Power Grid facts
While investigating facts about Power Grid Share Price and Power Grid Corporation Of India Limited, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 1999, 40 million people suddenly lost power in the Philippines, igniting fears of a possible military coup, only to find out that the cooling pipes of one power grid had sucked up 50 dump truck’s worth of jellyfish which caused the outage.
how power grid works?
The state of Texas has its own power grid to avoid dealing with the US federal government.
What power grid is my house on?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is power grid failure. Here are 50 of the best facts about Power Grid Corporation and Power Grid Recruitment 2019 I managed to collect.
what power grid am i on?
30% of the power produced in india gets lost due to the outdated electricity grid
There are three power grids in America. One for the West one for the East and one for...Texas.
From 2000-2001 in California, traders at the now defunct company, Enron, manipulated the price of energy by shutting down power grids causing rolling blackouts. These blackouts would increase demand for energy and thus cause the price to surge sometimes 20x above it's normal value.
Japan has two completely separate and incompatible power grids
The "Sisyphus Train," a project currently underway in Nevada meant to recover surplus grid power that can't be stored very easily. During the day, the excess power is used to drive the train up a hill. At night, the train rolls back down, generating it all back again.
When Adelaide opened it's power grid to competition, instead of lowering costs as intended, generators were shut down at peak demand so companies could charge more, leading to the highest costs for power anywhere on Earth
The clocks in microwaves and stoves use the frequency of the power grid to keep time instead of quartz crystals. As the frequency can fluctuate, this explains why they keep poor time.
A massive solar flare in 2012 barely missed earth (by mere days). Had it hit, the power grid would likely have failed, causing unprecedented devastation. Scientists recently determined that it was of similar magnitude as the 1859 Carrington Event.
Toshiba developed micro-nuclear reactor to power a standard home for 40 years at 5 cents per kilowatt hour, about half the cost of grid energy.
Power Grid data charts
For your convenience take a look at Power Grid figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why do solar flares affect power grids?
You can easily fact check why texas has its own power grid by examining the linked well-known sources.
40 million people simultaneously lost electricity in the Philippines, including the presidential palace, sparking fears of a possible coup, only to find out that the power grid was compromised by the cooling pipes of one power plant which sucked 50 dump trucks' worth of jellyfish.
There was a massive solar storm in 1859 that sparked fires in telegraph offices. Were a storm of that size to hit today, it would knock out power grids for months or longer. - source
The US Military developed a non-lethal bomb that creates a cloud of conductive dust, which short circuits electronics and can take out a country's power grid. - source
There are 2 artificial lakes in Virginia that are used as a huge battery for the power grid. One higher that lets water flow to the other through generators to generate power and then gets pumped back when there is a power surplus.
The state of Texas has its own AC Power Grid - source
When power grid failure?
Sanshool, the compound in Szechuan pepper that creates a tingling “electric feeling”, literally makes the lips of the eater vibrate at 50Hz, the same as most of the world’s power-grid.
How does the power grid work?
Cold War West Berlin was isolated from the European power grid; several small coal power plants had to supply the Western sector
GE and the U.S. Dept. of Energy have figured out a way to use excess carbon dioxide from power plants to store extra solar power and deliver it back to the grid for later use.
Thomas Edison's original power grid used to illuminate Lower Manhattan with DC powered lightbulbs in 1882 was in use for 125 years until the last of it was removed in 2007.
A phenomenon in the UK where a simultaneous TV and Electric Tea Kettle usage during peak soap opera hours cause a surge of up to 400 MW on the grid. And that they have power stations ready to accommodate the extra demand.
A Solar Flare is not like an EMP. It can mess up the power grid and satellites, but it won't fry personal electronics or data storage.