Powerpoint Presentations facts
While investigating facts about Powerpoint Presentations Templates and Powerpoint Presentations Are Widely Used As, I found out little known, but curios details like:
PowerPoint Karaoke is an improvisational activity in which a participant must deliver a presentation based on a set of slides that they have never seen before.
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Nike’s pitch to Stephen Curry was so poorly executed that one of the PowerPoint slides still had Kevin Durant’s name on it from a previous presentation. It was after this that Curry went on to sign with Under Armour.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what font size is best for powerpoint presentations. Here are 14 of the best facts about Powerpoint Presentations Examples and Powerpoint Presentations Ideas I managed to collect.
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One of the political parties in Switzerland is called the 'Anti-Powerpoint Party'. Its singular aim is to prohibit the use of Powerpoint in office presentations.
Powerpoint presentations have become so popular in the military that certain generals have banned their use in critical operations
Emma Stone created a PowerPoint presentation to the tune of Madonna's song Hollywood, in order to convince her parents to let he move to Hollywood after only one semester of high school at Xavier College Preparatory in Phoenix, Arizona.
It is trendy for Chinese firms to employ a foreigner or two who can speak Chinese to make PowerPoint presentations at meetings with new business partners, or for 'display' during negotiations, or even to play the role of a foreign 'rent-a-date' for social occasions
Emma Stone, an Actress, gave a PowerPoint presentation to her parents, set to the Madonna song "Hollywood", to convince them to let her move to California for an acting career. Also, Stone's low-pitched husky voice is a result of having baby colic, a condition of frequent screaming as an infant
There's a Swiss political party dedicated to decreasing professional use of Microsoft PowerPoint and other presentation software. The party advocates flip charts as an alternative to presentation software.
In an attempt to receive a raceseat at the Williams Formula 1 team, George Russel came in and tried to persuade them using a PowerPoint presentation. He got the job a year later and is now driving for them.
An estimated 350 PowerPoint presentations are given every second worldwide, which is more than 30 million daily.
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Powerpoint Presentations data charts
For your convenience take a look at Powerpoint Presentations figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.
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You can easily fact check why is powerpoint good for presentations by examining the linked well-known sources.
There is a political party in Switzerland dedicated to the prohibition of Microsoft PowerPoint (and similar programs) in professional presentations.
20 Best PowerPoint Presentations That You Can’t Miss - source