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Protested Calling facts

While investigating facts about Protested Calling, I found out little known, but curios details like:

When Danes living under Prussian rule were prohibited from raising the Danish flag, the bred a pig to look like the flag instead, called the Danish Protest Pig.

how many sacraments do roman catholics/protestants have?

There's a holiday called 'Buy Nothing Day' an international day of protest against consumerism & 'Black Friday.' Participants wander around shopping malls or other consumer havens with a blank stare.

What caused the protestant reformation?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what was the role of the protestant reformation in the growth of the scientific revolution. Here are 50 of the best facts about Protested Calling I managed to collect.

what's protestant reformation?

  1. Homosexuality was still classified as an illness in Sweden in 1979. Swedes protested by calling in sick to work, claiming they "felt gay".

  2. In 1979, a number of people in Sweden called in sick with a case of "being homosexual", in protest of homosexuality being classified as an illness.

  3. The first pro-gay film in the world was a 1919 German film called “Different from the Others”. It was created as a protest against German laws that criminalised homosexuality. The Nazis destroyed most prints of the film, and only one known copy has survived.

  4. Homosexuality was still classified as an illness in Sweden in 1979. Swedes protested by calling in sick to work, claiming they felt gay

  5. In 2011 Ben & Jerry's released a flavor named Schweddy Balls. A group called "One Million Moms" protested, saying the name was too explicit for grocery store shelves. However one mother said "We just think it's funny, that's all, and honestly we all really want to try it.”

  6. Homosexuality was still classified as an illness in 1979. Swedes protested by calling in sick to work,claiming they felt gay.

  7. When Johnny Cash realized his record label of 30 years was not properly marketing him, he recorded an intentionally awful song called "Chicken in Black" about his brain being transplanted into a chicken, as a protest. It turned out to be a bigger success than any of his other recent material

  8. In 1932, General Macarthur and then Major Patton Tear-Gassed WWI Veterans Calling Themselves The "Bonus Army." They Had Marched On Washington Demanding Full Payment For Their Service During WWI. 2 Vets Were Killed. Historians Claim That Without The Protest, There May Have Never Been A GI Bill.

  9. Catholic and Protestant areas in Northern Ireland are still separated by walls up to 25 feet tall called "peace lines"

protested calling facts
What factors set the stage for the protestant reformation?

Why was the black death a cause of the protestant reformation?

You can easily fact check why was the protestant reformation important by examining the linked well-known sources.

During E3 2009 a small protest made up of people claiming to be from a local church was held in objection to EA's game Dantes Inferno. Some protesters went as far as to call EA the antichrist. Confirming the suspicions of many, EA later admitted that the protest was a hoax to promote their game.

South Koreans have been protesting in front of the Japanese embassy in Seoul every Wednesday since January 8, 1992, demanding justice for comfort women in WW2 called Wednesday Demonstration - source

When Crayola decided to retire the colors raw umber and maize, a group called the Raw Umber and Maize Preservation Society or "RUMPS" formed and showed up to Crayola headquarters to protest with signs... - source

In 1992, police rioted at a rally called by the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association to protest NYC Mayor's proposal to create an independent civilian agency that would look into police misconduct

In 2003, as a response to Prime Minister John Howard's attitude towards peace protests, the Australian satirical newspaper The Chaser published his real home phone number on their front page. The headline read "Howard ignores the people. So call him at home on (02) 9922 6189". - source

When protestant reformation began?

Because assemblies of the Holy Roman Empire are called 'diets,' and because there is a city in Germany called 'Worms,' there is a historical event called the Diet of Worms. It discussed the Protestant Reformation.

There is a company called Crowds on Demand that stocks method actors for occasions which included fake fans, paparazzi, security guards, unpaid protesters and professional paid protesters.

In 1685, German city of Potsdam issued a proclamation called the Edict of Potsdam which encouraged Protestants from all over Europe to relocate to Potsdam to run away from religious harassment in their countries.Consequently more than 20.000 immigrated to the city, making it a center of freedom.

The alliance of the Protestant German kingdoms was known as the Protestant Union, while the German Catholic countries were called the Catholic League.

The first single by Paul McCartney's band Wings was a protest song called "Give Ireland Back To The Irish" that was banned by the BBC.

In 2001, France had its own version of Big Brother called Loft Story, the set of which was attacked by protesters who called it "trash TV".

When did the protestant reformation begin?

To protest a law against certain names, in 1991 a Swedish couple called their baby Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116 (pronounced Albin), but the court rejected it.

In 1919 Gandhi called for peaceful strikes and protests when the British began to imprison suspects of resistance without trial. Gandhi was arrested in 1922 and charged with sedition (resistance to government rule).

Belfast has walled off religious ghettos for Catholics and Protestants called "Peace Lines."

The early Protestant Scots-Irish American settlers actually identified as being simply Irish upon arrival to America, but they later began to call themselves ''Scotch-Irish'' in order to distinguish themselves from the Roman Catholic Irish who arrived in large numbers during the 19th century

Slobodan Milošević orchestrated a movement called known as the anti-bureaucratic revolution where "Rallies of Truth" were held to protest "bureaucratic and corrupt governing structures" which ultimately brought him to power

The Quaker Oats Company has nothing to do with religious movement called Quakers besides using a famous Quaker as their logo because "the Quaker faith projected the values of honesty, integrity, purity and strength" (despite the occasional protests from Quakers)

After English football team Wimbledon FC relocated to another city, protesting fans created their own club called AFC Wimbledon. Since their formation in 2002, AFC Wimbledon have risen from the 9th tier of the league pyramid and now compete in the same division as Wimbledon FC in the 3rd tier.

The Irish once heavily supported an English King called James II of England, he was a catholic and thousands of Irish and English soldiers fought together to try restore him to power, but failed after they were defeated by protestant forces

The first hospital training school for nurses was established in Kaiserwerth, Germany in 1846, called the Institute for Protestant Deaconesses.

The students in Tiananmen Square also built a statue called 'Goddess of Democracy' which was designed to face the portrait of Mao Zedong. The original was destroyed but there are copies in Hong Kong and the US where sigils are held on the anniversary of the protest.

Martin Luther, the founder of the Protestant Reformation, was a notorious anti-semite. In a pamphlet called "The Jews & Their Lies", he encourages Christians to destroy Jewish neighborhoods.

In 2002 a Madagascar soccer team intentionally scored on themselves to protest a call a referee made in their last game. They lost the game 149-0.

There is an unorganized anarchist movement called Black Bloc that dresses from head to toe in black and spreads anarchy during demonstrations and protests.

Dr. Joseph Goebbels was openly against slut shaming. Calling moralist prudes "life’s losers, protesting life itself", who "slander and demoralize millions of German women".

In Rocha, Uruguay, drug dealers called for a strike and did not sell drugs for 24hs on Holy Friday in protest for a fire that killed 11 inmates in the local county jail

In 2010 Comedy Central had a game on their website called "Drawn Together", based on the show of the same name, that featured a character named “Jew Producer” and a killer robot named “I.S.R.A.E.L.". The game has since been removed after protest from the Jewish community.

A statue was "massacred" at Bowling Green, USA when protesters from a secret society tore down a 4000-pound metal statue of a famous figure, cut it up, and sent it to a factory to be turned into bullets. It was at a park in NYC called Bowling Green in 1776, and the statue was of King George III.

The Walt Disney Company had plans to open a theme park in Virginia called "Disney's America" which would have been themed around American history, including Civil War reenactments. It was cancelled after numerous protests by locals and historians.

Cop drama Police Woman aired a 1974 episode where a trio of lesbians rob and murder their elderly residents, prompting protests and TV Guide calling it "the single most homophobic show to date". The episode was withheld from syndication reruns for at least 10 years but is available on DVD

In 1961 Pauline Lumumba marched naked in the streets of Kinshasa (then called Leopoldville) to protest the killing of her husband, the revolutionary Patrice Lumumba, by Belgian and Katangan forces.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Protested Calling. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Protested Calling so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor