Paper Scissors facts
While investigating facts about Paper Scissors Rock and Paper Scissors Stone, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In the Rock, Paper, Scissors game, on the first throw, paper is the best choice. Paper ties with paper and statistically, scissors is the least popular choice overall. Also, men favor rock.
how to play rock paper scissors?
There is a Rock Paper Scissors tournament held in Las Vegas that pays the winner $50k.
What is rock paper scissors?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is rock paper scissors game. Here are 50 of the best facts about Paper Scissors Rock Game and Paper Scissors Rock Lizard Spock I managed to collect.
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An underage drunk girl at Chilliest 2015 got herself out of a ticket by winning a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. The 3 police officers let the girl go after she beat scissors with rock but they ended up getting in trouble when witnesses posted Vines and the videos went viral.
"Rock, Paper, Scissor" has been around since 200AD. And the same hand gestures we use today have been used since the 1600's.
A Japanese business man made two big auction houses fight for his $20 million worth of business over a single game or Rock, Paper, Scissors (Roshambo)
An evolutionary rock-paper-scissors mechanism. Three variants of the Common Side-Blotched Lizard compete for mates; Orange males are adapted to steal mates from Blue males, who are adapted to steal mates from Yellow males, who in turn are adapted to steal mates from Orange males.
A federal judge once ordered obnoxious lawyers to resolve a petty and meaningless dispute with a game of rock, paper, scissors
Researchers at U of Tokyo have created a robot hand that has a 100% winning rate playing rock-paper-scissors. It does so by "cheating", using a high-speed camera to recognize the shape within 1 millisecond.
Researchers at the University of Tokyo have created a robot hand that has a 100% winning rate playing rock–paper–scissors. Using a high-speed camera, the robot recognizes within one millisecond which shape the human hand is making, then produces the corresponding winning shape.
A man decided to sell all his paintings and contacted two leading auction houses, undecided he told the two auction house's to play Rock Paper Scissors. Christy's (one of the houses) asked an 11 year old what to pick and she said scissors because "Everybody expects you to choose rock." They won.
Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock was around long before the Big Bang Theory referenced it
Paper Scissors data charts
For your convenience take a look at Paper Scissors figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why was rock paper scissors invented?
You can easily fact check why is roshambo rock scissors paper by examining the linked well-known sources.
In 2005 an art collector had Christie’s and Sotheby’s auction houses play Rock Paper Scissors to decide who got to sell his twenty million dollar collection.
Scientists in the University of Tokyo have created a robot that can always beat a human at rock-paper-scissors, at a 100% win rate. It uses a camera that can recognise the position and shape of the human hand to throw a winning move, all within a millisecond. - source
There are Rock Paper Scissors tournaments regularly held and they often offer hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars in rewards - source
There is a World Rock Paper Scissors Society that started in London, England and moved to Toronto, Canada in 1918 because Canadians are nicer.
In Japan, Rock-Paper-Scissors is used to decide things as trivial as who gets the extra milk to multi-million dollar decisions - source
When was rock paper scissors invented?
A Japanese art collector asked auction houses Christie's and Southebie's to play Rock, Paper, Scissors to decide who will sell his art collection. Christie's won, sold the collection for $20 million, and earned millions of dollars in commission.
How to win rock paper scissors?
A collector with works by Picasso, Cézanne and van Gogh contacted Christie's and Sotheby's, and had them play RPS for the rights to auction the $20 million collection. Christie's director's young daughters chose scissors, because "Everyone expects you to choose rock". Sotheby's chose paper.
In 2006, the two opposing parties in a court case couldn't decide where to hold a deposition, so the judge ruled that they would meet on the front steps of the courthouse for a game of rock-paper-scissors to settle the argument.
Rock Paper Scissors was invented in China, but popularized in Japan, where it's called Janken
Scissor-tailed flycatchers collect stems, flowers, moss, oat catkins, wool and various artificial items such as strings, paper, pieces of cloths and cigarette filters for the construction of nest. Female builds cup-shaped nest in the bush or trees. Construction of nest can last couple of days or few weeks.
A federal judge ordered two opposing lawyers to play rock-paper-scissors to resolve a disagreement over the location of a deposition.