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Parking Garages facts

While investigating facts about Parking Garages Near Me and Parking Garages Nyc, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A woman named Chante Mallard hit a homeless man with her car, sending him through her windshield. She drove home, parked her car in her garage & left him stuck there. He died, so she took the body to a park & set fire to the car. She was caught 4 months later when she talked about it at a party

Even though Google's self-driving cats have logged over 700,000 miles, they have yet to overcome the navigational hurdles of snow, heavy rain, open parking lots, multilevel parking garages, construction zones, and when the sun is directly behind a traffic light.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 37 of the best facts about Parking Garages In Dc and Parking Garages In Boston I managed to collect.

  1. The conspirators of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing were caught when one of them tried to reclaim his deposit on the rental van they used to carry the bomb into the parking garage.

  2. In 2007, a new parking garage in Germany ended up with two parking bays that had a peculiar shape and required a complicated parking maneuver in order to park there. Officials declared them Men's Parking Spaces to discourage unskilled drivers from attempting the maneuver.

  3. There is an underground parking garage in Israel that can be converted in 3 days to a fortified emergency hospital with room for 2,000 patients. It can generate its own power and store enough oxygen, drinking water, and medical supplies for up to 3 days.

  4. On the fourth floor is the library and on the fifth floor is a basketball court and gym. The basement has a mailroom, and a parking garage.

  5. Valdosta State University administratively withdrew a student for peacefully protesting the construction of new campus parking garages, resulting in a civil rights lawsuit and a $900,000 payout

  6. The 9/11 memorial lights are a temporary setup on top of a Manhattan parking garage

  7. The "Parking Garage" episode of Seinfeld was filmed on the sound stage. The audience bleachers, Jerry's apartment and the restaurant were removed, and mirrors were setup around the entire set to make the garage look bigger.

  8. The murder of Gregory Glen Biggs. A hit and run accident left the victim, Biggs, lodged in the windshield of Chante Jawan Mallard's car. Mallard drove home, leaving the injured Biggs stuck in her windshield, and parked her car in her garage where he died several hours later.

  9. An 80 year old man crashed his car through a twelfth floor parking garage, penetrating the air shaft.He hit fans that circulate air at each level, breaking his fall at the fifth floor.He escaped the car, was pinned between the car and the wall, called 911, and escaped with no major injuries.

  10. A man decapitated his best friend, while drunk driving when his friend stuck his head out of the window. He then drove home, parked his car in his garage and went to sleep. The next morning he discovered his friend's body in his car while his head was still on the road

parking garages facts
What are the best facts about Parking Garages?

What is true about parking garages?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

A parking garage in Miami Beach was described as having a "stunning" design and has hosted weddings, wine tastings, and dinner parties.

Seinfeld's "The Parking Garage" episode wasn't actually filmed in a parking garage. They dismantled their entire set to build the garage, and lined the walls with mirrors to make it look larger. - source

There is a tiny house stubbornly standing amidst a parking garage in WA. - source

For most of its history, the Pentagon had only one passenger elevator, which the Secretary of Defense used to get from the parking garage to his office. Since renovation, there are now more.

In the early 20’s Westinghouse combined parking garages and ferris wheels to invent a parking space that while only ~2 cars wide, could fit at least 2 dozen automobiles. - source

3 years ago Miami Dade College reached a $33.5 million settlement with the contractor and subcontractors hired to build a parking garage at the Doral campus that collapsed during construction killing four people and injuring seven others.

There is a Cold War era bomb shelter underneath Stockholm capable of housing 8,000+ people. Until it is needed, part of it is being used as a parking garage.

The light from the Tribute in Light doesn't shine from the place where the Twin Towers once were, but are setup on the roof of the Battery Parking Garage instead, a few blocks south of Ground Zero.

Some parking garages in Germany designate particular parking spots for women as a safety measure

A parking garage has been listed as one of the most secure places in the world.

Even though Google's self-driving cars have logged over 700,000 miles, they have yet to overcome the navigational hurdles of snow, heavy rain, open parking lots, multilevel parking garages, construction zones, and when the Sun is directly behind a traffic light.

Interesting facts about parking garages

The Michigan Theatre in Detroit, the theater they built a parking garage inside, is on the site Henry Ford built his first car.

When serving as guest curator at Minneapolis's Walker Art Center in 2011, filmmaker John Waters had speakers in the parking garage play random car crash noises. (They were taken down after tons of complaints.)

getting towed by a car while on drift trikes and longboards in a parking garage is a very bad idea...

Wild boars have infiltrated Hong Kong and run through public parks and parking garages. One of them got into a shopping mall, crashed through the ceiling of a children's store, freak out, bit a mannequin, and got trapped in a changing room.

I learned to build a parking garage by hand~

When a hotel owner in Dallas wanted to build a parking garage, the city council declined his request, claiming it would be an "eye sore." So instead, he built a giant eye ball.

Mötley Crüe bassist Nikki Sixx's mum dated comedian Richard Pryor for a short period. He recalls "playing in the parking garage with my sister and a car pulling in and my mom and Richard [Pryor] getting out. They were blasted."

It is the 22nd anniversary for when a bomb went off in the World Trade Center's parking garage, killing 6 and injuring more than 1000 others.

We Drive on Parkways and Park on Driveways. A parkway is called a parkway is because they used to be roads that went to scenic parks. And the reason a driveway is called a driveway is because it's the conduit for a car from the street to the house's garage.

Few days after the Pearl Harbor raid, the US Army occupied Walt Disney Studios for 8 months–the only Hollywood studio under military occupation in history. Among reasons were placing anti-aircraft guns to defend nearby factories from enemy planes and converting parking garages into ammo depots.

An artist installed tiny ladders, bridges, and an apartment balcony in out-of-the-way places inside a parking garage.

An apartment building in China tipped over, but remained completely intact, after excavation on the side of the apartment to create an underground parking garage weaken the foundation the building was built on and rain washed the rest of the foundation away.

An elderly woman named Vera Coking refused to sell her home to a casino in Atlantic City, so the parking garage was built around it, years later, she also defeated Donald Trump in court after he wanted to turn the property into a parking lot.

In Jakarta there is a suburban block of 78 houses built on the roof of a 10-story parking garage; and another block like that on top of a mall

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Parking Garages. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Parking Garages so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor