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Overdue Library facts

While investigating facts about Overdue Library Book and Overdue Library Book Fines, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Emily Canellos-Simms held the world´s largest fine for an overdue library book at $345.14 which was checked out in 1955. The book was Days and Deeds. The library charged her 2 cents a day. She found the book 47 years later and presented the library with a check for her fine

how much are overdue library books?

In February 1961, East Orange, NJ police arrested 14 people from their beds at home after midnight. Their crime was failing to return library books that were more than four months overdue.

What happens if a library book is overdue?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what happens if your library book is overdue. Here are 12 of the best facts about Overdue Library Book Fee and Overdue Library Book Notice I managed to collect.

what is the fine for overdue library books?

  1. J. Cole graduated from St. John's University in 2009, but did not receive his diploma until 2015 due to an overdue library book

  2. Lee Harvey Oswald still owes an overdue book – The Shark and the Sardines by Juan José Arévalo – to Dallas public library.

  3. Arthur Boycott, the man with the longest overdue library book in history. He checked it out in the 1890s and it wasn’t returned until nearly 120 years later in 2016, by his granddaughter

  4. Libraries in NY will send collection agencies after patrons with severely overdue books as well as damage their credit score

  5. A 95-year-old returned a library book 74 years overdue. She offered to pay the $2,701 late fee, but librarian let her slide

  6. The most overdue library book every returned was 288 years late.

  7. There is a service that will act as a liaison between libraries and patrons with overdue book fines. This service employs a "Gentle Touch" philosophy that uses unfailingly polite and upbeat communication with patrons in order to "recover assets while preserving patron dignity and good will."

  8. Rapper J.Cole recieved his post-secondary degree diploma 8 years after graduation because he didn't pay off his fines for an overdue library book.

  9. A woman was due for a promotion and found out through her employer performing a background check that she has a warrant for her arrest. It was for overdue library books her son had. She had been moving around alot to get out of an abusive relationship which was why she never got any notices

  10. Michael Sandero, who had Cerebral palsy & his hand amputated by the City Council due to an overdue library book. Both were cured when he was struck by a bolt of lightning, causing him to become super strong ("the strength of two jeeps") & as intelligent as a "heavily concussed René Descartes."

overdue library facts
What is the fee for overdue library books?

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Overdue Library. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Overdue Library so important!

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