Pine Trees facts
While investigating facts about Pine Trees Hotel Pitlochry and Pine Trees For Sale Near Me, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Blackcurrant fruit was banned in the United States in 1911 because the plant carries a disease that affects native White Pine trees. Whole forests were wiped out due to the disease. Because of the ban, not lifted until 2003, the flavor is relatively unknown in the US.
how pine trees reproduce?
Despite being commonly thought as being nothing but a desert, Arizona has the largest contiguous pine tree forest in the world
What pine trees are edible?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what pine trees turn yellow in the fall. Here are 50 of the best facts about Pine Trees In Florida and Pine Trees Hotel I managed to collect.
what pine trees produce pine nuts?
Maple trees aren’t the only trees tapped for syrup. The sap from Pine, Birch and Black Walnut trees also produce edible syrup.
A pine tree planted in 2004 in memory of former Beatle George Harrison died after being infested by beetles.
In 1964, dendrochronologist Donald Currey got his tree corer stuck in a bristlecone pine and retrieved it by cutting it down. After counting its rings, he realized he had killed the oldest recorded tree in the world.
Blackcurrant flavour is almost unknown in America because blackcurrant can spread disease to pine trees so was banned for most of the 20th century
A symbiotic fungus can turn regular pine trees into carnivorous plants that consume up to 90% of soil-dwelling insects the fungus-infected roots can reach for their nitrogen, which the trees use for growth
The tradition of putting Christmas lights up outside started in Denver, CO on Christmas Eve, 1914. D.D. Sturgeon, founder of Sturgeon Electric, wanted to give his ill son some Christmas joy, so he wrapped his pine trees with electric bulbs, which were dipped in red and green paint.
Pine trees scatter their needles across the forest floor to make it easier for fires to burn all of the other trees - pine is fire resistant so it survives.
A pine tree planted in 2004 in memory of former Beatle George Harrison died after being infested by beetles.
A pine tree planted in 2004 in memory of former Beatle George Harrison in a Los Angeles park died after being infested by beetles.
About The Indestructible Alkemade. A WW2 RAF Airman who survived a fall of 18,000 feet without a parachute, and suffered only a sprained leg. His descent was slowed by pine trees and he landed in 18 inches of snow.
Pine Trees data charts
For your convenience take a look at Pine Trees figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.
Why pine trees for christmas?
You can easily fact check why pine trees don lose their needles by examining the linked well-known sources.
The knobcone pine, (Pinus attenuata), requires fire to complete its reproduction cycle. Cones remain closed for many years until a fire opens them and allows reseeding. As a result, knobcone cones may even become embedded in the growing wood as the tree matures.
99.9% percent of Americans have never tasted blackcurrant, a widely popular berry in Europe. They were outlawed for almost a century because they spread a fungus that killed white pine trees. - source
The bristlecone pine forests in California whose trees are the oldest living organisms on the planet. At 4800 years old, some of the pines growing there today began growing before the pyramids were built. - source
In 1963 One Man Accidentally Killed the Oldest Tree Ever Recorded. It was a Great Bristlecone Pine, Nicknamed the Prometheus tree, and it was almost 5,000 years old.
99.9% of Americans have never tasted blackcurrant due to sanctions put in place to protect white pine trees. - source
What to do when pine trees turn brown?
An Irish mummified corpse from 392 - 201 BC was so perfectly preserved in a peat bog that archaeologists could tell that he used "hair gel"; his hair contained a substance made from vegetable oil mixed with resin from pine trees found in Spain/France, proving that imports/trade was done.
How pine trees grow?
In 1964, a bristlecone pine was killed after a graduate research student accidentally got his tree core stuck in it's trunk. The tree was cut down to retrieve the core only to find out it was the oldest known living organism known at that time. It was estimated to be over 5,000 years old.
There is a species of pine tree whose cones will only open when exposed to fire.
The Dancing Forest of Kaliningrad, where, for some unknown reason, the pine trees have grown into twisted shapes, such as rings and spirals.
During times of famine, Europeans added the dried, ground, inner bark of deciduous trees or Scots pine to their grain flour as an extender, making Bark Bread.
Trees found within Pinnacles National Park include gray pine, canyon live oak, and blue oak, and other vegetation found in its boundaries including greasewood, manzanita, California buckeye, coffeeberry, and elderberry.