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Russian Federation facts

While investigating facts about Russian Federation Map and Russian Federation Countries, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The lyrics of the first original USSR anthem commissioned by Stalin, the lyrics of the second anthem (after De-Stalinization) and the lyrics of the current anthem of Russian Federation were all written by the same man, Sergey Mikhalkov (who was mostly a writer of children books and fables).

in the russian federation how are the president and prime minister chosen?

During Prohibition, federal agents Izzy Einstein and Moe Smith disguised themselves as grave-diggers, football players, Russian women, rabbis, judges, and plumbers (among many others). Together, they seized more than 5 million bottles of illicit booze and made 4,932 arrests.

What industries in chechnya are key to the russian federation?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the difference between russia and the russian federation. Here are 34 of the best facts about Russian Federation Countries List and Russian Federation States I managed to collect.

what's russian federation?

  1. Liquid Helium is the coldest substance on earth, and is critical to MRI machines and medical research. The US is intentionally depleting and disbanding its Federal Helium Reserve and will have to rely on Russian and Qatar in the future.

  2. Order of parental glory" is a state award and medal awarded to parents of the Russian Federation that raise a minimum of 7 children.

  3. The Russian federation 'accidentally' flashed plans of a 100MT cobalt-salted nuclear torpedo on national television. The weapon is puportedly designed to inundate coastlines with a 500 metre radioactive tsunami.

  4. There are two official Jewish territories in the world. Being Israel and the Jewish Autonomous Oblast, a federal subject of Russia in the Russian Far East

  5. The shortest-llved state was the Russian Democratic Federative Republic, which was established and abolished in 6 hours in 1918.

  6. The official name of the new Russian state, in English, was the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic.

  7. The record for the world's longest leg (female) belongs to Ekaterina Lisina from the Russian Federation. He legs measure 132.8 cm long for the left leg and 132.2 cm (52.0 in) long for the right leg, as measured in her hometown of Penza, Russia.

  8. The Kommuna, a Russian salvage and rescue ship, was commissioned in 1915 for the Tsarist imperial navy and is still in active service with the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation

  9. Next to Ukraine, Kazakhstan has the largest number of ethnic Russians outside Russia, about 4 million. Politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky, born in Kazakhstan, said the country should join Russia as a “Central Asian Federal Region"

  10. Cruise passengers are the only category of tourists visiting Russia who are allowed to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation without visa for up to 72 hours in St.Petersburg

russian federation facts
What does the russian federation and turkey have in common?

Why is it called the russian federation?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

There are 35 official languages beside Russian in the Russian Federation

The Soviet newspaper Pravda still exists, and is owned by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. - source

The Udmurtia Republic, part of the Russian Federation, has a museum dedicated to Kalashnikov and a pan-Uralic cultural movement called "ethnofuturism" - source

UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) lists "recently extinct languages": "Aasax (Tanzania) – 1976," "Ubyh (Turkey) – 1992," "Akkala Saami (Russian Federation)" in 2003,and "Eyak (United States, Alaska) – 2008." ("How many languages have already disappeared?")

A major team in Russian Hockey With a Ball League scored 11 own goals to attract attention to corruption in a hockey with a ball federation. Overall, all 20 goals of the match were own goals (final score was 9:11). - source

When was the russian federation formed?

Jean Sagbo, the first person of African descent to have been elected to a political position in the Russian Federation.

How many countries in russian federation?

In present-day Russian Federation and its predecessor the Soviet Union (USSR) there are periodic mass media stories that Alaska was not sold to the United States in the 1867 Alaska Purchase, but only leased for 99 years (= to 1966), or 150 years (= to 2017)—and will be returned to Russia

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation has a modern pop song called "Communists - forward!"

The “Russian Federation” is the renamed Confederation of the “USSR”, hiding the fact that the last republic located in it has become an independent state. This allowed the Russian Federation to capture multinational indigenous peoples into slavery and enrich themselves on their bones for 30 years.

North Korea and Russia share a border--"the shortest of all international borders of the Russian Federation"

The Russian government will spend up to 13 million rubles of federal funds, or about $198,000, to maintain the corpse of Vladimir Lenin.

When did the russian federation joined the eu?

WWII continued until 1956 because The Soviet Union and Japan remained at war. There is still not a peace treaty in place between Japan and the Russian Federation.

Ghost Recon predicted the 2008 invasion of Georgia by the Russian Federation

The Russian Federal Space Agency launched a giant mirror into space to beam light onto earth.

The Russian Federation has its own version of 'sovereign citizens' - people who think that the USSR still exists, and that they are really Soviet citizens.

How old is the russian federation?

Former NBA player Andrei "AK-47" Kirilenko, current Russian Basketball Federation Commissioner, is allowed to have sex with one other woman every year if he chooses. It was even his wife's idea.

Boris Yeltsin's (First president of the Russian Federation) faith in communism was shattered after a trip to a grocery store in a Houston Suburb in 1989.

In 2008 the head of the Russian Federal Space Agency speculated that the problems related to Soyuz TMA-11 were caused by old nautical superstition (there were more women than men). He said he will try to ensure this doesn't happen again.

A study found 1 in 9 members of the Russian Duma (federal legislature) obtained academic credentials with work that was substantially plagiarized.

Russia Banned Bibles Published by Jehovah’s Witnesses after Supreme Court of the Russian Federation declared JW's Extremists

Afghanistan has recognised Crimea as part of the Russian Federation

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Russian Federation. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Russian Federation so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor