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Public Opinion facts

While investigating facts about Public Opinion Definition and Public Opinion Obituaries, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A 1944 opinion poll found that 13% of the U.S. public were in favor of "killing off" all Japanese men, women, and children.

how public opinion is formed?

The Queen never gave a press interview, went to an election or publicly expressed a personal opinion.

What's public opinion poll?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what factors influence public opinion. Here are 43 of the best facts about Public Opinion Online and Public Opinion Polls I managed to collect.

what public opinion means?

  1. The idea for Fox News was born when Richard Nixon approached Roger Ailes in 1970 about his vision for a conservative news channel that would serve as the mouthpiece for his administration and help mold the opinion of a “lazy public” addicted to TV.

  2. The Goldwater Rule, a rule that prohibits psychiatrists from giving professional opinions about public figures whom they have not examined in person

  3. A 1944 opinion poll that asked what should be done with Japan found that 13% of the U.S. public were in favor of "killing off" all Japanese men, women, and children

  4. Sigmund Freud's nephew believed the scientific manipulation of public opinion was necessary to overcome chaos and conflict in society. His subsequent work did much to create the consumerist culture we live in today.

  5. Pirates were generally considered by the English government to be reserve naval forces, and were sometimes given active encouragement such as knighthoods. Royal pardons were regularly issued and the public's opinion of pirates was often favorable, some considering them akin to patrons.

  6. The term "j'accuse", coming from the title of an 1898 open letter from writer Emile Zola to the president of France during the Dreyfus Affair, is a synonym for a brave public expression of opinion against the abuse of power.

  7. A fake testimony from a 15 yr old girl helped the US government to gain public opinion support to the 1st Gulf War.

  8. Nek Chand, who was creating sculptures made out of waste, in the secrecy of the jungle, for 18 years. Discovered by officials who came to clear the jungle, the Rock Garden survived as public opinion was on his side. It is now the second most visited place in India after the Taj Mahal.

  9. Bikini islanders left to deal with fallout of US nuclear tests without compensation. They now fight for nuclear disarmament worldwide, despite slim chance of success, hoping to at least shame nuclear armed nations in the court of public opinion.

  10. This was an unpopular opinion, only made worse when Eddington was drafted and refused to fight under recognized conscientious objector status. While he was legally allowed to register as a CO, it was considered unpatriotic and cowardly by the public.

public opinion facts
What is public opinion in government?

Public Opinion data charts

For your convenience take a look at Public Opinion figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

public opinion fact data chart about Public opinion of sex before marriage
Public opinion of sex before marriage

public opinion fact data chart about Public opinion on legalizing marijuana in the United States
Public opinion on legalizing marijuana in the United States

Why public opinion is important in democracy?

You can easily fact check why public opinion polls are important by examining the linked well-known sources.

27 years ago the US entered the Gulf war, largely based on the testimony of a 15 year old girl called only "Nayirah", which turned public opinion with stories of Iraqi soldiers removing babies from incubators. We now know,"Nayirah" is a member of the Kuwait royal family, and was lying.

Before "A Charlie Brown Christmas" premiered, aluminum Christmas trees were a popular item. Charlie Brown's refusal to buy a fake tree in the special swayed public opinion, and aluminum trees were phased out within 4 years. - source

In the Givhan vs. Western Line case in 1979, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously that, under the First Amendment’s freedom of speech clause, public employees are permitted to express their opinions, whether positive or negative, in private with their employer without fear of reprisal. - source

The best selling novel Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852), by Harriet Beecher Stowe, was an abolitionist tome that helped sway public opinion in the north against slavery.

Corporations that feared getting sued created front groups like 'Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse' to turn public opinion against lawsuits. This included companies like Texaco, Pfizer, and Philip Morris. - source

What happens when media coverage influences public opinion?

The Overton Window, a measure of public acceptance of an idea, the adjustment of which can be used to alter the public's opinion of a controversial idea

How public opinion is measured?

A study showed that US public opinion on policies has a "minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact" on the chance a bill will become law. Contrarily, economic elite's opinions have substantial impact and high correlation with policy change.

50 Cent Party" is the term for Internet trolls who are paid to manipulate public opinion for the Chinese Communist Party on social media.

Public opinion in the north was strongly against the Black Codes because they were often viewed as a continuation of slavery.

Eating lobster used to be a sign of poverty. It was primarily served to prisoners. Advancing fishing technology and a marketing campaign changed public opinion and turned it into the luxury food it is today.

Nutritionists and the general public have disparate opinions of what's healthy. (Granola isn't.)

Public opinion infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Public Opinion numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

public opinion fact infographic about Using Twitter & AI To Graph Real-Time Public Opinion of Pres

Using Twitter & AI To Graph Real-Time Public Opinion of Presidential Candidates

Private opinion becomes public opinion when?

The largest opinion gap between the US public and scientists is in whether genetically modified foods are safe to eat, with 88% of scientists in agreement compared to 37% of the public.

A study was conducted comparing over 2,000 public opinion polls vs the laws Congress passed and found that Congress doesn't care what we think at all.

In 1933 news reports of an "axe-murdering marijuana addict" murdering his entire family helped turn public opinion towards making marijuana illegal. The man had a history of mental illness and there was no evidence that he had ever smoked marijuana.

The words Nice and Pharma/Pharmaceutical/Pharmacy have some different origins from public opinion. It's crazy!

Jesus used logic and public opinion to get his way. When asked how he had the authority to teach at a temple, Jesus asked the priests if John's baptism was divine or of man. The priests, fearing public outcry, refused to answer, so Jesus went on teaching

How public opinion polls are conducted?

How Sigmund Freud's nephew believed the scientific manipulation of public opinion was necessary to overcome chaos and conflict in society. His subsequent work did much to create the consumerist culture we live in today.

US President John. F. Kennedy prevented the US military from committing radical false flag attacks to sway the public opinion against Cuba

Researchers at Princeton found that ideas presented to the US congress have the same chance of becoming law regardless of public opinion, unless that opinion comes from the top 10% (Princeton article in comments)

There is a song actually called The Most Unwanted Song, which combines all the things people hate in music (irritating bagpipes, an opera singer rapping, etc.) into one disgustingly cacophonous masterpiece. The material of the song was curated through a series of public opinion surveys.

There is a song actually called The Most Unwanted song, which combines all the things people hate in music (irritating bagpipes, an opera singer rapping, etc.) into one disgustingly cacophonous masterpiece. The material of the song was curated through a series of public opinion surveys.

Enough for the public opinion. i just want to share my talent. the popular hip hop song will make you relax

The Lusitania, said to be a non-military vessel torpedoed by a German U-Boat, helped to shift public opinion in the United States against Germany, and in fact was carrying hundreds of tons of war munitions.

Media bias is real and is rampant enough to skew public opinion on a large scale.

The Vietnam War had provoked protests among students, who created plans intended to turn public opinions against the war. At one informative protest, Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin opted to give a speech on the environment rather than war. His speech ended up starting the "Green Movement".

A 1944 opinion poll found that 13% of the U.S. public were in favor of the extermination of all Japanese.

During WW2, British Ministry of Information Circulated "Atrocity Propaganda" About Germany/Japan Etc. With the Intention to Distract Public Opinion From the "Doings of the Red Army" (From Allied Wartime Diplomacy by Edward J. Rozek)

About Richard Jewell. After finding a bomb planted at the 1996 Olympics, he was labeled as a suspect by the media who thought he planted it so "he could 'find' it and be a hero." It is a lesson to the huge role the media plays in swaying public opinion.

Digg, a formerly popular social news site where users voted links up and down, was subverted by a small group of power users to attempt to sway public opinion during an election by brigading, poll swarming, and mass spamming.

BBC manipulates public opinion by spreading lies and/or twisting facts.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Public Opinion. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Public Opinion so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor