate?
On May 1, 1969, Fred Rogers appeared before the U.S Senate Commerce Committee requesting funds to help support the growth of a new concept. National Public Television.
Senator Sam Ervin, chair of the Senate Watergate Committee, recorded an album in 1973, which included this cover of "Bridge Over Troubled Water"
The head of the Arizona Senate Education Committee is creationist and a proponent of the chemtrail conspiracy theory.
In November 2017 U.S Strategic Command commander, C Robert Kehler, told a Congressional committee that under certain circumstances he would not act on a nuclear strike order from the President. When a senator asked: "Then what happens?" Mr. Kehler said, "I don't know." The committee laughed.
In 1897, NC Senator J.L. Hyatt of Yancey County introduces a woman suffrage bill in the North Carolina General Assembly. The bill dies after being sent to the committee on insane asylums.