Project Management facts
While investigating facts about Project Management Certification and Project Management Institute, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Ants manage large-scale infrastructure projects with no coordination at all. Each ant acts alone, solving problems such as removing obstructions as they are encountered. Research points to the simple, evolutionary energy-saving principle of: "If you do not need to communicate, don't!"
how project management is important?
Vasa Syndrome, a term for problems in communication and management that can cause projects to fail, is named after the Vasa, one of the largest and most spectacular warships ever built, which sank in 1628 on its maiden voyage because it was too unstable to withstand a gust of wind.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what project management is all about. Here are 21 of the best facts about Project Management Courses and Project Management Software I managed to collect.
what's project management?
Valve has no managers. Instead Employees choose which projects to work on, who to hire and can assemble their own teams for their new projects.
"Bus factor" is an actual thing. A project management measurement system for how stable your project would be if part of the team happened to suddenly get hit by a bus.
The work that administrative professionals do can include preparing documents, coordinating meetings, maintaining files, planning meetings, planning special events, office supply purchasing, leading projects teams, conducting research, training employees, and managing websites and social networking.
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter's project manager, David Dienstbier, had no experience making videogames when he was hired by Acclaim Entertainment, and got the job because he kept sending in his own drawings and liner notes for what he would loved to have seen in a video game.
The Rijkswaterstaat (public works and water management) in the Netherlands completes many invasive roadwork projects in hours instead of weeks or months.
One of Apple Lisa's biggest consumers was NASA. NASA used LisaProject but had major problems when the Apple Lisa was discontinued as it had been used for project management.
Bill Murray has no agent or manager. In order to reach him to be in a project, people have to call an 800 number and leave a voicemail.
A journalist managed to fool the world into thinking she was a successful EDM DJ for an art project
Canada has their own breed of cow, the Canadienne, bred to produce high quality milk on low input management systems. It has official Heritage status and is part of an embryo flushing program called Project Embryo Plus to prevent extinction.
Thad Starner (a full professor at Georgia Tech and also a Technical Manager on Google's Project Glass) has worn his own customized wearable computer continuously since 1993.
Project Management data charts
For your convenience take a look at Project Management figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.
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You can easily fact check why project management course by examining the linked well-known sources.
The US government employs a full-time project manager to coordinate risk management plans, environmental impact statements, environmental assessments, special recreation permits, and other logistics and bureaucracy related to the annual Burning Man gathering
Bill Gates's wife Melinda was a project manager for Microsoft Bob, Encarta, and Expedia. - source
Brooks' law is a claim about software project management according to which "adding manpower to a late software project makes it later". - source
In the 1970s the socialistic Chilean Government tried to create Project Cybersyn a distributed decision support system to aid in the management of the national economy. The system contained a central opsroom which bore striking resemblance to the aesthetics of the Starship Enterprise.
What do you mean by Project Cost Management | ApnaCourse - source
When project management history?
The location for the Palm Jumeriah in Dubai was decided by the Project Manager walking along the beach, randomly stopping, paralleling himself, and then having someone lay the stakes in his direction. That became the centre point for the entire project
How project management processes?
Software Project Management, the Software Engineering project Management System, MIS management Information System Process for development of software, planning monitoring and control of the people, process and events is know as project management.
Trello Project Management: What is Trello?
About the FBI's Project SLAMMER, a study interviewing former KGB double agents determined that while money was a factor for spying, the greater reason was the double agents could use spying to solve their problems and could manage the damage they were causing and the extent of their spying