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Python Sketch facts

While investigating facts about Python Sketches and Python Sketchup, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 2008 Monty Python decided to start their own Youtube channel. They uploaded HQ videos of their sketches which in only a few days resulted in a 16,000% increase in DVD box set sales.

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In 2008, after becoming fed up with people uploading their videos to YouTube, Monty Python started their own channel, uploading HQ versions of their most popular sketches. The move resulted in a 23,000% increase in DVD sales.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the best monty python sketch. Here are 50 of the best facts about Python Sketches List and Python Sketch Program I managed to collect.

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  1. Elvis was a huge Monty Python fan. He would watch Python all night . He would learn and recite them. Took the tapes on his plane. He would call people Squire from the "Nudge Nudge" sketch.

  2. Prior to creating The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams appeared in two Monty Python sketches, the first being episode 42.

  3. In 2008, after becoming fed up with people uploading their videos to YouTube, Monty Python started their own channel, uploading HQ versions of their most popular sketches. The move resulted in a 23,000% increase in DVD sales.

  4. Roy Orbison (of "Pretty Woman" fame) was a huge fan of Monty Python, with a gift to impersonate, and recite entire sketches.

  5. I learned there's a Silly Walk March in Brno (Prague) every year as a tribute to the famous Monty Python's sketch

  6. Spam emails are named after the lunch meat Spam because of a Monty Python sketch in which Spam is portrayed as both ubiquitous and inescapable

  7. The term "spam" meaning internet junk is derived from a Monty Python skit. Spam makers Hormel, while never happy with the use of the word spam for junk email, have been supportive of the sketch and issued a special tin of Spam for the Broadway premiere of Spamalot based on Monty Python.

  8. Douglas Adams is one of only two people outside the original Monty Python members to get a writing credit on their BBC series. He co-wrote a sketch called "Patient Abuse" during the fourth and final season.

  9. Roy Orbison had a gift for impersonation and could recite entire Monty Python sketches.

  10. The term 'spam' referring to unwanted junk emails comes from Monty Python's Spam sketch

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Spam emails were named after a Monty Python Sketch.

During the Crosby by-election (UK) in 1981, a 22-year old candidate legally changed his name from John Desmond Lewis to Tarquin Fin-tim-lin-bin-whin-bim-lim-bus-stop-F'tang-F'tang-Olé-Biscuitbarrel, in homage to a character from a Monty Python’s Flying Circus sketch. - source

To become a British Citizen, you must first be familiar with sketch comedy legends, Monty Python - source

Programming language Python prefer to use "spam", "ham" and "eggs" as name for general variables (metasyntactic variables) instead of the classics "foo", "bar" and "baz" because of the menu from the Monty Python's sketch "SPAM"

Word spam in reference to junk mail came from a Monty python sketch in the 70s. Then was picked up by early user of the the internet. - source

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Spam [e-mail] is named after Spam luncheon meat by way of a Monty Python sketch in which Spam is depicted as ubiquitous and unavoidable"

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Someone convinced Nigerian scammers to recreate the Monty Python Dead Parrot sketch

Monty Python's "Dead Parrot" sketch is similar to a Greek joke from 400AD in which a man tries to return a dead slave to a slave trader.

In a comedy sketch satarising 1960s attitudes to homosexuality Monty Python predicted Furry Fandom decades before it became a thing.

The word “spam” used in reference to unwanted e-communications (commonly emails) comes from a 1972 Monty Python sketch in which two customers are lowered into a restaurant and everything on the menu contains spam.

The Monty Python "Doug and Dinsdale Piranha" sketch was based on real people: the Kray twins, London gangsters and murderers. They were among the last prisoners ever held in the Tower of London, in 1952.

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Olympic bikers will start the race going as slowly as possible, sometimes going to a complete standstill- almost like some bizarre Monty Python sketch.

Elvis Presley was a big Monty Python’s fan and would act out the sketches in his bedroom with his girlfriend Linda Thompson

Electronic spam (junk mail) got its name after a Monty Python sketch about the canned Spam meat product portrayed Spam as ubiquitous and inescapable, due to its post-war popularity at the time.

The "Patient Abuse" Monty Python sketch was co-written by Douglas Adams

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Monty Python's first film was "And Now for Something Completely Different" a sort of compilation of greatest sketches to help them crack America. It ultimately failed, but was a success in England and Canada.

The band Toad the Wet Sprocket almost made Monty Python's Eric Idle run off the road when he heard them on the radio. The name was a joke in Eric Idle's sketch called Rock Notes.

Junk mail is called SPAM because of a Monte Python sketch.

The term 'spam' in the context of junk e-mail is derived from the Monty Python sketch.

The term "spam", as we know it today, is thought to be attributed to the famous Monty Python sketch

"Sing, Little Birdie" was in fact NOT the winner of the 1959 Eurovision Song Contest, despite Mao Zedong's claims during Monty Python's "World Forum" sketch.

Monty Python did a sketch about the rise of furry fandom ten years before it started. Complete with pseudo-sexual parties.

The word SPAM derives from a Monty Python sketch.

The internet term "spamming" comes from a Monty Python sketch where "spam" is used 400+ times.

The word "Spam" (as in unwanted messages) comes from a Monty Python sketch in which a woman goes to a restaurant where the menu mainly consists of spam.

Some of the romantic banter between Deadpool and his girlfriend in the 2016 movie is based on a Monty Python sketch.

Harold Potter is a character in the 1969 Monty Python sketch: Man Turns Into a Scotsman

The Pet Shop owner and setting from The Dead Parrot Sketch pops up agan in a later episode of Monty Python's Flying Circus

Trey Parker and Matt Stone were inspired by Terry Gilliam's Monty Python animations for South Park. They Later appeared on a BBC tribute to MP with a Dead Friend Sketch.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Python Sketch. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Python Sketch so important!

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