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Ph Ph facts

While investigating facts about Indicator and Ph Ph Scale, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Archaeologists routinely find edible honey in ancient Egyptian tombs - the stuff never spoils, due to extremely low water-content, very low pH, and hydrogen peroxide (made by an enzyme in the bees' stomachs).

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Dr. Soren Sorensen developed the pH scale in order to test the acidity of beer to ultimately make better beer.

What is the ph range of phenolphthalein?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is ph up and ph down. Here are 50 of the best facts about Ph Ph Price and Ph Phet Scale I managed to collect.

what is ph and ph scale?

  1. The most corrosive acid is fluoroantimonic acid, with a pH of -31.3. It is 100,000 billion billion billion times more potent than stomach acid.

  2. Warheads candy has a pH of 1.6, compared to battery acid's pH of 1.0

  3. About the French Bread Law of 1993, which outlines specific rules for the sale of bread in France. Specifically, baguettes can not be frozen before sale and must be made fresh with no additives. It even specifies a maximum pH level and bacteria counts for sourdough starters.

  4. The water in a disused quarry had to be dyed black because people were swimming in the 'lagoon' despite the pH of the water being 11.3.

  5. The PH scale was invented in Carlberg's laboratory to improve the brewing process of beer.

  6. Warheads candies are more acidic than stomach acid and approach the pH level of sulfuric acid.

  7. Warheads Sour Spray is shown to have a pH level of 1.6, approaching the pH level of battery acid at 1.0.

  8. You shouldn't brush your teeth within 60 minutes of eating a meal as your acidic oral pH makes your tooth enamel too easy to brush away

  9. The concept of PH was invented to make better Beer.

  10. HP founders, Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard, flipped a coin to decide whether their company would be named Hewlett-Packard (HP) or Packard-Hewlett (PH).

ph ph facts
What is ph in ph balance?

What is true about ph ph?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Milking and Drinking Killer Whale milk used to happen more than you think! Staff at SeaWorld would taste it to test for PH levels. An Exec said "I once had killer whale milk. I'll starve to death before I have that again. It tastes like fish. It's got like 15 times more fat than cows milk"

Monster Energy has a pH of 2.7 and Rock Star has a pH of 1.5. This means that these drinks are in some cases more acidic than stomach acid and begin rotting teeth and damaging your digestive system almost immediately. - source

The reason water feels as it feels when it touches the skin is actually a complex electro-chemical reaction. The sensory inputs are a combination of the pH of your body and the water, the temperature of your body and the water, atmospheric pressure, and molecular polarity.

There is an "X" in "LAX" because they had to switch from 2 letter airport codes to 3 letters in the 1930s due to so many being built. Hence also "DXB" for Dubai. Phoenix (PHX) was originally simply PH and the "X" completely coincidental. - source

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Clive Cussler's first non-fiction book published, The Sea Hunters, earned him a Doctor of Letters degree. In 1997 the State University of New York Maritime College's Board of Directors accepted the book in place of a Ph. D thesis, and gave him the degree.

In the 1970's, the pH of rain samples from parts of NY were at 3.3 due to pollution from the rust belt, the same acidity as grapefruit juice. The default pH of rain is 5.1. This prompted the creation of the term "Acid Rain."

Frank McCourt returned to Ireland in the late 1960s where he spent a year and a half at Trinity College. He tried to earn a Ph. D but returned to the U.S. without earning one.

The US armed forces have added a load of propeller driven aircraft to their ranks (think WWII style). They can still bomb targets, shoot bad guys and do reconnaissance BUT they cost $600 PH to run as opposed to the $16K for jets, and missiles find it hard to target them.

When acid rain lands in the water such as streams, lakes and rivers, it changes the pH and makes the water toxic to the fish and other life in the water.

The resulting pH meter is considered one of the greatest pieces of technology in chemistry.

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Vulture stomach acid has a pH of 1.0 and eliminates deadly bacteria, such as B. anthracis (anthrax). Vultures also urinate on themselves to rid accumulating bacteria and aid in thermoregulation.

NASA scientists have described Lake Untersee in Queen Maud Land, Antarctica, as one of the most unusual lakes on Earth with a pH like that of strong Clorox.

Scientists accidentally discovered that they could produce graphene droplets for medical testing without any equipment, when the preparation solution spontaneously produced the droplets simply because of its PH. The droplets are magnetic and can be used to deliver medicine precisely.

Despite alternative health claims, there is no way to adjust the body's pH. Alkaline diets, water, and other attempts to changes the body's pH for health benefit have no scientific support, despite being widely considered working practices.

Acidophilic Archaea inhabit extremely acidic areas (pH 0). They are often used for the extraction of copper, gold and cobalt from the ores.

Acid rain has the same approximate pH as vinegar and orange juice.

Humans, unique among primates, have stomach pH values closer to carrion feeders than to most carnivores and omnivores. In light of the number of pathogens that infect and kill humans, natural selection may have favored high stomach acidity because of its role in pathogen prevention.

A beer company is responsible for the creation of the pH scale.

Beer has the same ph level as the vagina.

In 1875 the creator of Carlsberg Beer set up a lab that isolated the first commercial beer yeast AND discovered pH.

There is a blue lagoon in Buxton, England, which has a similar pH level to ammonia and bleach

Acid rain has a pH of 4.3 while pure water is perfectly balanced at 7.

Carter G. Woodson, the ‘Father of Black History", was the son of former slaves Eliza and James Woodson. He earned a master's degree at the University of Chicago and a Ph. D from Harvard University.

Meatballs, Meatloaf, and similar ground beef food items stay pink inside even after cooking for over 3 hours due to nitrates, carbon monoxide, and/or the PH of the beef. It does not mean they are undercooked.

A 2016 study of 379 commercially available, non-alcoholic, drinks found that only 7% (25 of 379) were minimally or non erosive to teeth, with a pH of > 4. The pH of dental plaque is 4. Only un-flavored water, root beer, vegetable juice, coffee and some teas had pH > 4.

A sugar substitute derived from a plant called Stevia Rebaudiana. It has 30-150 times the sweetness of sugar, is heat-stable, pH-stable, and non fermentable. The body does not metabolize the glycosides in stevia, so it contains zero calories like some artificial sweeteners.

The feeling of tiredness and laziness you get after eating a big meal is called "Alkaline tide". It is caused by bicarbonate that enters the blood and temporarily raises its pH.

Carlsberg Beer has been a science innovator since the 1870s. While today they are using artificial intelligence to create new beer flavors, the lab they established in 1876 developed the pH scale that has become the standard for determining acidity of a liquid.

The average pH value of pumpkins is 4.90 - 5.50, which means that it's actually acidic, not basic.

Hydrangeas change color based off of their soil pH (e.g. acidic blue, basic pink)

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Ph Ph. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Ph Ph so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor