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Publicly Admitted facts

While investigating facts about Publicly Admitted, I found out little known, but curios details like:

American Sniper Chris Kyle admitted to lying about a fight with Jesse Ventura in his book and his widow has ignored her late husband's wishes and withheld millions from the bereaved families of his fallen friends that he publicly had promised to support prior to his death.

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About the "Toxic woman" aka Gloria Ramirez who was admitted to Riverside hospital in So Cal in 1994. Staff who treated her began feeling ill and were hospitalised themselves. After numerous theories, chemical analyses and publications, the jury is still out on this very strange medical case

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does publicly accessible. Here are 25 of the best facts about Publicly Admitted I managed to collect.

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  1. Mexican mayor Hilario Ramirez admitted to stealing money from the government treasury and when confronted publicly said “yes but only a little cause we are in hard times”. He was later reelected.

  2. The CEO of the manufacturer of Beats Headphones publicly admitted, "Kids did go into a Best Buy and bought Beats not because it sounded cool, but because it made them look cool."

  3. In the 1990s Sears, Roebuck and Co sold used or defective Diehard car batteries as new. In 2001 they agreed to a $63 million settlement with the US government and never publicly admitted any wrongdoing.

  4. For 50 years the Soviet Union distorted virtually all public maps of the country, misplacing rivers and streets, distorting boundaries and omitting geographical features, out of fear of aerial bombing and foreign intelligence operations. Satellite imagery forced them to admit they were lying.

  5. No mob figure had publicly admitted the Mafia existed until 1963, when Joseph Valachi acknowledged the existence of La Cosa Nostra in testimony to Congress after accidentally (& brutally) killing the wrong guy in prison.

  6. The Nazi government admitted defeat on public radio on January 31, 1943.

  7. In 1995 Eazy-E was admitted to hospital for suspected asthma and related symptoms such as a cough that persisted, but instead he was diagnosed with AIDS. He made a public statement about his illness on March 16, 1995.

  8. The unarmed citizen crime patrol "Guardian Angels" - set up to fight subway crime in NYC in 1979 - admitted they faked incidents with "muggers" and "rapists" in order to gain publicity, including a co-founder drenching himself in gasoline.

  9. A Struggle Session was a form of public humiliation and torture during China's Cultural Revolution where a victim would be forced to admit to various crimes before a crowd of up to 100,000 people who would verbally and physically abuse the victim until he or she confessed.

publicly admitted facts
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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

During the 1836 election, Virginia's entire 23-man electoral delegation faithlessly voted against victorious Democratic Party Vice Presidential Candidate Richard Mentor Johnson[2] due to Johnson's openly admitted, publicized, long-term "interracial" relationship with his octoroon slave, Julia.

One former contestant of "The Biggest Loser" publicly admitted that he dropped some of the weight (122 lbs) by fasting and dehydrating himself to the point that he was urinating blood. - source

When Hitler's chief ideologist (Alfred Rosenberg) gave him his most important book to vet before publication, he didn't respond for a year. When Rosenberg asked him how he found it, he just said "I feel sure that it's alright", not admitting that he had actually never read it. - source

The Pentagon still considers gays "mentally ill." It's been "under review" since 2003 but they've never publicly admitted they're wrong.

In 1992 NBC publicly admitted to producing fake news. - source

What happens when you get a public urination ticket?

Popular YouTuber, Amazing Atheist, Publicly Admitted to Statutory Rape of a Minor

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The Swedish police released a map of 55 areas where they publicly admit to having surrendered control to the criminal gangs. These areas have long had problems with mailmen, fire trucks and ambulances being attacked when trying to enter, which has led to them routinely requesting police escort.

In 2010 the then president of the Detroit Public School Otis Mathis was deemed a "functional illiterate" but given a pass because he "represented the community". His downfall came later when he admittedly regularly fondled himself during meetings with a female DPS superintendent.

Muhammad Ali never publicly admitted losing to Joe Frazier, instead labelling the judges verdict a "White Man's Decision"

The CIA publicly admitted that they, with British help, were behind the 1953 coup against Iran's only democratically elected prime minister, which returned control the the authoritarian Shah over oil interests.

The nations largest coal ash spill happened in TN and workers admitted a box of dust masks were sitting in a tool shed at the site but were ordered destroyed They didn't want people driving by seeing them wearing those dust masks that was not an imaged approved. The public had a big lawsuit

Interesting facts about publicly admitted

Former Republican Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert is the highest ranking public official to have gone to prison. He served 13 months after admitting he molested boys while he was a high school wrestling coach and committed financial crimes in an attempt to cover up bribery payments to them.

An interview, conducted by an Israeli general named Ouze Merham, was published and quoted in several publications in which Ariel Sharon admitted killing 750 Palestinian civilians and advocated the murder and rape of Arab girls. The Twist? There is no Ouze Merham.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Publicly Admitted. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Publicly Admitted so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor