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Remains Unknown facts

While investigating facts about Remains Unknown Synonym and Thru The Hereafter Remains Unknown, I found out little known, but curios details like:

If child is found abandoned on Russian territory and the parents remain unknown for more than 6 months, that child gains Russian citizenship

how many remains are in the tomb of the unknown soldier?

Abraham Lincoln once told a speech so powerful and intriguing that all the reporters simply forgot to take notes and the contents of Lincoln's speech remains unknown.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about The Man Of Tao Remains Unknown and The Hereafter Remains Unknown I managed to collect.

what remains are in the tomb of the unknown soldier?

  1. In 2004 while searching the Paris Catacombs police discovered a cinema in one of the caverns. It was equipped with a giant screen, seats for the audience, a fully stocked bar, and a complete restaurant. The source of its electrical power and the identity of those responsible remain unknown

  2. "Greek fire" was an effective incendiary weapon used by the Romans, which could not be put out by water. It was often used in naval battles, where it was fired via pressurised nozzles. The secrets of its production were closely guarded, and its composition remains unknown today.

  3. Avshalom Feinberg, an Israeli spy who helped the British defeat the Ottomans, was killed by Bedouins in the desert. His fate was unknown until after the 1967 Six-Day War when his remains were found under a palm tree that had grown from date seeds in his pocket to mark the spot where he lay.

  4. Dick Fosbury won the 1968 Olympic High Jump medal by using the hitherto unknown "flop" technique that he himself invented. It remains the most efficient high jumping technique to this day.

  5. A Nuclear Weapons Accident that occurred on March 10, 1956. A B-47 Stratojet carrying two plutonium cores was lost over the Mediterranean. Despite an extensive search, the plane and it's cargo was not located and it's fate remains unknown today.

  6. The cast of the 1910 version of 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz' remains unknown because the credits to the film are lost and the identity of the director and actors are disputed.

  7. In 2004, police discovered a fully equipped movie theatre (with seats, a large movie screen, projection equipment, and a bar) in one of the caverns of the Catacombs of Paris, and the source of this theatre remains unknown.

  8. Leonardo da Vinci claimed to have dissected more than 30 people in his pursuit to further understand human anatomy, and his more than 240 detailed drawings and over 13,000 words of observations revealed many then unknown characteristics of our bodies. However, all this remain unpublished.

  9. The USS Cyclops, which went missing in 1918 during WWI remains the single largest loss of life in U.S. Naval history not directly involving combat, and the fate of the ship is unknown still to this day.

  10. A mexican diplomat named Gilberto Bosques Saldivar rescued 40,000 people, mainly Spaniards and Jews, who wanted to flee Nazi occupied France during WW2. His heroism remained unknown to the world at large for some sixty years.

remains unknown facts
What are the best facts about Remains Unknown?

Why vmax remains unchanged in competitive inhibition?

You can easily fact check why does a catalyst remain unchanged by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery, is empty. In 1998, the remains were identified as USAF 1st Lt. Michael Blassie, and were reinterred in St. Louis, MO - his hometown.

A stray cat named Humphrey was found and subsequently employed at 10 Downing street as a pest controller, eventually rising to the position of Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office. After being removed by Cherie Blair, his whereabouts remained unknown until a spokesman reported his death in 2006 - source

About the Italian Unabomber, who placed tiny explosive devices inside everyday objects, including tomato sauce, a Nutella jar, and an egg, in public spaces in parts of Italy. Numerous people, including children, lost fingers and limbs. The bomber operated from 1994 to 2006 and remains unknown. - source

In 1968, four submarines sank mysteriously. An Israeli sub disappeared in January - four days later, a French sub went missing and was never seen again. In March a Soviet sub exploded and sank, and in May a US sub also exploded and sank - both causes remain officially unknown.

A bridge in Scotland is known for Dog Suicides. Since 1950, 600+ dogs have mysteriously leaped over the edge, roughly 50 have died. The reasons range from piss to the paranormal, the actual reason remains unknown. Reportedly, some dogs have even climbed back up for a second go. - source

When information is copied the original information remains unchanged?

There are multiple unknown soldiers for various wars near the famous Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington Cemetery. However, the unknown Vietnam soldier was later exhumed and identified through mitochondrial DNA. The crypt is still there, and will forever remain empty.

How many remains are in the tomb of the unknown?

In 2003, unnatural-looking skeletal remains measuring "six inches long" were found... genetic analysis show the unknown baby suffered a staggering number of defects including progeria, dwarfism, and scoliosis

The original 7 Wonders, only one remains intact, which is also the oldest one; Great Pyramid of Giza. The Colossus of Rhodes, Lighthouse of Alexandria & Mausoleum at Halicarnassu was razed by earthquakes.Temple of Artemis & Statue of Zeus was destroyed. Fate of the Hanging Gardens is unknown

Saturn is the only planet in the solar system whose rotation time remains unknown

Unlike the other 7 founding fathers of the U.S., the ancestry of Thomas Jefferson remains mostly unknown, with the only clue being that John Adams accused him of being half African-American, half Native-American, and half French.

Alessio Baldovinetti painted a Portrait of a Lady in Yellow in approximately 1465. In 1866 the painting was purchased by the National Gallery London, mistakenly attributed to Piero della Francesca as a portrait of Countess Palma of Urbino. It wasn"t until 1911 that an art historian determined that the true artist had been Alessio Baldovinetti. The sitter of the portrait remains unknown.

When sound travels from air to water what remains unchanged?

There's a shrine on a Singaporean island dedicated to a German little girl. She is regarded as a deity on the island even though her identity remains unknown.

The reason why Disney's Water County, a waterpark, closed remains unknown, although there are speculations of safety issues, deadly amoeba, and 9-11 playing a part in its closure.

The 'Mungo man', a 6'5 skeleton found in Australia and believed to be amongst the oldest known cremations in the world. Despite DNA evidence that the remains might be of an as-yet-unknown subspecies of human, the local aboriginal community has prevented access for further tests.

Custer was killed at the Battle of Little Bighorn, although the details of his death remain somewhat of a mystery. He was shot twice, but it is unknown if he was captured first. The cavalry column that arrived at the battle site two days later buried Custer in a shallow grave. His body was retrieved a year later and reinterred at West Point cemetery.

The United States also used Agent Orange as a defoliant in Cambodia during the late 1960s and early 1970s, but its impact remains unknown due to the isolated nature of the Khemer Rogue dictatorship.

It remains unknown how?

A woman named Amanda Lear had affairs with both Salvador Dali and David Bowie. Despite her fame, she remains mysterious; her true age is unknown and national origin are unknown, and many claim she used to be a man.

The unsolved murder of Sweden's prime minister, Olof Palme, by an unknown man with a .357 magnum in 1986 on a Stockholm street. After 10,000 people being questioned over 3 decades, only one man was convicted, but promptly released and pardoned. The killer remains unknown.

In 1977, SETI (the search for extraterrestrial intelligence) received a 72 second signal from the Chi Sagittarii star group whose origin and intent remains unknown.

Vietnamese emperor Tự Đức (1829-1883) has an official tomb, but the true location of his body remains unknown as all 200 labourers who helped to inter him were beheaded to keep the secret safe.

Albert Einstein had an illegitimate child named Lieserl, whom he never saw and whose fate remains unknown

Before the current process of photography was developed in 1839, Hércules Florence had been using this process to capture images in a remote region of Brazil in 1833, which he termed "photographia". This remained unknown until 1970.

The First Prime Minister of East Timor was shot and killed when Indonesia invaded. What then happened to his body is unknown, but the East-Timorese government continues to pursue the issue with the Indonesian government, so that his remains can be given a proper burial.

An unidentified assailant tracked down Cheeseface (the dog who was featured on the famous "Death" Issue of the National Lampoon magazine) to the farm where he lived and killed him. As of 2018, how they did this and their reason for doing so remain unknown.

Damascus steel hasnt been reproduced and the process remains unknown.

A very secretive family in the US owns a company larger than Ford Motor Company. The exact wealth of this family remains unknown.

Hatshepsut was a female Pharaoh who ruled in ancient Egypt, and that in order to gain the trust of people, ordered that she be portrayed as male in statues and paintings of the time. She remained largely unknown to scholars until the 19th century.

Shell Grotto -- A subterranean passageway entirely covered with astonishing seashell mosaics located 1h45 min drive from central London in Margate Kent, UK. Aprox 4.6 million shells were used to build it. It was discovered in 1835 but its age and purpose remain unknown.

In 1969 a Korean Air Lines plane was hijacked by a North Korean agent and forced to land in North Korea. 39 of the 51 people on board were released two months later, the remaining 11 were never released and their fate is unknown

The Borden house - where Lizzie Borden allegedly killed her dad & step-mom - & the Villisca House - where an unknown person killed 8 people including 6 kids - have become B&B’s & remain almost the same as when the crimes happened.

The "Storm" botnet is a massive cybercrime network of 1-50 million "zombie" computers that account for 8% of all malware. Its creators and operators remain unknown

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Remains Unknown. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Remains Unknown so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor