School Mascot facts
While investigating facts about School Mascots and School Mascot Costumes, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 1986 students at UC Santa Cruz voted to make the school's official mascot the Banana Slug. The chancellor refused to honour the result, instead polling just student-athletes on the question... who also voted overwhelmingly in favour of being the Banana Slugs.
how to get a mascot in high school story?
There is a school for the deaf in Arkansas and their mascot is the leopard. So they are the deaf leopards.
What was your high school mascot?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the most common high school mascot. Here are 46 of the best facts about School Mascot Ideas and School Mascot Generator I managed to collect.
what school mascot is a bulldog?
The Temple University Owls mascot was chosen because Temple began as a night school for young people of limited means
The Dickinson High School (North Dakota) athletic teams are known as "The Midgets". The school considered changing the name but the Little People of America stated that they were not offended by it, influencing the school to keep their traditional mascot.
The Arkansas School for the Deaf's mascot is the Leopard, making them the Deaf Leopards.
Rhode Island School of Design's hockey team is called the Nads, their cheer is Go Nads, and their mascot is a giant penis with testicles.
Theres a high school in Louisiana whose mascot has been Snoopy the dog since 1966, and remains the only school in the nation to have received this right from Chuck Schultz
Neil deGrasse Tyson assisted DC Comics in selecting a real-life star that would be an appropriate parent star to Superman's home planet Krypton. A red dwarf star in the constellation Corvus was chosen. Corvus is also Latin for "Crow" which is the mascot of Superman's high school.
The mascot for the Rhode Island School of Design is a penis named "Scrotie" who supports their hockey team, "The Nads," and their basketball team, "The Balls," with the slogan "When the heat is on, the Balls stick together."
The mascot of The Evergreen State College in Washington is the geoduck, a clam with a large phallic appendage, which thrives in nearby Puget Sound. In honor of its mascot, the school's motto is "Omnia Extares," Latin for "let it all hang out."
The Rhode Island School of Design has an unofficial mascot named "Scrotie", a large penis wearing a red cape. He pairs with the solgan of "When the heat is on, the balls stick together." Despite being unofficial, Scrotie is widely accepted and is present at school basketball games.
There is a high school called Millennium and their mascot is the Falcon. So they are the Millennium Falcons.
School Mascot data charts
For your convenience take a look at School Mascot figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Rhode island school of design mascot why?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
A controversy over a Native American mascot at a high school in Colorado resulted in a campaign to rename the team "The Eaton Beavers" instead
A small town in VA has a 7 foot tiger statue built by Exxon. Exxon tried to take it down in 1990 but the town rallied and it stayed. Now a tiger is the mascot for several businesses and the local middle school. - source
There is a mascot for a school in Rhode Island in the shape of a penis called Scrotie. - source
The Rhode Island school of designs mascot is Scrotie, a penis costume & the basketball teams called the "balls", girls team is "juggs", & hockey team is "nads". The bball slogan is "when the heat is on, our balls stick together"
The mascot of the Arkansas School for the Deaf is the leopard. It wasn’t chosen because of the band Def Leppard, but the band has met the football team. - source
When did school lunches start?
Students at Ole Miss campaigned for Admiral Ackbar to be the new school mascot replacing Colonel Reb in 2010. Lucasfilm denied the use of his image, leading to the adoption of the black bear, then the much maligned Land Shark as the school’s new mascot.
How to get a male mascot in high school story?
Rhode Island School of Design's mascot is "Scrotie the Nads" who appears at the school's sporting events in a giant plush penis and testicles suit.
A local soccer team monkey mascot ran for mayor in 2002, promising to provide free bananas to all school kids. He then quit his mascot job, decided to focus on politics and was re-elected twice after becoming one of the most successful mayors in the country. (2nd source in comments)
Rhode Island School of Design mascot is Scrotie
There is a public high school in Manhattan with an acceptance rate of less than 3%. Students are 64% female, 36% male. The Phoenix is the school's mascot, meant to symbolize the school rising from the ashes of the World Trade Center after 9/11
The Rhode Island School of Designs 'Unofficial' mascot: Scrotie the Nads