Public Urinals facts
While investigating facts about Public Urinals In Amsterdam and Public Urinals In Paris, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 1997, a student won first prize when 43 out of 50 of his classmates (86%) voted to ban the chemical dihydrogen monoxide because it caused "excessive sweating & urination," among other effects. His project showed misleading terms can lead to false conclusions among the public.
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The corpses of Mussolini and his mistress were beaten and urinated upon and finally left to hang upside down, for public display, from a rusty beam outside a petrol station
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what public transportation is in san francisco. Here are 50 of the best facts about Public Urinals In Uk and Public Urinals Europe I managed to collect.
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The Beatles "I Want To Hold Your Hand" is often misheard in Japan as "Ahonahōnyōhan", meaning "Idiotic public urination".
President Lyndon B. Johnson often peed in public, even during his presidency. One time, a gust of wind blew his urine onto the leg of one of his Secret Service agents. When the agent informed him he was being peed on, President Johnson replied, "I know. That's my prerogative."
In 13 states. if you're arrested for public urination, you must register as a sex offender.
About "pee paint," a special paint that repels pee back on the pee-er. Cities use it in an attempt to reduce public urination on walls.
Former U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson was a sexual maniac who nicknamed his penis "Jumbo" and he would often urinate in public. If anyone confronted him while doing so, he would turn around and say "have you ever seen anything as big as this?"
To combat the theft of trees in public parks around Christmas time, some cities spray their trees with fox urine. It freezes and has no odor outside, but thaws if taken indoors on a would-be Christmas tree, and the smell is "eye-watering"
The people of St. Pauli, Hamburg, were sick of their district smelling like urine because of nightclub patrons relieving themselves on the street. So they painted the buildings with special paint that repels water so forcefully public urinators end up peeing on themselves.
Toddlers in China wear 'split pants' or 'crotchless pants' so they can urinate and defecate in public places with ease.
That, to stop the theft of trees in public parks near Christmas time, some cities spray would-be Christmas trees with fox urine. It freezes and is odorless outdoors, but would be unbearable and irremovable if taken into someone's home.
Greek philosopher Diogenes was known for publicly urinating and masturbating, lived in a wine cask and told Alexander the Great he was blocking his sunlight
Public Urinals data charts
For your convenience take a look at Public Urinals figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why public transportation is good by examining the linked well-known sources.
A group advocating for people who are afraid to urinate in public asked DirecTV to pull its commercials starring Rob Lowe and an awkward alter ego "Painfully awkward Rob Lowe."
There is such a thing as a "pee detector" in some elevators to prevent public urination and it locks you in the elevator if it detects urine. - source
There is no such thing as Urine Indicator Dyes which are supposedly placed in public pools to detect urine by changing the surrounding water colour - source
In 13 states of the US you can end up in the Sex Offender Registry for ''public urination'', even if you hide behind a structure or object so other people don't see your junk out.
Public urinals or "Pissoirs" were used by the French Resistance during World War II as places to meet for a private conversation or to leave a message for someone without the Nazi’s finding out. - source
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A Dell laptop stinks. The Latitude 6430u computer in 2013 smelled like "cat urine" because of a manufacturing flaw in the plastic. Customers reported erroneously blaming their cats for the smell, which was so strong that they were embarrassed to use the notebooks in public.
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Paris has a problem with public urination and the unpleasant smell that comes along with it. To fight this, “sidewalk urinals” filled with odor fighting sawdust are being installed along the streets.
Many cities in Europe have outdoor, public urinals
San Francisco and Hamburg Germany started using hydrophobic paint to combat public urination. When painted on walls the urine will bounce back onto the offender instead of running and pooling on the ground.
Diogenes of Sinope, a philosopher, lived in a ceramic jar and would urinate on people who insulted him. He would also defecate in theatres and was a notorious public masturbater.
In London there are public urinals that automatically rise from the sidewalks at night.