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Pine Nut facts

While investigating facts about Pine Nuts and Pine Nuts Nutrition, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Romans may have invented the burger, called Isicia Omentata, over 1,500 years ago which was made with minced meat, pepper, wine, pine nuts and a rich fish-based sauce called garum. The Romans also introduced the first fast food restaurants, called a thermopolium, that sold hot ready-to-eat food.

how pine nuts are harvested?

Eating too many pine nuts at once can give you "pine mouth", where everything you eat has a bitter or metallic taste, even candy. The condition can last up to 2 weeks.

What pine nuts are edible?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's pine nuts. Here are 20 of the best facts about Pine Nuts Benefits and Pine Nut Tree I managed to collect.

what pine nuts are good for?

  1. Recently many people reported experiencing a reaction to eating pine nuts called “pine nut syndrome”. It results in a bad, metallic taste in their mouth that is heightened by sugar for 2 to 14 days. It can appear even if you have eaten them you’re whole life.

  2. Although it is easy to make hummus at home, it can also be purchased in a variety of flavors including sweet potato hummus, Thai coconut curry hummus, jalapeño cilantro hummus, green Chile lime hummus, avocado hummus, basil pesto hummus, roasted red pepper hummus, olive tapenade hummus, roasted pine nut hummus, sun dried tomato hummus, roasted garlic hummus, and the original hummus, among many others.

  3. There is a species of pine nut that causes a metallic bitter taste three days after eating it, which can last for weeks. (Known as pine mouth syndrome)

  4. 20 different types of pines produce nuts that are used in human diet. They are often baked in the oven or fried in the pan before the consumption.

  5. Pine nuts have the ability to wreck your mouth with a metallic flavor that can last anywhere from two to four weeks and show up unexpectedly within 24-48 hours after consumption. It's called Pine Nut Syndrome or "Pine Mouth" for short.

  6. Nut of the Chinese white pine is mildly toxic. It produces metallic taste in the mouth. This unpleasant sensation vanishes after couple of days. Medical condition associated with consumption of the Chinese white pine is known as Pine Mouth Syndrome.

  7. Female cones reach maturity 18 months after pollination. Each cone contains around 200 seeds that are orange-brown colored and shaped like pine nuts. Mature cones disintegrate from March to April to release seed.

  8. In Brazil there is a pine nut, 20 times the size of normal pine nuts, which is both very tasty, and at the same time also under threat of extinction. This nut ("pinhão") is prepared in a similar way to chestnuts, e.g. by boiling on the stove, and has a buttery, creamy taste.

  9. About pine mouth, the affliction where a couple of days after eating pine nuts everything starts tasting metallic.

  10. There is a place called Pie Town, NM home to a large pie festival and three shops dedicated to selling pies. One of them, Pie-O-Neer Pies, has a New Mexico Apple, Green Chile, and Pine Nut Pie.

pine nut facts
What pine nuts can you eat?

Why pine nuts are expensive?

You can easily fact check why pine nuts in pesto by examining the linked well-known sources.

Eating pine nuts can cause "pine mouth," a bitter or metallic lingering taste in the mouth that can last for weeks.

Fiddleheads have gelatinous and succulent, but also crunchy texture (even after cooking). Their taste is often described as blend of artichoke, asparagus and pine nuts.

Sokushinbutsu, the Buddhist practice of self-mummification by adhering to a wood eating diet made up of salt, nuts, seeds, roots and pine bark. - source

Eating a Certain Type of Pine Nut Can Cause a Bitter/Metallic Taste Lasting Up To 2 Weeks

By eating pine nuts one can be stuck with a bitter taste in their mouth for weeks. - source

When to harvest pine nuts?

Pinion Nuts can cause a condition called "Pine mouth", which can cause a bitter taste in the back of your mouth for up to several weeks.

How pine nuts grow?

Beetles taste like apples, wasps taste like pine nuts and worms taste like fried bacon.

Eating pine nuts can ruin everything you taste for the next two weeks.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Pine Nut. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Pine Nut so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor