Paying Attention facts
While investigating facts about Paying Attention Crossword Clue and Paying Attention Synonym, I found out little known, but curios details like:
15% of American divorces are caused in part by "men paying more attention to their video games than their spouse", as of 2011.
how to get better at paying attention to detail?
In 2008, an Australian court case costing over a million dollars had to be aborted when it was realized that five out of the twelve jurors were playing Sudoku instead of paying attention.
What's paying attention?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what time is have you been paying attention on. Here are 45 of the best facts about Paying Attention Crossword and Paying Attention To Detail I managed to collect.
why am i so bad at paying attention?
In 1915, the Washington Post made one of the most infamous typos in newspaper history by misspelling 'entertaining' as 'entering' while covering one of Woodrow Wilson's dates with his fiancée: "Rather than paying attention to the play, the President spent the evening entering Mrs. Galt."
A class at the University of Minnesota managed to condition their psychology professor by paying more attention and laughing at his jokes each time he stood in the right side of the room.
In the US, "hamburger" is a protected term that cannot include water, phosphates, extenders, or binders. "Beef patties" can, however. Pay attention next time you see pre-made, frozen "beef patties" at the supermarket.
After arriving in Los Angeles at 19, a broke Charlize Theron tried to cash a check from her mother to pay for rent, but the teller refused. She got into a shouting match with him, drawing the attention of a talent agent behind her, who introduced her to casting agents and an acting school.
Ceiling height of a particular room can influence the thinking of people in that room. High ceilings make people more creative, whereas low ceilings make people pay more attention to details.
Sea shells sound 'like the ocean' because they act as resonators - you are actually hearing "the ambient noise that's being produced all around and inside you, which you normally don't hear or pay attention to because it's too quiet."
Drachten, a town in the Netherlands, where almost all traffic lights and signs have been removed in the town's centre in an effort to improve traffic safety, based on the theory that drivers pay more attention to their surroundings when they cannot rely on strict traffic rules.
Astronomer Ptolemy thought that the gods, out of curiosity/boredom, would peer down at the earth from between the spheres; when this happened, stars would slip out of this gap, flashing towards the earth. Shooting stars meant that the gods are now paying attention to whatever you would wish for.
The reason for Power Girl's enormous breasts is due to the artist believing his editors were not paying attention to anything he did. Eight issues later, they noticed.
Language can prompt speakers to pay attention to certain features of the world. Russian speakers are faster to distinguish shades of blue than English speakers, for example. And Japanese speakers tend to group objects by material rather than shape...
Why paying attention to detail is important?
You can easily fact check why paying attention in class is important by examining the linked well-known sources.
Whale sharks are not afraid of the ships. Sea captains need to pay close attention when they sail in the oceans where whale sharks can be found if they want to avoid collisions.
It is common practice by companies to release bad news on Fridays. The rationale is that is when investors and readers are paying the least amount of attention. - source
Your brain is more active daydreaming than when you are paying attention in school. - source
Throughout the world boys are lagging in overall achievement. "It's tough for all kids to sit down and pay attention for six, seven hours but it's generally harder for boys"
At 10:07 am PDT on October 3, 1995, when OJ Simpson was acquitted of murder on both counts so much work stopped to pay attention to the verdict that it cost an estimated $480 million in lost productivity. - source
When paying attention becomes counterproductive?
There is a condition called Hemispatial Neglect where the sufferer can only pay attention to half whatever they experience. E.g. people will only eat half of what is on their plate because they don't know there is a full plate of food in front of them.
How does paying attention contribute to information storage?
Ken Allen, an orangutan who kept escaping his enclosure at the zoo. He would walk around the zoo looking at the other animals & throw rocks at another orangutan he didn’t like. When there was a film crew, he threw poo at them because they were paying more attention to the gorillas.
Puppy dog eyes are real: dogs produce certain facial expressions when humans are paying attention to them
Cashews have a high magnesium content, ~82.5 mg of magnesium per ounce. The U of Maryland Medical Center notes a number of drug interactions with magnesium. Pay close attention to drug info and if medications list magnesium as a concern, be aware that cashews may contribute to drug interactions.
We have specialized nerve endings, Pruriceptors, which only transmit “itching” sensations to our brain if stimulated. Scratching interups them by stimulating pain nerve receptors and tricking our brain to pay attention to those new sensations thus relieving us from the pruriceptors signaling.
Van Halen used to demand a bowl of M&M’s with all the brown ones removed to insure that the venues staff payed attention to every detail of the setup. If a bowl had one brown M&M, they would call off the show.