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Puke Puke facts

While investigating facts about Puke Puke Monster Hunter World and Puke Puke Song, I found out little known, but curios details like:

An Ohio judge sentenced a woman to spend 8 hours in the "smelliest, most god-awful place they can find" at a garbage dump, for neglecting her dog. "If you puke, you puke"

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An Ohio judge sentenced a woman to sit in the smelliest area of a garbage dump for 8 hours, for animal abuse. "If you puke, you puke."

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 34 of the best facts about Puke Puke In English and Eminem Puke Puke I managed to collect.

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  1. Chunks of whale puke sell for as much as $150,000. After aging, the chunks become known as ambergris, developing a sweet musky smell. The material is highly sought after by high-end perfume manufacturers.

  2. An aquarium shark sparked a murder mystery when it puked up a human arm in its tank

  3. Sylvester Stallone Spared with Earnie Shavers, speculated hardest puncher in boxing history, in preparation for Rocky3. Shavers refused to hit Stallone with anything but a reluctant jab. But Stallone persuaded Shavers to deliver an authentic punch, which was so powerful Stallone ran off puking.

  4. An Ohio Judge once sentenced a woman to spend 8 hours in the "stinkiest, smelliest" part of a landfill, as a punishment for animal neglect. The judge added "If you puke, you puke"

  5. An Ohio judge once sentenced a woman to sit in the "stinkiest, smelliest" area of a garbage dump for 8 hours, as a punishment for neglecting her dog. "If you puke, you puke."

  6. Pigeons, penguins and flamingos don't feed their newborne young regurgitated food but instead puke up their own cells from the crop and esophagus made specifically to feed young. The sloughed cells have more protein and fat than mammalian milk.

  7. There are 96 bags of astronaut poop, pee and puke on the moon. They were left behind to make room for bringing moon rocks back to earth. Theres also 12 Hasselblad cameras, a gold plated telescope, used wet wipes, space food wrappers, golf balls, 70 other space craft, and 12 pairs of boots there.

  8. Some Civil War soldiers had wounds that glowed in the dark because of a bioluminescent bacteria that was puked up by nematodes. This bacteria actually killed off other pathogens and made the survival rate of those soldiers higher.

  9. An Ohio judge once sentenced a woman to sit in the "stinkiest, smelliest" area of a garbage dump for 8 hours, as punishment for neglecting her dog. "If you puke, you puke."

puke puke facts
What are the best facts about Puke Puke?

What is true about puke puke?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

William Shakespeare invented the word swagger. In fact he invented over 1,700 common words that we use today, including addiction (Othello), bedazzled (The Taming of the Shrew), cold-blooded (King John), eyeball (The Tempest), and puking (As You Like It).

German bars have "Kotzbecken" or "Speibecken". These are special wide-drained sinks for puking. They are also known as "Pabst" or "pope". Zum Kotzen! - source

7-Time Mr. Olympia has always struggled with body image. Arnold Schwarzenegger claims he has never been happy with how he looks, and it “makes me want to puke when I look in the mirror.” - source

Marvel had a Super Hero Called Zeitgeist that his Super Power was to Puke Acid and he found out by puking on the face of his lover while making sex

An Ohio judge once sentenced a women to spend 8 hours at the "stinkiest, smelliest" part of the county dump, as punishment for neglecting her pet dog. "If you puke, you puke." - source

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Some Civil War soldier’s wounds glowed in the dark because of bioluminescent bacteria that was puked up by nematodes. These bacteria killed other pathogens and made the survival rate of soldiers higher.

Coca-Cola also makes Fanta in the flavors Aloe Vera, Bubble Gum, Cheese, Cinnamon Rum, Lychee, Mushroom, Root Beer, Toffee and Puke, among others.

There is a flashlight called an LED incapacitator that will cause you to puke if you look into the light.

Jonah Hill made Leonardo DiCaprio puke during filming of "The Wolf of Wall Street" by changing the script to force Leonardo to do "100 takes of eating (sushi) over and over again".

Honey is essentially delicious bee puke.

When was pukaskwa-national-park created?

Y. pestis, the pathogen causing the bubonic plague, causes a gut blockage in fleas. This makes them starve, so they feed desperately, and makes them try to clear the blockage by puking up thousands of bacilli of Y. pestis into the host as they bite.

In the 1800's, Missourians who migrated north to work in Galena lead mines were called "pukes."

WWE Superstar (and meme lord) JOHN CENA!!! got food poisoning yet still went out to wrestle and then proceeded to puke and poop simultaneously after rolling out of the ring.

Shakespeare invented words like: drug, arouse, bet, hurry, swagger, puke, rant

Some people can hands free puke whenever they want. It's a disorder called Rumination Syndrome. This can be achieved by flexing my abdomen with the mental want to regurgitate.

There is a type of mold that commonly grows on garden mulch and looks remarkably similar to puke. It is aptly known as 'Dog Vomit Slime Mold'.

Missouri has been called "The Pennsylvania of the West" and "The Puke State"

An Ohio judge once sentenced a woman to sit in the "smelliest, most god-awful" part of a landfill for a day, for neglecting her pet dog. "If you puke, you puke."

Puke first appeared as a verb in Shakespeare's As You Like It. "At first the infant, mewling, and puking in the nurse's arms."

Fulmar chicks puke on attackers for defense, that puke is a sticky murder-oil that causes victims to drown when they try to wash it off.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Puke Puke. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Puke Puke so important!

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