Prison Guards facts
While investigating facts about Prison Guards Epstein and Prison Guards Crossword Clue, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The food in Alcatraz Prison was so good that the guards and prison staff ate the same exact meals as the prisoners. This was because the warden believed most trouble in prison is caused by bad food.
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Charles Rigoulot, a French weightlifter, was jailed for hitting a Nazi guard, but broke out of his jail cell by bending the bars. He allowed other prisoners to escape as well.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are prison guards called. Here are 50 of the best facts about Prison Guards Arrested and Prison Guards Salary I managed to collect.
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Prisoners in Auschwitz concentration camp attacked the SS guards with stones, axes, and makeshift hand grenades and killed 3 Nazi SS guards, one of whom was burned alive by the prisoners in the oven of Crematorium II.
Judy, a purebred English pointer who would often jump in to protect prisoners from beatings in a POW camp during WW2. A British Naval pilot bargained to have her officially considered a POW so the guards could not kill her.
In Auschwitz, there was an SS guard who fell in love with a Jewish prisoner after hearing her sing at a dinner, he help saved her life and she help testified on his behalf during his post-war trial.
In 1975, Joel Kaplan escaped from a prison in Mexico without breaking a single law. He didn't bribe or assault the guards since they were on a break, the helicopter and plane used in his breakout were bought legally, his flight followed FAA guidelines, and he entered the US with his real name.
In Halden prison in Norway, guards are encouraged to interact, play sports, and eat with the inmates. This is to prevent aggression and create a sense of family. Despite being a maximum security prison, every cell has a flatscreen TV, an en-suite shower and fluffy, white towels.
Dirk Willems, jailed for his devotion to being an Anabaptist, escaped from prison. But when the guard pursuing him fell through the ice, Willems turned around to save the guard. He was then recaptured, tortured, and killed.
In 2001, drug kingpin El Chapo escaped from prison in a dirty laundry basket. After bribing multiple guards, he was wheeled out of prison hidden inside it. The escape allegedly cost him over $2.5m. Over 70 guards were implicated including the warden, who's now in prison for the part he played.
During WWII, Canada had PoW camps. The prisoners are referred to as the happiest prisoners, and were treated well. Many were given jobs, and some were even trusted with the guards rifles to go hunting. After the war, many brought their families to Canada.
In 2009, four prison inmates saved a prison guard from another inmate. The heroes were in prison for crimes like assault and armed robbery and saved the guard because he treated them with a lot of respect.
In 1954 Soviet prisoners overthrew their guards and, for 40 days, established a gulag republic with a democratically elected provisional government, marriages between male and female prisoners, indigenous religious ceremonies and a general flowering of art and culture.
Prison Guards data charts
For your convenience take a look at Prison Guards figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why are prison guards so mean?
You can easily fact check why do they call prison guards screws by examining the linked well-known sources.
Steven Jay Russell, who impersonated a prison guard to simply walk out of prison. Upon recapture Russell lowered and paid his bail by pretending to be a judge, escaped his next capture by impersonating a doctor, and did so AGAIN by faking his death, eventually landing him a 144yr sentence.
Auschwitz prisoner Kazimierz Piechowski, along with 3 others, were able to escape the camp by simply dressing up as Nazi Officers & commandeering the Deputy Führer's car. When they arrived at the gate they simply barked orders to the guards who let them out no questions asked. - source
Salvador Dali made a painting for the prisoners at Rikers Island in NYC that hung in the prisoner dining room for 15 years, when it was moved to the prison lobby for 'safekeeping'. In 2003, three prison guards and a warden stole the painting. - source
A group of TX prison inmates broke out of a holding cell to save a guard who had passed out with no pulse. The inmates got help to revive the guard; then they were locked back in the cell with a thank you.
23 year old, Joe Arridy, a intellectually disabled man with an IQ of 46, was wrongfully executed in 1939. He was known for playing with his toy train that the prison warden gave him as a present while on death row. Guards and Inmates described him as "the happiest prisoner on death row" - source
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Choi Gap-bok, who, in 2012, escaped from prison by squeezing his body through the food slot at the bottom of his cell door. The slot measured 5.9 inches tall and 17.7 inches wide. Choi, a yoga practitioner, applied skin ointment to his body and slipped out while 3 prison guards were sleeping.
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In 1973 a helicopter landed in Dublin's Mountjoy prison exercise yard, the guards assumed it was a surprise inspection until three IRA prisoners got in and escaped as a guard, who realized a Jailbreak was happening in front of his eyes, shouted, 'Close the gates!'
Surrealist poet Robert Desnos who started reading palms of fellow prisoners on their way to the Nazi gas chambers. His excitement was so contagious as he predicted longevity, more children, and abundant joy that the guards were unable to go through with the executions.
Prisoner Tavon White impregnated four prison guards while incarcerated in Baltimore. Two of the women even had his name tattooed on them.
Russian criminal and prisoners would get large chest and back tattoos of Stalin and Lenin, not out of respect, but to avoid having internal organs damaged during beatings by guards who would not denigrate the images.
Only one of the guards of the Standford Prison Experiment was particularly brutal, and the more brutal he became, the more prominently he faked a southern accent.