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Reflecting Sunlight facts

While investigating facts about Reflecting Sunlight Into Garden and Reflecting Sunlight To Cool Earth, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The town of Rjukan, Norway receives no natural sunlight from September to March due to the steep mountains that surround it. They've installed 3 large mirrors to reflect light into the town's square. The mirrors track the sun's path and move every 10 secs to create a 600m squared pool of light.

how much of the moon is always reflecting sunlight?

Astronaut's visors are covered in a thin layer of gold which reflects sunlight, therefore reducing glare

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 31 of the best facts about Reflecting Sunlight For Plants and Reflecting Sunlight Into House I managed to collect.

what is reflecting sunlight?

  1. A London skyscraper's curved glass facade caused a series of fires - reflected and concentrated sunlight spontaneously ignited the carpets in adjacent businesses and melted parts of cars parked nearby

  2. The vacuum of space is cold" is a myth. If you're in total darkness at the coldest spot in the known universe, the vacuum of space can get down to -454 ºF. But in sunlight near Earth, temperatures can swing to a boiling 250 ºF. That's why astronauts wear reflective white spacesuits.

  3. The reason coastal cities are so colorful is so they can stick out on the shoreline, a tool for approaching sailors. It also helps cool the buildings by reflecting the sunlight.

  4. Russia successfully put a giant mirror in space to reflect sunlight in order to light up Siberia in the dark winter months. A successful test in the early 1990s created a beam of light the brightness of a full moon and 7km in diameter, but the project was ultimately cancelled.

  5. Black mask on the face of great kiskadee reduces reflection of the sun from the surface of the water and intensity of sunlight during the flight.

  6. Triton, is Neptune's largest moon. It has ice volcanoes but it is so cold that the mixture instantly freezes and falls back to the surface as snow. Triton is considered to be one of the coldest of all objects in our solar system because it is gets so little sunlight and reflects what it does get. It is about -400 degrees Fahrenheit.

  7. The world's largest underground park is slated to open in 2018 beneath Manhattan in a century-old abandoned trolley station. This subterranean 'Low Line' will be illuminated by sunlight reflected via parabolic collectors above.

  8. Rjukan, a Norwegian town that experiences 7 months of no direct sunlight, built large mirrors on a nearby mountainside to reflect the sun and illuminate the town square.

  9. In 2013, the 'Walkie-Talkie' skyscraper in London reflected and concentrated sunlight onto a car nearby, causing the wing mirror, panels and Jaguar badge to melt.

  10. A village located in a dark valley in Norway is lit up by sunlight reflected off giant mirrors installed on top of a mountain nearby

reflecting sunlight facts
What are the best facts about Reflecting Sunlight?

Why do clouds reflect sunlight?

You can easily fact check why does the moon reflect sunlight by examining the linked well-known sources.

About the Greenhouses of Almeria, the largest concentration of greenhouses in the world, covering 26,000 hectares and producing more than half of Europe’s fresh fruits and vegetables. They reflect so much sunlight that the greenhouses are actually cooling the province.

Dark horses attract much more horse-flies than white horses, because their darker coat reflects sunlight as polarized linearly in the same direction as the horizon. - source

There is a type of Rare Cloud made from Ice Crystals, and can reflect Sunlight even during Night - source

Scientists at Stanford have developed a superthin material that lowers the temperature of a building and surrounding air nearly 9 °F (5 °C) by reflecting sunlight back into space.

In 2013 sunlight reflecting off a London skyscraper dubbed the Walkie Talkie melted a wing mirror, panels and badge of a Jaguar parked nearby - source

What happens when a referral is made to social services?

There was a project consisting of a giant mirror designed to beam solar power to Earth by reflecting sunlight.

Biotite is sometimes called the "other fools" gold" because tiny flakes of biotite swishing in a gold pan can produce bright bronze-colored reflections in the pan when struck by sunlight. A pin test can quickly distinguish between biotite, which is soft, and gold which is a hard mineral.

The heaven like rays that you see through clouds sometimes actually have a name and are the result of different particles in the sky defracting, reflecting, and scattering sunlight

The predictable "Iridium Flares" - reflections of sunlight off the panels of Iridium satellites, are going to be no more, because the new generation of satellites doesn't have the same type of panels. This will be the last year to see them.

What happens when social services get a referral?

The reason the dark portion of the moon is visible during new, quarter and half phases is due to "earthshine" (sunlight illuminating earth reflects onto the moon). Very cool!

Planes are white or light-colored for a reason: to reflect sunlight and avoid overheating.

In the 90s Russian scientists launched a satellite that reflected sunlight to the dark side of Earth, to try to turn night into day

Bird poop helps cool the Arctic. Emissions of ammonia from guano ultimately leads to could formation. The low-lying clouds seeded by the ammonia reflect incoming sunlight and ultimately have a cooling effect on the region

NASA will send a solar sail probe called the Lunar Flashlight to the moon. Besides maneuvering, it will also use its solar sail to reflect sunlight into dark polar craters (like a giant flashlight) so it can study them.

For two hours everyday, London's 20 Fenchurch Street (aka the Walkie Talkie Tower) acts as a concave mirror, focussing sunlight onto the streets below. In 2013, a particularly hot beam of sunlight reflected by the building damaged 6 cars, melting the bodywork of one.

Archimedes is said to have repelled a large Roman invasion fleet from the Greek shores by using a shield formation to reflect and concentrate the burning sunlight.

The City of Los Angeles is painting some of it's streets white in order to reflect sunlight and keep the surrounding areas cooler.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Reflecting Sunlight. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Reflecting Sunlight so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor