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Picasso Painting facts

While investigating facts about Picasso Paintings and Picasso Paintings For Sale, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Pablo Picasso carried a revolver loaded with blanks, which he would shot at people who asked about the meaning of his paintings.

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When Picasso was interrogated by an SS officer about his painting Guernica, “Did you do that?” Picasso replied, “No, you did.”

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Picasso Painting Price and Picasso Painting Style I managed to collect.

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  1. Robin Williams took a huge pay cut to voice the Genie in Aladdin, if certain conditions were adhered to. Disney reneged on the promise and later apologised to him with the gift of a Picasso painting.

  2. Students at Oberlin College can rent original paintings by Picasso, Monet, and Dalí (among others) to hang in their dorm rooms for $5 per semester

  3. Robin Williams was agreed to be paid $75,000 for voicing the Genie in Aladin, which went on to gross over $200 million domestically. Disney later sent him a late Picasso painting (estimated at the time to be worth $1 million) as a way of thanking him for his work.

  4. In 2006 casino mogul Steve Wynn was set to conduct the largest art transaction in history by selling Picasso's Le Rêve for $139 million. The day before the transaction was set to take place Wynn accidentally stuck his elbow through the painting.

  5. A contract between Disney and Robin Williams stating that the Genie from Aladin could not be used in any sort of merchandising or tie-in products. After Disney broke the contract, Robin received a Picasso painting as an apology.

  6. Picasso once famously said: "It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child." Researchers hypothesized that this is because early childhood is a period characterized by "exuberant neural connectivity" that facilitates "arbitrary sensory experiences in infants."

  7. Steve Wynn bought a Picasso for 45 Million in 1997, accidentally put his elbow through it causing over $90,000 in damages. This story added value to the painting and was sold for 155 Million in 2013.

  8. Pablo Picasso's 1932 painting "La Lecture" depicts Picasso's mistress asleep with a book upon her lap. The painting led to the breakup of Picasso's marriage after his wife saw it at an exhibition and realized that the facial features (though highly stylized) were not her own.

  9. Picasso's famous piece, "Guernica", which evokes a terrifying theme of chaos and destruction, was once seen by a Nazi officer who was going through Picasso's apartment. "Did you do this?" the Officer asked upon seeing the painting. Picasso replied, "No, you did".

  10. Researchers trained pigeons to discriminate between paintings by Picasso and by Monet. They won the humorous Ig Nobel Prize in psychology for their work.

picasso painting facts
What are the best facts about Picasso Painting?

What is true about picasso painting?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

A Nazi officer saw a photo of Picasso's Guernica, a painting highlighting the horrors of war. The officer asked Picasso, "Did you do that?" and Picasso said, "No, you did."

X-ray analysis is commonly applied to ancient paintings in order to reveal corrections, underdrawings and even figures the artist wanted to hide, such as a hidden man in Picassos "Blue Room". - source

Pablo Picasso burned many of his early paintings to stay warm. - source

Many of Picasso's paintings and other art are on display around the world at museums.

Disney only paid Robin Williams $75,000 but promised not to use him in their advertising. When it became clear the genie was a fan favorite they went back on this deal and bought Robin a Picasso as an apology. Robin planned to burn the painting on live TV as revenge. - source

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A young Pablo Picasso had to burn his own paintings for warmth in his freezing Paris apartment

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Picasso's paintings have been stolen more than those of any other artist.

Once Robin Williams got so upset at Disney that Disney sent him a 1 Million dollar worth Painting by Picasso as a means to apologize to him.

Honeybees can process visual information so well that they can differentiate between Monet and Picasso paintings.

Cubist paintings involve breaking apart objects and reassembling them in an abstract form while highlighting geometrical shapes with multiple points of view, creating a type of collage.

Pablo Picasso's first painting as a child was "Le picador" - a man on a horse in a bullfight. He was nine when he painted it in 1890.

Interesting facts about picasso painting

Pablo's most famous paintings include "Women of Algiers" (sold for $179 million), "Dora Maar au Chat" (sold for $95 million), and "Garcon a la pipe" (sold for $104 million).

In 2012, three men stole 7 paintings, including works by Picasso and Monet, from a Dutch museum. The works have never been found- after they were arrested, it was alleged that the mother of one of them had burned them in her stove. She denied this, despite the remains of paint in the ashes.

In 1907 Pablo Picasso painted his first Cubist painting. Together with George Braque, another painter at the time, they founded the Cubist movement and became known as co-founders.

A Dutch art detective dubbed the "Indiana Jones of the Art World" has struck again, finding a Picasso painting worth 25 million euros stolen from a Saudi sheikh's yacht in the French Riviera in 1999

In 1995, three Japanese psychologists earned an Ig Nobel Prize for training pigeons to recognize the paintings of Claude Monet and Pablo Picasso and to distinguish between the painters.

Pablo Picasso was capable of painting incredibly realistic paintings at the age of 15

Young Brigitte Bardot met Pablo Picasso in 1956 and some speculate she really was trying to convince him to make her his latest muse. Allegedly, Picasso refused to paint the French beauty, although he never said why

Pablo Picasso is estimated to have created around 50,000 pieces of artwork. This includes 1,885 paintings, 1,228 sculptures, and about 12,000 drawings"

Picasso's most famous Surrealist painting, which he completed in 1937, was "Guernica". It is an anti-war painting and considered one of the greatest paintings of all time.

Steve Wynn once put his arm through a $139MM Picasso Painting as he was selling it. Costing $90M in repairs and losing its value by $60MM.

The day after agreeing to sell the Picasso painting "Le Rêve" for $139 million, the seller put his elbow through it creating a 6-inch tear. Seven years later and after a $90k repair, the seller sold it to the same buyer for $155 million.

Pablo Picasso painted a movie poster for the Yugoslav war movie "Battle of Neretva" which, according to the director, the famous painter agreed to do without payment, only requesting a case of the best Yugoslav wines.

Trained pigeons can tell the difference between Picasso and Monet paintings. Upside-down images of Monet's paintings disrupted the discrimination, whereas inverted images of Picasso's did not.

Trained pigeons can tell the difference between the paintings of Pablo Picasso and Claude Monet.

Trained pigeons can tell the difference between painting of Pablo Picasso and Claude Monet

Congo the Chimpanzee, who learnt to paint abstract art, and whose art was admired by Picasso, Miró and Dali

In 1981 Pablo Picasso's painting Guernica, created in 1937, was added to the Museo del Prado's collection. In 1992 it was moved to Museo Reina Sofia as Museo del Prado wished to focus on work created in the 1800s or earlier.

Picasso's painting Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (The Young Ladies of Avignon) isn't named after the French city of the same name, but rather after Carrer d'Avinyó, a street in Barcelona.

There is a painting of a woman underneath Picasso's famous work "The Old Guitarist."

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Picasso Painting. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Picasso Painting so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor