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Rwandan Genocide facts

While investigating facts about Rwandan Genocide Hotel and Rwandan Genocide Congo, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Captain Mbaye Diagne, a Senegalese unarmed military observer with the UN during the Rwandan Genocide. Alone and against orders, he used his UN vehicle to ferry hundreds of Tutsis and moderate Hutus to safety, bluffing, bribing and begging his way through checkpoints manned by génocidaires.

how did rwanda rebuild after the genocide?

about Zura Karuhimbi, a 'witch' who saved over 100 people during the Rwandan genocide because attackers believed she possessed magical powers.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Rwandan Genocide Canada and I managed to collect.

what was the un role in the rwandan genocide?

  1. Pat Robertson diverted Rwandan Genocide aid to build a Diamond Mine in Liberia. The Virginia AG whose campaign received $35,000 from Robertson declined to prosecute.

  2. The man most responsible for the Rwandan Genocide was only sentenced to 35 years in prison.

  3. The Rwandan genocide - which caused 1 millions deaths - is agreed to be the direct cause of the First and Second Congo Wars, which caused 80000 deaths and 5.4 million deaths respectively. This means the Rwandan genocide probably caused 7.2 million deaths in total.

  4. Mbaye Diagne, a Senegalese military officer and UN observer who disobeyed UN Rules of Engagement to save "at least hundreds" during the Rwandan Genocide.

  5. The Rwandan Genocide, which had a rate of 6 people being killed every minute for 3 months, has left 73% of it's survivors diaspora in Finland traumatised after 22 years.

  6. During the Rwandan Genocide an estimated 1,174,000 people were killed in 100 days, that is about 400 people killed every hour.

  7. In the three months preceding the Rwandan Genocide nearly half a million machetes were imported into Rwanda and the primary financier of this mass importation is still at large.

  8. The perpetrators of the Rwandan genocide released hundreds of Men infected with AIDS from hospitals, and formed them into 'rape squads.' The intent was to infect and cause a 'slow, inexorable death'

  9. As the Rwandan genocide ensued and the international embassies and organizations immediately evacuated their workers, a humanitarian worker and missionary, Carl Wilkens, decided to stay behind to safeguard his Tutsi friends

  10. The Rwandan Patriotic Front was composed mostly of Tutsi refugees. They had left Uganda because of Hutu violence against them.

rwandan genocide facts
What are the best facts about Rwandan Genocide?

Why did the un stand by and allow the genocide in rwanda?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Rwanda is located in central Africa.

Many Tutsi were caught at road blocks as they tried to flee.

Because of the genocide, 75,000 surviving children were orphaned.

RTLM radio also broadcast the names of specific people that should be killed and then announced it when their murder had been accomplished.

Many Tutsi were found hiding in churches, hospitals and schools. These buildings had previously been considered places of refuge and safety but during the genocide the Tutsi were not safe in these buildings.

When did the rwandan genocide begin and end?

Paul Rusesabagina, a hotel manager in Rwanda who shielded 1268 refugees in his hotel during the Rwandan genocide. None of those refugees were hurt or killed, despite repeated threats from the local rebel group.

How did the rwanda genocide happen?

European colonisers in Rwanda sought to give the Tutsis complete dominion over the Hutus because the Tutsis were viewed to be "more European looking", due to their taller and more slender bodies. The tensions this created is argued to be one of the main precursors to the Rwandan genocide.

During the Rwandan Genocide, a Hutu Catholic priest lured Tutsis into his church with the promise of refuge, only to notify Hutu militia, allowing them to bulldoze the church and slaughter anyone who survived

During the Rwandan Genocide 6 people were murdered every minute for 100 days.

The UN and several countries were aware of the Rwandan genocide being planned before it was executed

The Rwandan genocide began exactly 25 years ago. In the 3 months it lasted, almost 1 million people were killed, so around 8,000 per day. Let's not forget the consequences of hatred

Interesting facts about rwandan genocide

The President Juvenal Habyarimana's plane was shot down by a missile fired from Rwanda's capital city Kigali.

Although it was never proven who shot the airplane down, Hutu believed it was the Tutsi and used it as reason to begin the genocide.

All Tutsi and Hutu had been required to carry identification cards identifying their nationality. This made it easy for the Hutu to identify Tutsi during the slaughter.

On average six men, women and children were killed every minute of the genocide.

The radio station RTLM began broadcasting on July 8th to the Hutu to begin killing the Tutsi by using a code phrase "cut down the tall trees". The broadcasts also referred to the Tutsi as cockroaches and told the Hutu to crush the cockroaches.

How did belgium rule in rwanda contribute to genocide?

Some Tutsi were given the option of buying a bullet so that their death would be quicker and less painful.

The Rwandan government imported $750,000 worth of new machetes from China, which was one machete for every third male the year before the 1994 genocide where over 800,000 died

In 1993 a ceasefire had been created to implement an agreement to allow a power-sharing government between the Hutu and Rwandan Patriotic Front.

The Rwandan Patriotic Front slowly gained strength and began to take over the country, ending the mass genocide in mid-July.

The genocide began in Kigali, Rwanda's capital city. It spread rapidly from there to the rest of Rwanda.

Robert Kajuga, a leader in the Rwandan genocide against the Tutsi, was himself a Tutsi. He had a forged identity as an Hutu. His brother survived by hiding in Hôtel des Mille Collines, famous from "Hotel Rwanda".

Approximately 20% of Rwanda's people were killed during the Rwandan genocide.

The Hutu used mostly machetes, knives and clubs in their deadly assault on the Tutsi. Bullets were too expensive to use to murder all the people.

Approximately 70% of the Tutsi people living in Rwanda were killed during the genocide.

During the 100 day period as many as 800,000 people were murdered in Rwanda. This number includes men, women and children.

The majority of those murdered during the genocide were Tutsi but some moderate Hutu were also killed.

The plane of President Juvenal Habyarimana, Rwandan president whose assassination ignited the 1994 Genocide, was shot down near the Kigali International Airport and crashed in the backyard of the presidential residence

The Rwandan flag became so associated with the 1994 genocide that occurred there, the country adopted a new flag in 2001. The colours of the new flag, blue, yellow, and green, represent happiness and peace, economic development, and the hope of prosperity. The sun represents enlightenment.

Before the genocide there were approximately 1,100,000 to 1,200,000 Tutsi and moderate Hutu. After the genocide there were only 300,000 to 400,000 still living.

During the Rwandan genocide, the President of Congo said: "People must bring a machete, a spear, an arrow, a hoe, spades, rakes, nails, truncheons, electric irons, barbed wire, stones, and the like, in order, dear listeners, to kill Rawandan Tutsis."

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Rwandan Genocide. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Rwandan Genocide so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor