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Red Sea facts

While investigating facts about Red Sea Diving Resort and Red Sea Holidays, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Jeanne De Clisson, a 14th century Pirate Queen who took to the seas out to get revenge on the French king for executing her husband. She sold her estates and raised an army, raiding French ships with no mercy. She had 3 ships; they were painted black and their sails were red.

how red sea formed?

In 480 BC, King Xerxes I of Persia built bridges to invade Greece. But a storm destroyed these bridges. Enraged, King Xerxes threw chains in the sea, whipped the sea 300 times and burned it with red-hot irons as his men shouted at the water. The next bridge built was not destroyed.

What's red seal?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is a red seal chef. Here are 50 of the best facts about Red Sea Map and Red Seal I managed to collect.

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  1. The Sama-Bajau, a sea-faring and nomadic people, have physical adaptations that enable them to see better and dive longer underwater. It was recently discovered that they have evolved bigger spleens that provides a larger reservoir of oxygenated red blood cells.

  2. The Dead Sea Scrolls described baby Noah as having a bizarre red and white body with white hair and eyes that glowed so brightly when he opened them, they would light up a room like the sun. Noah's terrified father ran from his house after seeing this, and was convinced the child wasn't his

  3. Recent discoveries in man-made caves at the Red Sea have proven that ancient Egypt's was a maritime power, trading with a place called Punt (that still remains a mystery where it was).

  4. Jews believe God has a 72 letter name that allows the speaker supernatural powers. This name allowed Moses to part the Red Sea

  5. In 480 BC, the Persians' bridges were destroyed by storms as they invaded Greece. King Xerxes then ordered his men to give the sea three hundred whip lashes, to throw fetters into it and to burn it with red hot irons. Meanwhile, the punishers were to shout "you are a turbid and briny river"

  6. Marine biologists were on a nighttime dive searching for biofluorescent sea creatures in the coral reefs near the Solomon Islands when a hawksbill sea turtle glided in front of their cameras. The turtle was glowing green and red – the first biofluorescent reptile ever encountered in the wild.

  7. According to legend, in 1803 Japanese fishermen saw an ominous "ship" adrift. Aboard was a beautiful young woman with red hair and pale skin. She wore clothes of unknown fabrics and did not speak Japanese. The fishermen eventualy returned her and her vessel to the sea, where it drifted away

  8. Homer referred to the sea as "wine-dark" six times in his works and nobody's really sure why (whether wine was blue, the sea was red, or Greeks were colorblind)

  9. The largest loss of life at sea occurred in WW2 when a Soviet submarine torpedoed a cruise-liner filled with 10,000 Germans fleeing the Red Army. Only 1,000 people survived.

  10. When the founding fathers were designing the great seal, Ben Franklin's design was Moses parting the Red sea with Pharaoh chasing after him and a Pillar of Fire in the sky signifying God. The motto would have been "Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God"

red sea facts
What is red seal certification?

Why red sea is red?

You can easily fact check why red sea name by examining the linked well-known sources.

The ancient Egyptians and Persians both attempted to build a canal linking the Mediterranean to the Red Sea. The Romans later completed a canal in the 2nd century AD, but it silted up by the 700s.

There is a published scientific theory on the parting of the Red Sea for Moses to cross. This theory places Moses north of the Red Sea, in Lake Tanis, where a possible storm surge receded the waters. This would give him 4 hours to cross a 4km land bridge before the waters filled back in. - source

Red light does not reach ocean depths, so deep-sea animals that are red actually appear black and thus are less visible to predators and prey - source

The Red Sea exchanges its water with the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea through the Gulf of Aden.

Sea squirt can be green, yellow, red, orange, pink, blue, brown or white colored, depending on the species and its habitat.

When is red snapper season?

Humans being trichromats (having three color receptors in their eyes: red, green and blue) is an exception amongst placental mammals, which are mostly dichromats. Other exceptions: some sea mammals are monochromats, and in some new world monkeys 60% of females are trichromats.

How red sea parted?

Due to the construction of the Aswan High Dam in the 1960s across the Nile River the water of the Levantine Sea is much saltier because it reduced the freshwater flow. This has resulted in devastation to important sardine fisheries but increased Red Sea species.

In medieval Europe, the "Seven Seas" phrase referred to the Adriatic, the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea, the Persian Gulf, the Arabian and the Red Seas. Over time other cultures also used the term for various bodies of water. Now it refers to the seven oceans.

There are several species of deep sea animals living in the oceans that terrify humans including the dragonfish, frilled shark, vampire squid, big red jellyfish, giant squid, coffinfish, anglerfish, snaggletooth, and the blue ringed octopus. Some are poisonous while others have huge teeth and menacing appearances.

The Red Sea was important to the spice trade as a transportation route during the Middle Ages.

The Red Sea is located between semi-desert, desert, and arid land masses.

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Shellfish found in the Bering Sea includes red king crab, opilio crab, tanner crab, and king crab.

Some theories suggest that the Red Sea got its name because some Asiatic languages referred to directions with colors.

The Red Sea is also home to more than 200 hard and soft corals.

There are a large number of bays, gulfs, seas, and straits located in the Indian Ocean. Some of these include the Andaman Sea, the Arabian Sea, the Gulf of Oman, the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea, the Indonesian Seaway, and the Strait of Hormuz.

Red sea urchin has the longest lifespan on Earth. It can survive up to 200 years in the wild.

How deep is the red sea?

The increase in Red Sea species in the Levantine Sea is referred to as the Lessepsian migration.

The Pharaoh tried to kill the Israelites but the Red Sea parted and allowed them to pass. When the Pharaoh's army tried to pass the seas closed and swallowed them.

At times there are red tides, which occur as a result of dense plankton groupings. This kills large numbers of fish when it occurs.

Coastal animals of the Labrador Sea include the Labrador wolf, caribou, black bear, moose, Arctic fox, wolverine, red fox, grouse, osprey, raven, snowshoe hare, American wild pheasant, ducks, partridge, and geese.

Color of sea urchins depends on the species. Majority of species are black, brown, purple, red or green in color.

There were at least three ancient Suez Canals: one built during the reign of Nekau II (610-595), then either completed or rebuilt during the rule of the Persian King Darius I (522-486), and finally during the reign of Ptolemy II (285-246 BC). Instead of connecting the Mediterranean and Red seas directly, the ancient canals ran from the Red Sea to the Bitter Lakes, then went west to the Pelusium Branch of the Nile River.

There are many deep water fish found in the Red Sea including the glowbelly, blunt-tooth conger, blue lantern fish, naked barracuda, spotfin cardinal, and pink pipefish.

Some of the most popular diving destinations include Australia, Micronesia, Egyptian Red Sea, Hawaii, Thailand, Belize, and Palau.

The Red Sea is also referred to as the Erythraean Sea.

Male builds nest on the sea cliffs or inside abandoned buildings, caves and mine shafts. Nest is made of dry vegetation and lined with wool.

Gulf St Vincent has an important bird area located north of Adelaide. It supports more than 1% of the populations worldwide of red necked stints, black faced cormorants, and silver gulls, among several other species.

The Levantine Sea is connected to the Red Sea via the Suez Canal, which was completed in 1869. The canal pours water from the Red Sea into the Mediterranean as the Red Sea water level is higher than the water level of the eastern Mediterranean.

The Indian Ocean is subjected to a variety of pollution sources including oil and ship pollution, specifically in the Red Sea, Persian Gulf, and the Arabian Sea.

Atlantic puffins have very large and colorful beaks (combination of red, yellow and blue colors). Because of their beaks, Atlantic puffins are also known as 'sea parrots" or "clowns of the sea".

The Egyptian government has rules and regulations in place to protect the biodiversity of the Red Sea's coral reefs.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Red Sea. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Red Sea so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor