Santa Baby facts
While investigating facts about Santa Baby Lyrics and Santa Baby Bar, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Eartha Kitt - known as the original singer of "Santa Baby" and the voice of Izma in The Emperor's New Groove - was blacklisted by the CIA after telling Lady Bird Johnson, "You send the best of this country off to be shot and maimed. No wonder the kids rebel and take pot."
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Santa Claus (St. Nick) used to give gifts on his saint day, December 6, but this eventually moved to December 25 after the Protestant-created reactionary figure Christkindl (a baby Jesus gift-giving figure) gave the gifts on Christmas Day instead
What santa baby song?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is a sable in santa baby. Here are 17 of the best facts about Santa Baby Song and Santa Baby Chords I managed to collect.
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About half of the most popular Christmas Songs - including "Santa Baby", "Holly Jolly Christmas" and "The Christmas Song" - were written by Jewish composers
The "Little Albert experiment" was a study into classical conditioning, the subject being a 9 month baby. Initially, the boy showed no fear of a white rat, until they banged a hammer when he played with it. Subsequently, Albert was terrified of the rat, a fluffy dog and a Santa suit.
A lot of the popular Christmas songs were originally written by Jews, including Rudolph, Santa Baby, and White Christmas
Eartha Kitt, the famous actress and singer who released the song Santa Baby in 1953 also voiced Yzma from Disney's 2000s animated movie, The Emperor's New Grove.
The original singer of "Santa Baby", Eartha Kitt, also played Catwoman in the 1960's Batman television series with Adam West and Burt Ward, and additionally provided the voice for Yzma in the 2000 film, The Emperor's New Groove.
The first recording of Santa Baby was recorded in 1953 by a future Catwoman
During WWII, Babies born at the Los Alamos site of the Manhattan Project had their place of birth listed as a PO Box in Santa Fe.
Santa Baby was originally recorded by Eartha Kitt
The cost of everything asked for in the Christmas song “Santa Baby” would cost $1,167,854,838.80
Eartha Kitt, ( Yzma from The Emperor's New Groove and Madam Zeroni from Holes) was also an accomplished singer. You may remember her from the Christmas hit Santa Baby.
Why is santa baby banned?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
How to Draw Santa Claus for Kids - Christmas Coloring Pages for Baby
In 1954, Eartha Kitt recorded and released a sequel to her 1953 hit song "Santa Baby" called "This Year's Santa Baby". It is the same exact song with different lyrics and was a commercial failure. - source
Madame Zeroni (Eartha Kitt) from Holes was the first to record 'Santa Baby' - source
The Christmas song "Santa Baby" was originally sung by the same woman who played the voice of Yzma on The Emperor's New Groove, Eartha Kitt
In Benjamin Britten's 1948 St. Nicholas Cantata, he states that when the baby who would become Saint Nicholas, the inspiration for Santa Claus, exited his mother's womb in 270 A.D., he immediately yelled "GOD BE GLORIFIED." - source