Powerball Lottery facts
While investigating facts about Powerball Lottery Jackpot Winner and Powerball Lottery Numbers, I found out little known, but curios details like:
When the results began coming in from the 30 March 2005 Powerball drawing, lottery officials suspected fraud was underway because 110 players claimed second prizes of $100,000 or $500,000. All 110 players and the jackpot winner got their numbers from fortune cookies.
how powerball lottery works?
In 2005 the Powerball drawing produced 110 2nd-prize winners. The Multi-State Lottery Association thought it was fraud. It turned out the winners simply played the lucky numbers from their Wonton Food fortune cookies. The fortune read "All the preparation you've done will finally be paying off."
What is the powerball lottery up to?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what was the powerball lottery numbers last night. Here are 16 of the best facts about Powerball Lottery Winning Numbers and Powerball Lottery Results I managed to collect.
what is powerball lottery?
110 people once tied for second prize in the Powerball lottery. Officials suspected cheating but discovered that the winners had all used the "lucky numbers" off copies of the same fortune from fortune cookies.
You are more likely to win the powerball jackpot than be one of the 500 million sperm cells released during a single ejaculation. Congrats to all the lucky lottery winners of life reading this post.
In 2005, a single Powerball drawing resulted in 110 second-place winners. Lottery officials suspected fraud but as winners came forward to claim their tickets, it was soon revealed that players had chosen their numbers based on fortune cookies.
Three Wall Street executives won the Powerball lottery in 2011. The $254 million jackpot was larger than the $82 million their small investment firm managed.
Brothers Bob Stocklas won $7 in the Powerball lottery on the same day that his brother James won $291 million.
All possible number combinations to the powerball lottery costs approx 584 million dollars and winning it is like flipping heads 28 times in a row
In the United States, you have a 1.5(10^-7)% chance of dying in an elevator accident. That is approximately 3.8 times less likely than winning the Powerball lottery jackpot.
In 2005, a record 110 players won $500,000 and $100,000 prizes in the Powerball lottery. All winners drew their winning numbers from fortune cookies.
Powerball and Mega Millions' return on investment (8-11%) is ridiculous compared to European lottery games like Eurojackpot and Euromillions (21-27%)
Powerball Lottery data charts
For your convenience take a look at Powerball Lottery figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is the powerball jackpot so low?
You can easily fact check why does powerball jackpot increase by examining the linked well-known sources.
Powerball and Mega Millions' average return on investment (8-11%) is rather low compared to European lottery games like Eurojackpot and Euromillions (21-27%)
A man is 58 times more likely to have two penises than he is to win the Powerball lottery. - source
Australian's can take part in the U.S. powerball lottery, as the Northern Territory government allowed its citizens to gamble in international lotteries. - source
Siblings James and Bob Stocklas both bought Powerball lottery tickets while vacationing together in Florida. One of them won the jackpot, $291 million. The other brother's ticket won 7 dollars