Roller Coasters facts
While investigating facts about Roller Coasters Near Me and Roller Coasters At Cedar Point, I found out little known, but curios details like:
It Has Been Twenty Years Since Fabio Killed A Goose With His Face On A Roller Coaster.
how roller coasters work?
The 'stomach in your mouth feeling' on a roller-coaster is your organs FLOATING inside you
What roller coasters are at universal studios?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what roller coasters are at cedar point. Here are 50 of the best facts about Roller Coasters In Las Vegas and Roller Coasters At Disney World I managed to collect.
what roller coasters are at disney world?
RollerCoaster Tycoon was originally created by Chris Sawyer as an excuse to visit theme parks and "research" roller coasters.
7 years ago a man designed a Euthanasia Roller Coaster. It pulled 10 g's and was designed to both thrill and kill 24 passengers at a time.
After becoming obsessed with roller coasters, Chris Sawyer created and coded RollerCoaster Tycoon entirely by himself in Assembly...arguably the most difficult programming language of all. For his efforts he received about $30 million of the estimated $180 million brought in by the game.
Some roller coasters are recycled by selling them and moving them to other theme parks. This is partly because a reclaimed roller coaster can cost 80% less than a new one. One roller coaster, Tsunami, has been at 4 different theme parks since 1986.
A 2016 study found that the Thunder Mountain roller coaster at Disney World reliably makes people pass kidney stones.
Roller Coaster tycoon was programmed by one guy. In Assembly!
Humans enjoy spicy foods, depressing songs, and roller coasters because of “benign masochism”
After a man died of a heart attack from riding the roller coaster Python, SeaWorld removed its tagline: "I challenged the Python and lived!".
Russians call roller coasters "American Mountains" even though roller coaster are called "Russian Mountains" in many languages around the world
Roller Coasters data charts
For your convenience take a look at Roller Coasters figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why roller coasters are scary?
You can easily fact check why roller coasters are dangerous by examining the linked well-known sources.
Some of the earliest "roller coasters" originated in Russia, and in romance languages, roller coasters are often called "Russian mountains" (e.g. Spanish: montaña rusa). However, in Russian, they are called "American mountains" (американские горки).
When the face of Italian fashion model Fabio, which has graced the cover of hundreds of romance novels, got struck by a goose on a roller coaster, he refused to sue, saying that he was not interested in profiting from the accident, but only wanted the park to install proper safety measures. - source
First roller coaster started to transport coal down a hill. But, after people found that it could reach speeds up to 50 miles per hour, tourists asked to ride on it for a few cents. - source
A health benefit of roller coasters is that the centripetal force can help pass kidney stones
When roller coasters were invented?
Roller Coaster tycoon was programmed by one guy. In Assembly.
How roller coasters are made?
A person designed a euthanasia roller coaster that "sends out 24 people and they all come back dead"
Virtual reality has been added to some theme park roller coasters since 2015.
Roller Coaster Tycoon was developed by only one guy, in assembly.
In Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese, Roller Coasters are referred to as Russian Mountains, ironically in Russian, a roller coaster is referred to as an American Mountain.
About a man who built a roller coaster in his back yard because his son thought it would be cool. He learnt how to do it by watching videos online and by riding a lot of them (and he's an engineer).