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Portmanteau Words facts

While investigating facts about Portmanteau Words Examples and Portmanteau Words List, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The word Scientist was coined as a portmanteau of Science and Artist in the 1830s.

how to make portmanteau words?

Wario is named Wario because it's a portmanteau of the words 'Mario' and the Japanese word 'warui' (悪い), meaning "bad"- not because a W is an upside-down M to signify that he's Mario's evil counterpart.

What is the portmanteau words of twist+fiddle?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are some portmanteau words. Here are 28 of the best facts about Portmanteau Words Generator and Portmanteau Words Pdf I managed to collect.

what are portmanteau words?

  1. "velcro" is a portmanteau of the French words "velours" and "crochet", meaning "velvet hook".

  2. The word ‘Spam’ is a portmanteau of “spiced ham”, though the product was originally known as Hormel Spiced Ham.

  3. While the word "Blitzkrieg" is a portmanteau of two German words, it was popularized in the English language before being imported to the German language.

  4. A computer 'Bit' is a portmanteau (a joining of words) between 'Binary' and 'Digit'

  5. Portmanteau is a portmanteau of "porter" and "Manteau" (a woman's cloak), originally meaning a 19th century briefcase. It was first used to specify a type of compound word by Humpty Dumpty in the 1871 novel "Through the Looking Glass."

  6. In 2014, ‘adorkable’ (a portmanteau of the words ‘dork’ and ‘adorable’) became the first word to enter the Collins Dictionary as a result of a Twitter poll.

  7. The correct term for a word that blends two different words but keeps both of their meanings (i.e. smog = smoke + fog) is "portmanteau"

  8. Snatiation, a portmanteau of the words sneezing and satiation, which is a medical condition characterized by uncontrollable bursts of sneezing brought on by eating a large meal.

  9. One of many words Lewis Carroll invented was "chortle"... a portmanteau of 'snort' and 'chuckle'

  10. The words emoji and emoticon, despite sharing a similar meaning and appearance, have no etymological relation. Emoji comes from a japanese term meaning 'picture letter,' while emoticon is a portmanteau of emotion and icon.

portmanteau words facts
What are the portmanteau words in jabberwocky?

What is true about portmanteau words?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Godzilla, or Gojira (ゴジラ) is a portmanteau of the Japanese words: gorira (ゴリラ, "gorilla"), and kujira (鯨 , "whale").

Stan, slang term for an obsessive fan, is a portmanteau of the words stalker and fan - source

The name "Tamagotchi" is a portmanteau combining the Japanese word "たまご" (tamago), which means "egg", and the English word "watch". - source

The term Ostalgie referrs to nostalgia for aspects of life in Socialist East Germany. It is a portmanteau of the German words Nostalgie (nostalgia) and Ost (east) - source

When did portmanteau words start?

The word "custard" is a portmanteau of "cunt" and "bastard"

How many portmanteau words?

Podcasts is a portmanteau (blend of word) of the Apple iPod and "broadcasts" - coined by BBC journalist Ben Hammersley in February of 2004.

There's a hidden bear on the Matterhorn logo of 'Toblerone' chocolate. It represents the town of Berne, Switzerland, which has a bear on its coat of arms. 'Toblerone' itself a portmanteau word derived from 'Tobler'(it's creator) and 'torrone'(nougat), contains within it the hidden word 'Berne'.

The word Portmanteau(eg: breakfast + lunch = brunch) was first used in this context by Lewis Carroll in the book Through the Looking-Glass.

A type of saxophone known as a "tubax", a portmanteau of the words "tuba" and "sax".

The term "Gerrymandering" (manipulating district boundaries to create partisan advantaged districts) is a portmanteau of the name of former Massachusetts Governor Elbridge Gerry and the word "salamander", as his redistricting somewhat resembled the amphibian.

Interesting facts about portmanteau words

“emoji” and “emoticon” are not related. emoji is an actual Japanese word that means picture(e)+character(moji) and therefore it’s similarity to the English portmanteau of “emotion” and “icon” is purely coincidental.

The ritual book of the Ku Klux Klan is titled the Kloran - a portmanteau of the words Klan and Koran.

The word 'cultivar' is a portmanteau of "cultivated (or cultigen) variety".

The word portmanteau originally referred to a type of suitcase that opened into two equal sections.

'Motel' is actually a portmanteau of the words Motor and Hotel

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Portmanteau Words. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Portmanteau Words so important!

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