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Public Relations facts

While investigating facts about Public Relations Jobs and Public Relations Salary, I found out little known, but curios details like:

All existing JFK assassination related documents will be made public by 2017

how public relations work?

That, when asked to investigate the space shuttle Challenger disaster, Richard Feynman wrote a very critical report about NASA's safety policy concluding: "For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled."

What's public relations?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what public relations is all about. Here are 50 of the best facts about Public Relations Definition and Public Relations Officer I managed to collect.

what public relations do?

  1. The remaining Kennedy assassination related documents are scheduled to be released to the public by 2017"

  2. The wife of disgraced Enron CEO Ken Lay, Linda Lay, sold roughly 500,000 shares of Enron 10 to 30 minutes before news about the collapse of the company went public. She was never charged with any of the events related to Enron.

  3. Massachusetts guaranteed access to all public schools to every child in 1845, after a group of black whalers from Nantucket, accustomed to the relative equality they had on whaling ships, began a boycott and petition campaign.

  4. The JFK Records Act, an act that states that all government documents related to the Kennedy assassination be publicly disclosed on October 26 2017.

  5. In 2003 relations between Japan and China were strained due to a semi public orgy involving 400 Japanese businessmen and over 500 Chinese prostitutes

  6. One man is responsible for why women smoke, why we eat bacon & eggs at breakfast, why there's fluoride in tap water, and why the US says it's "spreading democracy" during war. He disliked the word "propaganda" so he coined the term "Public Relations"

  7. The term "public relations" was invented by E. Bernays because the term "propaganda" was in misscredit due to the nazis use of it.

  8. Public relations" was invented by Freud´s nephew Edward Bernays as a substitute for "Propaganda" due to negative implications surrounding the word because of its use by the Germans

  9. That, largely due to Oliver Stone's JFK, all existing assassination-related documents will become publicly available by next year.

  10. Public relations" is an anagram of "crap built on lies"

public relations facts
What public relations jobs?

Public Relations data charts

For your convenience take a look at Public Relations figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

public relations fact data chart about The rise in the usage of elucidate for cell biology related
The rise in the usage of elucidate for cell biology related publications.

Why public relations as a career?

You can easily fact check why public relations is a good career by examining the linked well-known sources.

Granite emits relatively high levels of radiation. Due to the substantial amounts of granite used in many public buildings - including Australia’s Parliament House, and New York's Grand Central Station - they would have difficulty getting a license to operate if they were nuclear power stations

Alcala's thirty-year career in research included hundreds of scholarly publications in herpetology, marine biology, and other minor related fields, as well as the addition of fifty more species to the known list of reptiles and amphibians.

One of his first scientific publications was an article, "Essay on Determining the Relative Masses of the Elementary Molecules of Bodies and the Proportions by Which They Enter These Combinations."

The idea of a "dark star," a star whose gravity is so massive that light cannot escape it, was proposed in 1783 by geologist John Michell, more than 125 years prior to the publication of Einstein's general theory of relativity.

The idea for a holiday to celebrate secretaries and other administrative professionals began with Mary Barrett, the National Secretaries Association president, and the president of Dictaphone Corporation C. King Woodbridge. They worked with Harry Klemfuss, who worked for Young & Rubicam as a public relations account executive, to bring the idea to life.

What happens when media coverage influences public opinion?

Edward Bernays, the father of Public Relations. He used propaganda to make women smoke, make bananas popular, make bacon & eggs breakfast foods, and help overthrow a Guatemalan president. His work influenced the Nazis' campaign against the Jews.

How public relations specialist?

The 1988 Democratic nominee Michael Dukakis tried to toughen his image by having a photo op with a M1 Abrams tank. The image completely backfired and he would go on to lose decisively to George H.W. Bush. "Dukakis in the tank" remains shorthand for backfired public relations outings.

Because nuclear weapons secrets are so closely guarded and because governments don't acknowledge leaks of nuclear secrets, any publicly available descriptions of how nuclear weapons work rely to some degree on speculation, reverse engineering, and comparisons to related fields of physics.

Chinese mountain cat is relatively "new" species. It was known as Chinese desert cat until the 1992. First pictures of wild Chinese mountain cat became publicly available in the 2007.

Sigmund Freud's nephew used Freud's ideas to convince Americans that bacon and eggs is the "All American Breakfast", that women should smoke in public, and founded the field we now call Public Relations.

In 2002, Acclaim Entertainment, a video game developer, wanted to advertise its new game "Shadow Man 2" with mini-billboards on the tombstones of the recently deceased in exchange for a payment to the relatives of the deceased. The idea was scrapped after the public backlash they received.

Private opinion becomes public opinion when?

The Washington's supposed Mutual Combat Law is not at all related to fighting in public.

After the war ended Mario worked in Germany for the Air Force as a civilian public relations liaison.

When Edward Bernays, the "father of public relations," realized he could apply wartime propaganda techniques in peacetime, he coined the term "public relations" to make it palatable to the public

Ben Affleck is related to slave owners. When Affleck appeared on the PBS show "Finding Your Roots" it was discovered that his family tree contained slave owners. Rather than acknowledge this during his episode he instead pressured producers to cut it. This was later made public in an email leak.

In 1998 Mohammad Khatami made a public commitment to neither support or hinder Rushdie's assassination, in an effort to restore diplomatic relations with Britain.

How public relations crisis?

The U.S. government censored educational & scientific information from the public regarding plate tectonics, a scientific delay lasting for a decade because some evidence was classified military information related to undersea warfare

In 1995 Eazy-E was admitted to hospital for suspected asthma and related symptoms such as a cough that persisted, but instead he was diagnosed with AIDS. He made a public statement about his illness on March 16, 1995.

Due to intense public interest in Michael Jackson, his 1988 autobiography Moon Walk was prepared for publication in secret. Relatives of Doubleday employees were hired as couriers, and at the printing plant it was given the code name "Neil Armstrong", that of the first "moonwalker".

During the 1870s, Forrest took a much more conciliatory approach to race relations, at least publicly.

Edward Bernays the nephew of Sigmund Freud, who was nicknamed "the father of public relations", created a campaigns in 1929 to promote female smoking by branding cigarettes as feminist "Torches of Freedom"

The concept of bacon and eggs as an american breakfast was popularized in the 1920s by Edward Bernays, a public relations consultant, being paid by an at the time large bacon company. It worked so well that most people simply take it for granted.

After 15,000 died in Bhopal, India, the purchaser of Union Carbide, Dow Chemical's public relations representative Kathy Hunt stated, "You can't really do more than that, can you? $500 is plenty good for an Indian."

Sigmund Freud's nephew was a public relations expert and innovator in that field, using psychology to manipulate the public on behalf of companies and politicians

In November 1998, Caldor suffered a public relations embarrassment when its sales flyer featured a prominent photograph of two grinning boys playing the board game "Scrabble" with the word RAPE spelled out in the center of the board, buried amongst nonsense words.

In 1935, the New York Times reported that a restaurant owner named Eng Shee Chuck had brought chow mein to a Jewish children’s home in Newark on Christmas Day. This article is considered to be one of the earliest publications of the stereotype that relates Jews to Chinese food on Christmas

In the state of Victoria, Australia there are two public holidays purely related to sports.

There is a museum called The Bunny Museum dedicated to rabbits that was opened to the public in 1998, located in Altadena, California, US. It holds more than 33,000 bunny-related items. Their slogan is "The Hoppiest place in the World".

Estella Marie Thompson, AKA Divine Brown, a prostitute that was performing oral sex on Hugh Grant in his car in 1995, earned a total of $1.6 million from publicity related to her arrest with Grant.

Freud Communications , a large public relations firm, was founded by Matthew Freud, great-grandson of the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud

In 1991 Kuwait Hired Public Relations Firm Hill & Knowlton to create support for US intervention. This propaganda campaign culminated in the daughter of the Kuwaiti Ambassador to the US giving false testimony to, and misrepresenting herself to the US Congress and the American Public.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Public Relations. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Public Relations so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor